"So, what does Miss Cathlen want for me to check before we proceed inside?" Mia ask. 

"As of what I said a minute ago, about Prince Adam knights meddling around your residence," 

"Yes, what about it?" 

"I want you to check if they're still here. Lady Vendia told me before that she does not want me to be seen by any royal or noble blood person when we meet in secret, for a restricted reason," Alda mentions with some words that half stated lies. 

"Oh, so that's is your request?" Mia ask. 

"Yes, that's is my request," Alda answer. 

"Hm, then I shall do it. Stay and wait for me to come back here. Angela, did the Prince Adam knights mention a specific place as to where they're hiding?" Mia ask.

"No, they only mention what I mention to you both earlier," Angela answer as Mia nod and think deep as to where could the two puppets be hiding. 

"Angela mentions that they spy and wait for Lady Vendia to arrive back home," Alda mentions, which made Mia look at her with wondering eyes and puzzled thoughts. 


"If you are going to spy, where would you hide?" Alda asks, helping Mia uncovering the routes or places that she could check in haste. But Mia still could not find the view she wants her to see and discover.


'Aiyo... she has a good body for fighting but has no pace sense on finding an opening route to a mystery scene. She's still lacking,' Alda thought, deep sighing. 

"Try checking the tree's make sure you won't cause any disturbance inside your residence, check it like your only looking to the tree and having a relaxing time outside, understand?" Alda instructed Mia. 

"Mn, I will go now," Mia responds with a nod, then leap up back inside the Marquis residence, leaving the two together again.

Mia checks at the first tree in front of the entrance gate, then to the second tree beside Lord Marthen office, and third to the tree in front of Lady Vendia chamber and saw nothing. 

Mia stride back to the garden full of cautions and was about to climb up to the wall again, but she heard a rustling sound ten meters away from her area, which made her halt standing to her place, waiting for the sound to get closer.

"Mia?" A woman's voice calls out to her out of nowhere, making her flinch from surprise. Mia turns around and saw Beky wearing a maid outfit while carrying a lamp to her right hand. 

"What are you doing outside?" Beky asks as she went close to Mia's side. 

"Beky, are you heading back to our quarter?" Mia asks with a smile. 

"Yes, what about you? What are you doing inside the garden?" 

"Oh, I came to relax my mind and to take a stroll before I rest inside my chamber. How about you?" Mia answer Beky questions, lying. 

"Oh, uh. I also came here to take a stroll before going back to our quarter," Beky answer. 


The two of them stay in the garden for two minutes without talking. Mia and Beky only looking up a the sky with a feeling of contentment and freedom until one of them takes the courage to speak and ask.

"How is your childhood friend?" Beky asks, not looking at Mia as she continues staring at the sky above that's glittering and shimmering above. 

Beky knows about Angela and Mia's relationship because Mia told her all about her past life.  Beky is one of Mia's trusted friends, and they had the same experience in life. So Beky can relate to Mia's attitude and behavior most of the time. 

People who know them for the first time would think that they are insulting and bullying each other. Because they fight most of the time, scolded each other all the time. When they are working, they tease each other. But that is the way they showed support and understanding to one another.

"Angela is doing fine. She came by earlier," Mia mentions, making Beky surprised. 

"She did? Why you didn't tell me earlier," Beky responds, then slaps Mia's left shoulder. 

"Ouch! What's that for!" Mia hiss in pain as she touches and caresses her left shoulder that Beky smacked a second ago. 

"That's for not telling me that Angela came by her earlier," Beky reply.

"How could I? She only came here to tell me that her Miss gifted her a hairpin today, then she left," Mia explains with words full of lies as she wears a painful expression, still feel pain in her left shoulder. 

"That's all?" Beky asks in disbelief. 

"Yes, that's all," Mia answer, which made Beky chuckled. 

"Angela is cute," 

"Yeah, she is," Mia answer with a genuine smile, making Beky sense something different from her expression. 

"So, can I see your cute childhood friend this weekend?" Beky asks with a grinned smile. 

"Again with that question, No, you can't,"  Mia insisted on Beky request. 

