Leaving all the authorities and other people behind at the area recording the crime and collecting the proof. So the person who committed a crime can be put in prison with no problem and be put in death sentence at last. 

The night is howling, birds are now under their nest taking its rest and shelter, after taking their day filled of flying and haunting for foods to take home for their family. The wind temperature hastily changing, making the people inside their residence, embrace their soft blanket which give a fresh slumber. 

Petals from the trees falls as the wind passes through their area, giving their body a joy as it dance through the rhythm it gives as well as the grass on the ground. 

As night linger, new born flowers that only showed at night was born, making all the special flies that goes traveling at night cheerful. Fireflies gather all over them as its bloom under the light of the moon. 

All the animals that lurk at night are now in charge to take guard of their territory. The night was cold but the weather was good. The moon is filled of brightness and clearness.

It's almost compare to the sun who always wear a smile and a warm brightness throughout the days of all people. The night clouds are unseen, the only thing that are visible is dark sky with dazzling stars up above the whole indifferent continent. 

The street to the town are now quite but some people are still awake and striding to take an end of the last routine of their day. All children are now under the roof having supper with their family. Each residence are now filled of laughter and conversations from each people with families. 

The town is buzzling with cheerfulness and liveliness by its people and material object sounds. The lantern light that showed color of a spring and autumn are now being lighten, surrounding the town with brightness and warmed feelings. 

Various dishes are floating through the air, making people who had taken a break from their day hungry and curious about what kind of dish was being cooked or baked. Each restaurant and inn is now full of merchants and higher-ups who want to enjoy their travels and days more.

The day seemed filled of joy and blessed for all people but for some are not. Four people who seemed to be in their twenties are now waiting outside the physician house, taking sip into a warm green tea. 

The physician open the sliding wood door and goes out wearing a simple expression, every one put down their cup that has a warmed tea and wait for the elder physician to approached them. 

The Adult man stood up from his chair and wait for the physician to arrive at their location, after three seconds the elder physician had arrived at their place, then he told them what had happened to the young child. 

He told them that the five year old child had just experience fatigue and too much exhaustion from her emotions and her daily routine. That they don't need to worry. That she will be awake tomorrow after taking a rest. 

All of them who wait for the result nod. They all then decided to go back home and that they will visit the five year old child again tomorrow early in the morning. 

The physician then let go a words that made them all at peace.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her," he said. All of them nod at his words and they all leave. The elder physician then went back inside his residence and saw the young child whining and crying in her sleep. 

He could not help but sigh and felt pity for the five year old child. The elder physician went to get a bucket of mild temperature water and white handkerchief. After it, he then went over to the child side to clean her dirty face, hands and feet with a wet handkerchief. 

The young Mary are now inside the physician residence, lying in bed still unconscious, her complexion is worrying. Her lips had gone dried and her face seemed to have experience a shocked. It's a bit pale and don't have a healthy colour. But the physician findings of her condition is normal. 

So the elder physician didn't take worry about it much, he was already use to have this kind of condition of his patient so is nothing to be alarmed. The young child only need is rest, proper care and meal when she wake up. 

When he was done, he then covered her with a soft and comfortable blanket over to her shoulder. The blanket is made from the skin of the tiger and leopard. It had a rough edge but it was already warm and soothing to the skin. 

The elder then went out of his house and went over to his kitchen that has so many ingredients for making medicine. He went to rinse some dried herbal and made them into a liquid medicine for his patients and for the five year old child. 

A liquid medicine that relieved the young child's nightmare and allowed her to sleep painlessly. Every night after his day of receiving and examining patients was over, the elder physician would do this. He'll go to his kitchen and make some medicine. To replenish some medicine for his patients, who will come to buy various types of medicine, until dawn. When he finished, he went back inside his house and rested for five hours.

But today was different he won't sleep because the young child will be needing an extra care. Seeing a bloody scene and someone you love died right in front of you will cause something, that can give nightmares into a person and worst can give a traumatic dream that will last for months or a year.

In which the person who experience it will be disturb and will have a discomfort in their deep sleep. The traumatic effect of it will be fatal and while you're sleeping your mind and heart will react uncomfortably.

Also even if you want to wake up. Your body will refuse to do so, because of how exhausted it is upon experiencing something that are not suitable into someone age. 

It depends, to the person. If the victim has a weak mentality and weak cope mechanism. Then the result will be depends on their capability and strength to get out of it. But the elder physician will be her side all the time to help, through his medicine and guidance. 

The physician bring out his ingredients outside his kitchen and bring them outside. He put the materials and ingredients to the table in front of his house and he sat to the chair. 

He decided to make a medicine outside, in case he heard the young child cried out in her sleep. He can simply run inside and tend to her need. 

The physician spend two hours after finishing a perfect medicine for the young child. He stretch his numb hand as he stood out from the chair and went inside his house chamber, holding a medium size of a bottle that has a dark violet liquid color of medicine. 

After entering the room, the physician can't help but released a heave sigh, seeing the child under the blanket, shivering like she is cold while tears still escape out from her eyes, like a silent water falls. 

He went close to her side, then put the bottle that has a medicine to the wood drawer that are same labelled beside his bed. He sat beside the child and guide her to sit on the bed with his guidance. 

The elder physician held her shoulder and made her lay on his chest comfortably. When everything feels adjusted and all right, he then use his free hand to take the medicine to the wood drawer. Open the cover and put it close to the five year old child lips. 

Using his left hand, the elder physician then open the young child mouth and enter the liquid medicine to her mouth. The young Mary then swallowed the whole medicine fully, with no sign of disgust and unpleasant. But she was still unconscious and unaware of what has had done to her. 

After successfully making the young child drink the liquid medicine, the elder physician then went to lay the young child body back to the bed in a comfortable position again. 

He then went out from his house and continue making more medicine, while making the medicine outside his house, he double check if the medicine has effect on the young child, because there are some patient of him that didn't get a result they wanted and still had a nightmare from their past every night. 

In which made them all exhausted and sick again. But after changing a dosage of the medicine they drink, the effect then become clear and blessed. They can no longer experience dreams from their tragic past. 

To be continued.

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