Every day, the young child, Mary, will cry out, looking for her father, who will never return. At such a young age, losing the warmth of someone you used to have is unbearable. It was difficult for her and her mother.

Her mother didn't know how to handle that kind of situation every time it happened, but she still did everything she could to make her child get used to the loss of warmth that her husband had left to her child.

It was not easy, but she conquered it all for the goodness of her child and herself. She pursues a career as a father and mother figure for her child.

She did everything she could to give what she can offer to her child. Two years passed after that, and Mary turned five years old. Mary started to notice and became aware of the surroundings around her.

She began to understand the little things she saw. She also understood why her mother was always busy all day selling crops and products that she made at dawn.

Mary also learned to realize that every time she mentioned her father in front of her mother, her expression would bloom with sorrow. It hurt and saddened her.

She didn't know why her mother would have such an expression, but as time passed, she stopped mentioning her father in front of her mother because she didn't want to see that reaction on her mother's face anymore. She still could not understand her father's reason for leaving them.

She is still young and has not reached a level of full awareness. She still has a long way to understand everything that adult people face in their life.

Despite this, her mother continues to remind her not to harbor a grudge against her father. Mary could not understand why, but she went along with what her mother wanted her to do, because she felt it was a normal thing to do.

Even though Mary's father had left her mother. Her mother still felt grateful for receiving love and for giving her a blessing that no one could replace, and that is her child. A child who is sweet, kind, humble and considerate to other people.

A child who gives her strength to live life outside of her shell and face reality with a smile and full of happiness. A young child she willingly wants to raise to become a woman who will grow up full of dreams and achievements.

She can't wait to see that day come, but for now she will continue to strive harder to fulfill that wonderful future for her child.

Their daily life continues and they live a life filled with laughter. It was all peaceful and wonderful. They continue their usual routine. Until another storm came, digging deeper inside their lives.

Mary's mother got infected with an incurable virus, making her sick and staying in bed for months, leaving all responsibility to her young child. 

Her five year old child was left in charge of selling the crops and products that her mother had planted on the street.

But before she goes on selling, she first cooks her mother a soup that has a tiny piece of bowled chicken meat in it.

After that, she'd go to the doctor's house to buy her mother some fever medicine because her mother's fever had been rising every day with no sign of falling or easing.

Her mother's complexion is so pale, like she has been drowned inside the water for too long, and she always sweats on her clothes every minute, which made Mary afraid to leave her alone in the house.

But her mother insisted that she go on selling the crops and products that she had installed. So they can save more money before winter comes. If she disobeys her order, her mother will only feel disappointed and angry towards her.

She knows why her mother insisted on her selling the crops and makeup products. Instead of staying beside her all day taking care of her mother who is sick in bed.

In their land, when a winter comes, the raw foods and crops product will have a higher value and price, which some families that have only lived a simple life sometimes can't afford, which leaves them all to starve until winter ends. 

That is why some people plant many crops to save for the winter, but Mary parents only have tiny parts of a plot, so they can only plant two different kinds of crops, which are cabbage and sweet potatoes. 

So, even though she didn't want to leave her mother's side, she forced herself to do so. Because she didn't have a choice but to do it. She also didn't want to disappoint and anger her mother. It would be bad for her condition too.

If she didn't work on selling some their products, they would also starve to death, which made her even more eager to do her mother's command.

So she just went on to find a spot to sell the crops and the products that her mother made to the town with a worry feeling in her hearts.

Every time other people passed by her area, she would come up to them and explain all the benefits of the crops and makeup that her mother made, like an adult.

All the nobles who visited their land and had passed by her area noticed her and were stunned.

They can't believe such a young child can speak well and deliver a speech that only a business person can do.

This young child in front of them is more than like an adult to them. They can't help but be drowned because of how stunned they are to her and had purchase half of her products. 

It's like the young child had more experience than them. It made them amazed and made them realize that this child was born with such respobsible and busines mindset parents.

They all couldn't help but feel jealous and proud of whoever these young children's parents were, which made Mary happy and felt joy that some people had appreciated her mother's hard work in raising her to become a great person. It made her days light up with positive energy, making her want to sell more products to other people. 

After the day ended, Mary had sold all the products she had brought. She went back home feeling satisfied because she had sold the first batch of her mother's products and crops to all the people who had the strength to purchase them. She then went to cook her mother's favorite food, which is ginseng chicken soup.

Her mother had taught her how to cook at the age of four. Until she turned five. Her mother didn't have a hard time teaching her because she learn faster than her mother expected.

She even built a tiny wood chair that has an adjustable strength, so her child would not have difficulty cooking food and reach the higher places, when she went back home late from selling crops and makeup products.

But when it comes to making makeup products, Mary could never learn how to do it. She felt sad and disappointed, but her mother said that it was okay. That her talent and skills may not come from making crafts; maybe it's something else.

That is why her mother didn't force her to do it anymore, because she believed her daughter's skills and talent were different from her own.

Leaving Mary to try harder to help her mother with selling crops and the makeup she made, while observing and analyzing the way her mother dealt with people and how her mother sold things to other people.

She then applies it to herself by practicing it on herself. Every day, she would get up early and walk to the kitchen to cook some rice while talking to herself, mimicking what her mother did every time she sold her products, until she became an expert and could deliver her speech fluently.

That's where Mary started to become an independent young child. She didn't choose to have the mind of an adult; the circumstances called for her to do it and become like that. But she never regrets it. Mary fully accepted it all with no complaints.

She is willing to help her mother through and through, no matter what happens. That is why, no matter how hard it is for her, she will conquer it. 

She also thought that her mother had already done many things for them to survive; now it was her turn to take good care of her mother and Mary has lived that kind of life ever since. 

Until she meets a young noble child who wears a soft fur cloak over her shoulder. Her appearance is cold and egoistic, but when she smiles, Mary's mind becomes blank. She was so beautiful. Her face were like an angel, it's glowing and sparkling like a white and silver glitters.

She looks like an angel who goes down to the earth. Her hair color was rare; it was sky blue and violet. It was curly and long. Her skin also showed softness and whiteness like a delicate snow.

It mesmerized Mary for a second, but when she heard the young girl voice who was taller than her, she snapped out of reality. 

"Hello, I'm Vendia," the noble young girl said, with a gentle smile, while her hand, which had a soft white glove, reached out to shake her hands.

Mary looked at her hands for a second as if she was thinking, then she wiped her right hand on her t-shirt like it had dirt, thinking that the white gloves must be expensive and variable.

To be continued.

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