Beky always requests Mia to let her see Angela for once because she's curious about what kind of person Angela is and what kind of features this person holds. That can make Mia smiled sincerely and warmly, but Mia always insisted and rejected her request.

"Eish! You do not want me to see your childhood friend's face even for once. You're so selfish. Is like your keeping her for yourself. You don't have to worry Angela is yours. I only want to see her face and meet her for once," Beky mentions with an eye roll.

"I'm sorry, I can't because I want to keep her safe. You know our situation, right?" 

"Do you still need me to respond to your question?" Beky asks with tired eyes and expression.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry," 

"Aish! Forget it! I hate seeing you being overdramatic," Beky complain as she smack Mia left shoulder again. 

"Aiya! Stop hitting my left shoulder! It still hurt from your previous smacking!" Mia complains back at her. 

"Hahaha, I'm sorry," Beky responds with a light laugh.

"Eish!" Mia reacted, annoyed by her, and Beky only replies with a laugh.


The two of them continue, having a relaxing time outside, but Mia is anxious and impatient because she's thinking of the two people who had heard their conversation a minute ago on the other side of the wall.

'Beky, please go back already,' Mia plead inside her thought, then saw Beky yawning and found a reason to chew her away. 

"Beky, go rest now," Mia mentions with a wistful smile.

"Aye? What about you? Let's go back to our quarter together," Beky suggest, but Mia declined. 

"I'm sorry. You can go ahead first. I still want to look at the stars a little more," Mia answer with a warm smile.

"Okay, I see you tomorrow then," Beky mentions while Mia only replied with a nod and smile to her. Beky then strides away from where she is standing and goes back to their quarters. 

Mia sigh in relief as she waits for four minutes before she leaps up to the other side of the wall and meets the two people once again, who looks at her with an awkward expression. 

Angela looks at her with flush red cheeks then turned away from her, which made Mia wonder and concern. 


'Well, this is awkward,' Alda thought as she felt uncomfortable being around Mia and Angela in the meantime because they all heard what Mia tell to Beky from the other side of the wall.

Mia walks closer to Angela, but before she could get closer to her. Alda blocks her way then wears a gentle smile, showing it to Mia, who wears a worried expression.

"Before anything else, how's the situation inside your residence?" Alda asks with the same smile. 

"They're not inside our residence anymore," Mia answer with a plain expression. 

"I see, so can you bring me to Lady Vendia chamber now?" Alda asks with a genuine smile. 

"Okay, but what about Angela?" Mia asks as she gazes at Angela, who still not facing her. 

"Oh, no. Angela will wait here for me to come back," Alda answer. 

"I see," Mia respond with a low tone of voice. 

"Yeah! So, let's go? So that you can come back and accompany Angela after," Alda mentions with a cheerful tone of voice but inside, she felt awkward and uncomfortable.

"Okay, Angela, I'll be back," Mia calls out to her, but Angela only nods to her, still facing her with her back. Mia deep sigh and feel stress because she does not know why Angela is acting weird and cold to her.

"Aiyo, come on. Let's hurry up so you two could talk in private, okay?" Alda mentions, whispering into Mia's right ear.


"Mn, by the way, are we going to leap up to the wall?" Alda asks.

"Yes, don't worry. I'll guide you," Mia mentions, but before she could gaze at Alda and help her climbing up to the wall, Alda already went over her, which made Mia shocked and impress.

"You," Mia blurt out, still not sober from what her seeing right in front of her.

"Oh, Angela didn't tell you that I know how to climb a wall?" Alda asks as she wears an innocent expression. 

"No, she didn't," Mia answer. 

"Jeje, don't mind that, come on, hurry up, let's go!" Alda mentions with a grinned smile.

"Mn," Mia answers as she also leaps up to the wall. They go down to the ground at the same time a ninja. 

"Are there guards roaming around this area?" Alda asks with a firm tone of voice. 

"No, the goes through our Miss chamber is clear," Mia answer with the same voice as Alda. They don't look at each other while they talk. They both focus their attention on the hallway onto the place they got to pass through as they walk in haste to get to Lady Vendia chamber.

To be continued.

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