Trees are moving as the wind is passing. The rain keeps flooding into the independent town, making the day gloomy and cold. Bird is singing in panic while taking shelter under the tree. People on the street are busy selling and buying, while some are running back hom. Others are complaining of being drained under the rain while some are dancing with it.

While others have gloomy days, crises, and joyful days, inside the secure residence, two people are outside having tea as they settle inside the wonderfully designed greenhouse, which is made from steel and has unique structures designed.

Inside you can see many entertaining things, for examples dandelions, roses, salvia, and many more other flowers. On the right side has a tiny pond with tiny waterfalls and lotus flowers floating inside the pond. 

There are also butterflies inside with different raises and birds inside who give a more exciting sight. With the flowing water and natured environment, you sure will felt relaxed and having a wonderful time. 

Like the two people inside the greenhouse, Alda, and Cathlen, mother Duchess Aerwen is sipping tea while having a relaxing time entertaining their eyes with different colors of paradise inside. The place is quiet. All you can hear is all things install inside.

Duchess Aerwen already did all her errands the other day. So she decided to have time with her daughter today inside their greenhouse. Alda didn't refuse because she also has something she wants to request from Cathlen mother and is related to the fortune teller to the Voldron land.

She needs to fix the fatal problem regarding her girlfriend Yerre because if she makes it long. She does not know what will happen to Yerre after. She is scared. Alda wants to make sure no one would harm her Yerre again, so today, she decided to start planning on how to capture and clean the harmful bug out of the book.

"Mother," Alda asks while holding her teacup in her right hand that still has hot green tea. The weather is bitter today so having sweet and warm things stuck in your belly is good. Duchess Aerwen sips on her teacup, then puts it back on the tea plate and looks towards her daughter with a warm smile as she replies. 

"The weather is good today, don't you think?" Duchess Aerwen mentions with a smile, making Alda felt creep out for a second. Then replies with a forced smile.

"...uh, yeah. It is, but mother, um," Alda answer with an awkward tone of voice.

"Hm? Do you want something?" Duchess Aerwen asks while looking straight at her daughter.

"Um, the thing is, um, can I ask you about the fortune teller in the Voldrone land?" Alda answered with a question. 

"Go ahead," Duchess Aerwen reply as her mood resembles the weather today. Alda looks at her, surprised for a second, then smiles. 

"Is father and the fortune teller of the Voldroned land close?" Alda ask.

"Yes, the fortune teller's name is Tilda. She has a daughter name, Marsha nineteen years old. Tilda and your father meet on the verge of land authority. Did you forget she is the one who told us about your future that you will become Prince Adam's wife and a queen to Astrod kingdom," 

"A-oh, haha, I see. Yes, I forgot," Alda answer with a dry laugh.

"Is fine. Why do you ask about Tilda out of the blue? Do you want to visit the Voldrone land?" Duchess Aerwen mentions, which made Alda eyes shine with excitement. 

"Can I?" Alda ask in haste, making Duchess Aerwen surprised. 

"Y-yes," Duchess Aerwen stuttered reply.

"Then can I go and stay there for one-two days?" Alda asks in pace.

"Of course, you can stay at our villa mansion there. There are already servants and guards there. You do not need to bring things also. You already have things there," Duchess Aerwen answer. 

"Great!" Alda responds with an excited tone of voice with no mind that she already stood out from her chair, making a funny posture of her hands like a rock star. Duchess Aerwen looks at her daughter with concern and bewildered expression. 

Alda stands straight in haste, fixed her dress, and went back to her chair, sitting with an awkward and embarrassing feeling. 

"Ahem! Sorry about that, I mean, thank you, mother," Alda mentions as she keeps her eyes focus on her teacup, not looking at Duchess Aerwen, for she felt like not the right time to look at Cathlen mother for now. 

"The weather does great today," Duchess Aerwen takes her teacup back to her hand and then brings it close to her lips as she sips on her tea, acting like she didn't see her daughter doing a weird posture a minute ago. 

"Yes, it is," Alda does the same. She takes her teacup that has warm green tea inside and sips some. Duchess Aerwen put back her tea to the tea plate and once again look straight to her daughter with a smile. 

"So, you want to go tomorrow?" Duchess asks for clarifications. 

"Yes, if that's okay? Don't worry. I will get back home fast after," Alda responds with an unease smile. 

"Okay, but you must tell your father about that later. So he can arrange things there before you go tomorrow," Duchess Aerwen reply, which made Alda smile in gratitude. 

"Em, I will. Thank you for allowing me to visit Voldrone land, mother," Alda reply. 

"Your welcome. I also think that is great. You will be away from Astrod kingdom for the meantime, and you will have the freedom to relaxed," Duchess Aerwen mentions as her eyes showed worry and sadness while staring at her tea. 

'Ahh, right. I forgot about the break engagement matter. Haiyu, she must have thought that I still thinking of the Prince,' Alda sigh in her thought, then stood out from her chair, striding close to Duchess Aerwen, and hug her to her arms. 

"Mother, you don't have to worry. I am fine. Thank you for worrying about me," Alda mentions, making Duchess Aerwen hug her back. 

"No matter what happened and what you choose. I, your mother, will always support you," Duchess Aerwen responds, making Alda scoff inside her thought. 

