"I have my family now, you know," Sir Aloit reply,

"And then?" Madam Rose,

"Okay, I'm sorry," Sir, Aloit give up,

"Uh, mother..." Vendia call,

"Oh, Vendia, sorry. Aloit is making me raise my temper," Madam Rose mention,

"Ah, thats..."

"Now, now don't stay out long in the sun or else your skin will get tanned," Sir Aloit mocking her by repeating her words,

"Hemp! As if I have a unique white skin just like my daughter," Madam Rose reply, confident.

"Oh?" Sir, Aloit scoff,

"Sir Aloit goes back to your work!" Madam Rose demand pissed off.

"Madam Rose, go back to your room," Sir Aloit backfire, teasing Madam Rose more. Then Madam Rose stomps away, annoyed like a child.

"Mother..." Vendia looked at her mother, concerned,

"HA HA HA. She never changed. She is still as cute as a child and vulnerable as a rose, just like her father back then," Sir Aloit speaks, looking at Madam Rose walking away smiling. Vendia heard him and tilted her head to the left with a question.

"Grandfather?" Vendia mentions,

"Oh, you're still here? I thought you already leave," Sir Aloit said. She shakes her head for no,

"No, I will stay and help. I love it here so many flowers and refreshing," Vendia reply, admiring the beauty of the gardens,

"Oh PFT HA HA HA HA. You and your grandfather said the same thing," Sir Aloit replied, laughing, but Vendia can sense sadness inside of him as he speaks about her grandfather.

"So what is my grandfather like when he was just at his younger age, Sir Aloit?" She asks, then he stops laughing and looks at her,

"Well... he's very handsome, confident, strong but vulnerable inside and outstanding man," Sir Aloit describe,

"I see. I wish I have known my grandfather before he dies," Vendia mention, and Sir Aloit look at her puzzled,

"What are you saying? You saw him and spent time with him before he died, don't you remember?" Vendia look at him, surprised for a minute, then remembers something,

'That is right, I think he didn't know that Vendia has an accident because inside the book he is just an outcast, but now that I am here, he became one of the characters,' she smiles at him.

"I didn't know..." She replies,

"What do you mean you didn't know?" He asks, confused.

"Sir Aloit, you didn't know what happened to me, right?" She guesses,

"What? Did something happen to you?" Sir Aloit felt uneasy and worried as he went over to her,

"Sir Aloit, how many days were you away?" She asks.

"I don't know. I lose to count what happened? Did someone hurt you?" He asks somehow his voice sound angry,

"I had an accident and lost all of my memories," She confessed,

'What?' Sir Aloit felt like the world stop. His heart stops beating for a minute, then he snaps back, clenching his both hands into a fist.

"What kind of accident," He asks somehow, Sir Aloit, voice is heavy and shaky. Vendia senses the discomfort of his voice.

"I don't know. My memories, I haven't gained them back yet," Vendia answers,

'I'm sorry for lying to you, Sir Aloit,' She thought, feel guilt and sorry.

"I see," Sir Aloit's brief reply, not knowing his body trembled, not from fear but anger to himself.

"Sir Aloit?" Vendia got worried.

"Do you want to know what your grandfather wishes for me to do before he dies?" He said, looking down,

"Yes?" Vendia replied, confused.

"He wishes for me to have a family, live life full of freedom, and to protect you and your mother. He loves you like his second child, Vendia. Your grandfather treasured you so much," Sir Aloit confess, then Vendia went over to where he is and holds both of his hands.

"Sir Aloit is fine. I'm fine now. Is not your fault that this happened to me," She tried to comfort him and assure him she is fine now,

Sir Aloit doesn't know what to reply as he looks straight at her, wearing a guilt expression.

"Sir Aloit, I'm still alive and mother too. You can always redeem yourself to us, so don't worry, okay?" She pointed out then her words bring Sir Aloit back from the past where her grandfather is still with him.


"Aloit, you don't have to worry. I'm still alive," Mandruel Clause Vendia Grandfather said.

"But…" Sir Aloit crying his heart out for not be able to protect his master.

"Aloit, you must not feel weak in this situation. Redeem yourself again, prove it to me," Vendia grandfather, laying on his bed full of injuries,

"I will!" Sir Aloit oath,


*Flashback end*

"Sir Aloit?" She calls upon him, bringing him back to present,

"Uh-oh, yes, sorry, of course," He replies, nodding and hug her back, feeling warm, relieved, and comfortable. Vendia felt relaxed now, feels glad.

"I'm sorry," Sir Aloit apologies.

"For what, Sir Aloit?" She breaks the hug.

"For not being here with you all the time and for not be able to protect you," he responds,

"Well, you didn't know that I was in danger. So, you're out of it, Sir Aloit," She replies, trying to break out the drama,

"HA, you are clever, your right. I'm out of it but from now on. I am in, okay?" He replies, winking.

"Okay, Sir Aloit *wink*" Vendia reply, and they both laugh.

"Okay, let's go back on designing this garden now," He replied

"Are we going to design the garden with only two of us?" She asks.

"Yes, why?" He teases her

"You're joking, right?"

"Huh? Why would I joke about it?"

"But there's too many," Vendia complaining,

"Oh, what is this? Are you complaining? I thought you love gardening?"

'What? But I didn't say I love gardening. I mean to say I love being in a garden, but whatever,' she nagging,

"I do, but we won't finish this all if just the two of us," She inculcated

"Hmm... your right, you have a point," He pretended not to know,

"So?" She inserts

"HA HA HA you get panic ha," He's done teasing Vendia,

"What? Why are you laughing, Sir Aloit?" She asks clueless.

"We have some helpers coming, later on, to help us, don't panic, okay?" He responds.

"Oh, that is a relief then," She sighed,

'PFT HA HA HA oh god, this is hilarious. I can't believe your granddaughter is this cute and innocent Clause. She is just like you.' He laughs at Vendia, comparing her to her grandfather.

"Sir Aloit?" She calls at him because he stares at her for so long without noticing it,

"Oh, sorry, let's go continue our work," He replies

"Okay," Vendia responds, smiling.

To be continued....

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