"I will do the job," Sir Fen step front blocking Sir Lay from Sir Aloit view with his seven-point one height and bulky body, making Sir Lay surprised and concern. 

"Wha-" Sir Lay's unfinished words, surprised upon seeing Fen stood in front of him with no fear as he takes his responsibility to become Lady Vendia knight.

"Fen, what are you doing?" Sir Lay lean close to him while whispering his words.

"Oh," Sir Aloit utter also surprised upon seeing Sir Fen stood in front of him with no regard.

"Sir Fen, the person that Sir Aloit chose is not you. Go back to your position," Sir Albert mentions with a dominant glare to Sir Fen, but he didn't listen. Sir Fen stood at his places like a statue that will never budge with a face that showed no interest and no intention to back down, which made Sir Albert's blood boil in anger.

"You!" Sir Albert exclaimed in irritation. His hands trembled from anger while all the veins inside his hands are showing out, he tried to control his temper, but he could not stand to see one of his people being disrespectful and disobedient towards his order.

It made his blood boil that he strides fast to Sir Fen and about to punch him, but before he could do it. Sir Aloit stops him by gripping tight in his hand that he's about to use for a punch, then pulls it down.

"It's okay is good to see that someone is volunteering to be Lady Vendia knight is hard to choose when the person I chose is not willing to do the job," Sir Aloit mentions as he tried to reason out Sir Fen's disrespectful actions.

"Lord Albert, I apologize for Fen's actions," Sir Lay bowed to him in anxious worried for his loyal friend and brother.

Sir Lay and Sir Fen grow together ever since five years old. They raise themselves by begging for food on the street. 

In this world, not all people are gifted with such gold and wealth too. Before Sir Fen and Sir Lay become knights, the two of them first experience the bitterness and heavy burden of life.

Their parents were born with no power, no gold, and no promising wealth to show. They were from a farmer and laborer family, don't have much to offer, but the prosperity of love and warmth is present.

The two of them entangled at their crisis days when their parents died because of incurable illnesses. That's where the two of them start to walk on a road of unfairness and perseverance. 

The two young children could not do anything to help their parents because no one is willing to lend a hand or aid them for the status of their family are unbeneficial to all of them. 

Sir Lay and Sir Fen suffer at five years old and eight years old. No parents and no adult to guide them, but the two of them had each other. They meet at the road outside the Astrod land, and they decided to live and survive together. 

From the time they turned eleven and fourteen years old, that's when they found their passion and dream of being a knight.

It was a festive day where the Astrod land celebrates the autumn season, and King Phantrel decided to have a festive show parade for his town people. So they could feel joyful in celebrating the season of a new beginning of life. 

All his knights are required to participate in showing their skills and flaws to his townspeople during the parade. That's when the young dreamer saw the future that awaits them.

The two young children stared at all the knights with stars and silver dust to their eyes while they followed along with the crowd. Who enjoy the parade that the king has prepared for all the townspeople. All of them are being mesmerized, amaze, and lured to the beauty of the knights that perform their duty.

They like all people that has turned into a puppet. Because every time, all the knight change their positions and actions. All the townspeople's eyes will follow and stared like a person who got love at first sight.

Same as the two young children who also got struck by curiosity and new hope of living.  The two young children got out of focus that they could not notice where they're heading. 

Despite being lured into something incredible, the two young children continue following along with the townspeople until the two of them bump into something like a plank of wood, causing them to fall into the ground with a loud and painful thud. 

"Aiyeee," Lay hold his butt while hissing in pain. 

"Are you okay, Lay?" Fen asks while he has a face full of anxiety and panic. 

"I'm fine, but my butt hurts," Lay speaks out his feeling of discomfort to Fen. 

"Are you two all right?" A young but well-mannered sound of a man asks. 

Lay and Fen turned around and got mesmerized by the beauty of the three people in front of them. Who look at them with pity and worry. 

"Brother, why did you not look where you're going! Look at them, aiya. Here let me help you two up," The man who has an innocent but dominant aura mentions, squatting as he lends his right hand to Lay and Fen, who only keep staring at his right hand that has a white glove with a flustered expression. 

"Erm... but Sir, if we held your hand, the gloves in your hand. It will get dirty," Fen responds, concern. 