"Je! I don't think you can handle seeing your daughter in a relationship of the same gender,' Alda thought as she breaks her embrace with Duchess Aerwen. Then went back to her chair. 

The two of them then continue their relaxing afternoon tea inside the greenhouse as mother and daughter until they have enough and retire back to their separate chamber.

Before Alda could enter Lady Cathlen chamber, she first went to the servant quarter to find Angela because she wants to send a letter to Yerre first informing her that she will visit her early tonight. 

After it, the two of them then went back to Lady Cathlen chamber ad she wrote the letter in haste. Alda finished the letter for two minutes. Then went to put the letter inside the white paper envelope, sealed it with red wax. That has a symbol of the Duke family, and give it to Angela.

"Give it to Mia once you have already done your work," Alda instructed. 

"Em, is that all you want for me to do, Miss?" Angela asks if she still has other things for her to do. 

"No, that's all," Alda answer with a gentle smile as she patted Angela's right shoulder and added words that made Angela's heart feel happy. 

"Take care on your way and come back to me unharmed, understand?" Alda mentions, which made Angela cheerful and happy. 

"Em! Don't worry, Miss. I will be careful and will come back unharmed," Angela replies with a thankful smile. Alda went on patting her head as she smiles then respond.


Angela then went out from Lady Cathlen chamber and went back on helping others from cleaning the mansions and other things inside onto outside the Duke properties. 

After five hours of working, she goes back to her chamber and changes clothes. Angela rest for thirty minutes then grabbed the cloak that Alda give to her before. She wears it then leaves her room. 

She went towards the head butler who is in charge of all servants and workers. To ask permission to go out. The head butler permits her to go out for only two hours. Angela nod then leave in haste to meet the hours that has given to her. 

Angela rode her horse away from the Duke residence in haste, carrying the hidden letter inside her cloth, hiding and keeping it safe from anyone except the receiver. 

She rode her horse at high speed, then arrived outside the Marquis residence after fifteen minutes. Angela leaped down from her horse, unravel her cloak, and went close to the gate. 

The Marquis guards then meet her while and ask her intention of visiting. Angela tells her usual excuse. To check on her friend Mia and the guards permit her inside. Angela didn't reveal her true identity to them.

The guards only know that she is the usual citizen outside the town because that is what Angela told them before, and they believe it for Angela only wear a laborer cloth. One guard guides her inside the servant quarter and leads her towards Mia's chamber, while the others took care of her horse.

When they arrived, the guard then asks other servants passing by the quarter to summon Mia back to her chamber because her friend is visiting. The other servant then runs to do what the guards ask them to do.

For three and half minutes, Angela waits outside with the guard then heard Mia's voice from five meters away. Angela turned around and saw Mia waving her hands as she smiles and shouting her name.

"Ange!" Mia shout as she runs faster to get to where Angela is standing with the guard. Angela wave and smile back at her. 

When Mia arrived beside Angela, she then hugs her for three seconds, then lets go as she looks at the guard, thanking him. 

"Like before, she can only visit you for only thirty minutes," the guard mentions, making Mia nod and understands. 

"Mn, don't worry. I will guide my friend out after," Mia answer, the guard nods then leave them two alone. Mia's face then turned serious as well as Angela's. 

"Let's get inside my chamber and talk. Is not safe outside," Mia mentions, and Angela nods.

The two of them went inside the chamber, and Mia locks the doorknob. So, no one could enter and interrupt their conversation. Angela went to sit at Mia's bed, then take out the letter that Alda made earlier from her cloth and lend it to Mia. 

Mia takes it from her hands and asks.

"What's this letter for?" 

"I don't know. I didn't read it, you know," Angela answered as Mia unsealed the letter, open the envelope, and read what's inside. She read the letter for one minute then look straight at Angela. 

"What is it?" Angela asks, curious. 

"She will visit Miss Vendia after dinner," Mia answered with a serious expression. 

"Oh, what's the reason? Did she put a reason?" Angela ask. 

"No, she did not put any," Mia answer. 

"I see, okay. So same strategy?" Angela mentions. 

"Yes, the same strategy but with extra cautions, because Sir Aloit is going to stay for one night at the Marquis residence," Mia mentions. 

"Sir Aloit? Who is that?" Angela ask. 

"Is Miss Vendia knight," Mia answers, making Angela worry and anxious. 


"Don't worry. Lady Cathlen will be safe with me. I can assure you that," Mia reply, making Angela sigh in relief and gladness. 

"Mn, thank you, Mi," Angela responds with a thankful smile to Mia. She stood out from the bed then went to hug her to her arms, feeling grateful to have such a caring and considerate best friend. 

"Mn, your always welcome," Mia answer as she hugs Angela back. They hug for one minute then let go of each other with an engraved smile on their faces.

"I should go back now," Angela mentions, then Mia nods. 

"Okay, let's god," Mia responded. 

Two of them then went outside her chamber while she hides the letter from her maid's outfit. They stride to the hallway for three minutes until they arrived at the gate. 

"I see you again next week, Mi," Angela said as she walks past by the gate and now beside her horse.

"Mn, take care on your way home," Mia responds, waving her hand to her best friend that's already sitting at the back of the horse and ready to go. 

"I will, you too!" Angela responds, shouting the last words as she slapped the butt of her horse, then rides away from the Marquis residence.

To be continued.

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