The captain of the knight halted their march, then went close to where the other parties were located as he confirmed the emblem they saw from five meters away from them and figured that the carriage of those three knights was from the Astrod kingdom.

It was Prince Adam's knights and carriage. The captain of the knight went to inform Alda about it. When she heard the reason why they stopped, her mood got spoiled, and her days became gloomy. 

'Tsk! No wonder Sir Arnold Bird sang a while ago. He must have trained his bird about the different kingdom emblems. What a smart move, 'She thought, impressed by Sir Arnold's technique for training and enhancing his bird's skills, but that didn't exempt her from the irritation she felt towards Prince Adam.

She replies to the captain of the knight to proceed, and ignores them, but the knight has hesitation about her command, so she gives him a dominant look, then he follows. He went to the front line, signaled his people, then the carriage moved once again, but Prince Adam Knight stopped them.

"Halt, this is Prince Adam's command," Sir Ken mentioned as he went on blocking their way, which made Alda even more annoyed. 

She clicks her tongue in annoyance, then kicks the carriage door open in anger, causing it to scream out a loud bang as she goes out with a poker face.

"Lady Cathlen!" The captain of the knight leapt down from his horse in haste as he followed behind Alda, who walked at a fast pace to Prince Adam's carriage with no care.

All the knights look at her with a stunned expression while she strides close to the front line with no care about any people's eyes. Upon arriving at the front line, she stops her tracks, sighing, in stress, then walks once again, going further to Prince Adam's carriage while the captain of the knight only follows at her side, on alert.

Sir Ken, Sir Roy, and Sir Ben then jump out of their horses and greet her with a respectful gesture, but she only passes through them as if she had not seen them in front of her. Instead, she went close to the left door of the carriage and knocked, she said.

"Open the door," she demands as Prince Adam opens the door with a sincere smile, feeling happy upon seeing his ex-girlfriend once again. But the feeling of joy and gladness were erased in no seconds because of Alda's uncomfortable expression. 

"Cathle-I mean, Lady Cathlen, it is nice to meet you today," Prince Adam greeted her in a calm tone of voice, but inside, his heartfelt disappointment and sadness because he didn't see what he expected to see on Alda's face when he met her today. A smile and excitement. 

Alda didn't reply to him. Instead, she went inside his carriage alone, then closed the door with a loud bang, making Prince Adam startled and surprised. 

She looks at him with a poker face, has no interest in staying long inside and talking to him. 

"Speak what you want to say to me and hurry. I don't like to make my people wait outside for long, "Alda asks, showing an irritated tone of voice, which made Prince Adam feel less needed and hurt. But he didn't show it. Prince Adam hid it with a forced smile, then replied.

"I... I was on the way to my cousin's kingdom. Then Sir Ken saw your carriage also going in the same direction. So, I thought of greeting you. I apologize if I delayed you and your people, "Prince Adam replied with a smile. 

"Is that all? If that's all, then please excuse me. I will be going back to my people, "Alda responded with a displeased tone of voice as she stood up from the carriage couch, then almost went out, but Prince Adam stopped her by asking questions that made Alda confused.

"May I know where you are going?" 

Alda turns to his side, then gives him a look with furrowed brows and a confused expression as she replies. 

"Why?" Alda asked, making Prince Adam surprised and speechless for two minutes, but Alda could not wait for his reply because time was running and the day was also moving. She couldn't afford to delay her plan and made her people wait outside.

'Sigh, this Prince is oversensitive in love matters. Well, the book made him the way he is today. So, I can understand, but sigh! It's getting annoying. Sigh, let's finish this at once and leave, 'She thought.

She gave a deep sigh and patted Prince Adam's shoulder like a friend, then said. 

"I'm going to Voldrone land to have a vacation," she paused for a second, then continued talking as she looked at Prince Adam with gentle eyes and smiles.

"Look, let us go on our different way now. Let go of things you still have for me and open your heart to new opportunities. Things will never go back the way they were before, but you can still go on and live the way you want your life to work. I hope you understand what I mean and have a safe trip with your people. I must go now, okay? " Alda mentions as she patted Prince Adam's shoulder again, then went out to the carriage. Leaving a buffered, sad, and hurt Prince inside the well-designed carriage. 

While Alda keeps striding back to her people with the captain of the knight on her side, Prince Adam's mind is still thinking of her words and their memories like an obsessed man. Until he hears one of his trusted knights, Sir Ken, calling out for him outside the carriage, making him jolted awake from reality.

"Your highness? Are you ready to proceed? " Sir Ken asks

Prince Adam looks at his window inside, then nods with a forced smile as he replies. 

"Yes, move along,"

Sir Ken nodded, convinced by his words, then signaled Sir Roy and Sir Ben to start moving again. Alda tropes also followed behind him with three levels of boost. 

Their route continues connecting until they pass through another path that leads to two separate locations. One is pointed through Voldrone land, while the other one leads to Alfendra kingdom. 

Prince Adam stopped in the middle for a minute, while Alda didn't waste time, and they moved along towards the Voldrone land path. Their once connected fate is now separated. 

Prince Adam went close to his window, then opened it as he watched Alda's carriage and her tropes fade away from his vision. Sir Ken and his two other trusted friends and knights look at him and feel pity and sadness for their friend. 

Sir Ben sighed in distress and patted Sir Ken's shoulder to go and consult Prince Adam. So they can start to move along in their direction. Sir Ken nods, then commands his horse to get close to Prince Adam's carriage. 

"Your highness," Sir Ken called, making Prince Adam look at him with a bitter smile on his face as he restrained himself from crying out in front of his friend. 

"Let's go," he replies as he closes his window and looks straight at his carriage wall while tears of pain travel down his face like an end to the game. Sir Ken didn't interfere with his friend anymore. He looks at Sir Roy and Sir Ben, signaling them to move along to where the path leads towards the Alfendra kingdom. 

His two friends then moved the carriage, and together they all went to the Alfendra kingdom. With heartfelt concern and pain. 

Alda and her tropes continue marching for three and half hours, then another four hours passing through lands that create crops and farms. 

The sun almost sleeps, which makes the sky start to paint pallet colors, and animals run back to their lair to prepare for supper or hide from all the night hunters.

Alda peeks her head out the carriage window once again, then looks up as she sees Sir Arnold's bird flying in good shape when a surprising wind brushes her skin, making her feel relaxed for a few minutes. 

But her relaxing moment was interrupted by one of the knights shouting and signaling everyone. They almost arrived at Voldrone land. Alda's heart started pounding in panic and anxiety. 

She is unaware of what might happen to her once they reach the Voldrone land. But she is aware that she needs to finish this mission quickly and go back home. She convinces herself to never fret, that everything will go as she planned. Until her heart started to pump at ease.

She continues looking at the sky with her eyes closed, feeling the wind brushing her skin and face as it washes away all her worries and concerns, with no thought in her mind that the captain of the knight is already beside her carriage window.

"My Lady, wer-" the captain of the knight could not finish his words as he saw Alda having a relaxing time closing her eyes while feeling the wind brushing through her face and skin outside the window. 

The captain of the knight felt glad and relieved upon seeing Alda's peaceful expression, then rode his horseback to the front line, leaving Alda alone upon feeling the peace vibe that the wind had given. 

But inside, Alda's mind is still worried and concerned. She opens her eyes once again, looks up at the sky, then smiles as she thinks full of bitterness. 

'The sky is pretty and very well painted today. I might as well enjoy this before things get dirty later, '

To be continued.

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