"Haiyo, such a considerate child, don't worry about it. Come take my hands," the young man gives out a sweet and gentle smile to them, while Lay and Fen still felt flustered.

"Ei! Come on, you two, we don't have much time! Accept his help already," the other young man raises his voice at them like he is pissed off and irritated, which made the two young children flinch in surprise and fear. 

"Aiya! Brother! Look, you made them scared!" the young man who lends his hand nag at his brother. 

"Hemp!" his brother scoff at him and turned his face away from them. 

"Aiyo, don't worry about him his only grumpy because he hasn't eaten lunch yet," the young man tried to reason out his brother's behavior with a gentle smile.

"Are you two hungry? Want to join us?" the young man added, which made the two young children afraid and scared of him. Fen stood up, then hide Lay from his back like a protective brother. 

"Oh, no, they misunderstood you, brother," the third young man mentions.

"...uh, um. I'm not a bad guy. I only want to treat you two to a meal," the young man explains with a flustered expression. 

"Yeah, right. Look at that two children. Do you think that two children would easily give in to your words? That two children already went through many things, base on their appearance and behavior. So let's go and have something to eat in the town before father notice that we left the castle with no permission," his brother mentions, which made him feel unhappy. He glances at the two children who stood in front of him for two minutes with a sad smile. Then he also stood up. 

"You two stay here, okay? We will come back with food. Brother A' Meng watches over them for me. Let's go, brother, A'ying," the first young man who approaches them demands towards his second brother. 

"Eh? But why me? I want to see the decoration of Astrod town. Hey, wait! HEY! Albert! A'ying! Don't go! YAH! Eish!" Meng shouted to his two brothers that's already running away from where he is standing. He kicked the ground upon feeling irritated and jealous, then turned to the two children, deep sighing, then smile.

"...Uh, hello, my name is Meng Jo, twenty years old. I'm not from here. I'm from the Alfendra Kingdom. It's nice to meet you two. Can I ask your two names?" Meng introduces himself to them but the to latter only look at him with a scared and unfamiliar gaze.

"...Uh, it's all right. We are good people. I'm a good person, me and brothers are good people. Uh, ugh... I'm sorry, I'm not good at comforting and convincing other people, so, erm," Meng added frustrated and embarrassed in front of the children, which made the two latter's a bit comfortable to him.

Lay tilted his head to the right as he look at the flustered and embarrass young man in front of them and recite his name.

"M-my name i-is Lay. I'm, I'm eleven years old," Lay stuttered upon introducing himself to Meng because he felt embarrassed. 

"Lay, what a wonderful name, and what about you?" Meng pointed his gaze towards Fen, who look at him with a plain but sturdy expression. 

'Ei? This child is strange,' Meng thought, upon seeing Fen strong facial expression. 

"My name is Fen, and I'm fourteen years old. Also, we are not from here, wherefrom another kingdom," Fen mentions, making Meng curious. 

Fen and Lay are both from unknown laborer land, which an outcast from any improvise and improve the land. But their land still sustains because of the trading business it provides outside. They trade gold from mining and crops. But no matter how sustainable land is their still lacking and insufficient resources, which gave all people suffering.

"Ahh, so you two are also visitors here in Astrod Land. Do you guys have brothers and sisters? Family?" Meng asks, squatting in front of them, while Lay continues observing him, hiding from Fen's back like a scared cat. 

"No, just us," Fen reply.

"I see. Do you guys love the festival that the king Phantrel has prepared today?" Meng asks, making Lay's eyes light up from excitement and curiosity. 

"There's a King?" Lay asks, peeking his head out from Lay's back.

"Yes, he's the one who prepares this event. So, did you two enjoy it?" Meng asks again with a gentle smile.

"Yes! We do, we do," Lay raise his voice from cheerfulness and joy, but after it, he got embarrassed, he hides into Fen back once again, which made Meng laugh for two seconds, then relaxes as he continues entertaining the children until his two brothers arrive.

"Aiyo, there's no need to be embarrassed, Lay. By the way, can I ask you two something?" Meng mentions.

"Mn," Fen reply.

"Are you two related in blood?"

"No, we're not," Fen answer with no seconds. 

"Ahh, I thought you two are brothers," Meng respond with a gentle smile. 

To be continued.

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