The man couldn't help but be surprised and feel guilty because he had said something to a five-year-old child that could cause her even more sadness. He forgot to check the victim's family's background because he was too preoccupied with the other crimes and other issues.

The man couldn't help but sigh and cast a worried glance at the door where the five-year-old child had just exited. 

Mary went home and immediately went to cooked herself a proper food to it. But when the food already in the table waiting to be devoured. The five year old child just stare at it and don't have an appetite to eat. 

It's like all the hunger she felt has blown away by the loneliness and sorrow she felt inside her heart. She glance at the sink where her mother always rinse the ingredients of the food she want to cook, then saw a reflection of her mother smiling at her daring eyes. 

The young child could not help but smile back and went over to her mother reflection to hug her but the reflection immediately vanished making her hug the cold and empty sink.. 

"Mother?" She utter within her dry tone of voice that almost in a verge of crying. 

"Hm? Does our Mary wants something? Mother is cooking your favourite soup today, ah right, I brought one steamed pork bun at the town today is on the table come on eat it before it gets cold," 

The young Mary turn around as she heard her mother voice at her back, then she immediately saw her mother in front of the cauldron stirring while showing a delighted smile to her. 

"Mother?" She call to her once again as tears feel out from her eyes like rain drops.

"Hm? What does my precious child anticipate from her mother?" Her mother inquired as if she was still with her child, but the blurredness and the invisible formed like a fog was visible into one eye, making the person who saw it believe they were only dreaming.

The young child reach out her hands to her mother, then went over to her mother side, and hugged the empty air inside the room as she cry out to her deceased mother.

"Mother it hurts, Mary heart is heavy, mother? I'm scared, mother? Mother Mary is cold. It's so cold inside, mother please come back. Mary will not run away anymore and will stay beside mother always, mother, please stay… don't go," 

The tormenting plead of the young child, but before she could finish her sentence the last reflection she saw inside their dirty kitchen faded away in front of her like a passing wind that bring short comfort and warmed into the unbearable darkness inside of someone home. 

The five year old child stared into the unknown for a minute feeling lost and terrified of being left alone into the world she still has not fully known. She bend down to the ground, hugging herself as she cries out the coldness of the place around her. The day goes on like a force dreamed. 

The child cried all day in bed, embracing the blanket her mother had sewn for the next warm winter, but sadly, this will be the only winter for one person.

Time passed and the day almost ended, the young child awoke by a sudden sound outside their house, and with no mind the child were now surrounded with darkness the only light that shines are from the moon. The sun has asleep and the moon now ruled the whole continent. 

The young Mary blink her eyes for clear vision and once she gain her composure and thoughts, she immediately stood out in haste to the bed. Then with a bit of her strength, she jump out to their wood window that only has a stick stand and hide at the back of their house. 

After a while, she then heard the voice of the adult man she didn't want to meet or see anymore. But there's also other two voices that also come from an adult person's. 

The voices went further and further inside their house, then stop in front of the bed. The young Mary hide under the darkness and continue hearing out the voice of the adult people for quite long minute.

Until she heard something that made her angry, displease and felt uncomfortable. It turned out that they were searching for her to take her in their care.

But the young child did not like the thought of it. She does not like anyone taking care of her other than her mother. So she stood still at the back yard that filled of darkness and the only light that was visible is from the moon.

Until the unexpected visitors leave their residence. One hour has passed and finally the child went out into the dark back yard, sighing in relief. She strode back inside their house and close to door, not letting anyone inside anymore. 

She light up the medium lantern lamp inside their house using match put it on top of the drawer inside their house, close the window, then lay down back to the bed while she cover herself with a warm blanket and once again she meet the slumber.

Not minding anything anymore. The next day came and the young Mary awoke with empty stomach and empty feeling. She stood out from the bed and went over to their dirty kitchen only to find the food she was cooking being eaten by the black ants. 

She forgot to put a cover again and the food that she prepare for herself the other day was still on the table, fully open for any tiny animals to eat it. 

She went over to the table while sighing in an inspirited tone, then take the plate that has a cold wasted food and put it to the sink to wash. After cleaning the dirt she put inside their dirty kitchen she then proceed to boil some warm water for her to use as a bath.

She forgot to clean herself the other day, leaving the mud, dusk and dirt on her skin to dry like an edible wrapper, while waiting the water to be boiled hot. She went back inside their house and went over to get some clean clothes for her to change on. 

After it, she then ready the large size basin that made from wood outside their dirty kitchen, then went over to the well that has a brick designed, beside their house while carrying a one medium size bucket. 

She put some cold water inside, then she stride over to where the basin and pour it inside. After fifteen minutes the water was now in great temperature. The young Mary went back inside their dirty kitchen and take it out using the dirty rip clothes that her mother made as a pat holder. 

Holding the cauldron at a higher position, she pour the hot water inside the basin, mixing the cold and hot in one place. Once the hot water had poured inside the wood basin. She then take the caldron back inside the cling it back to its place. 

The day once again keep moving and running. The children were now playing catch with their friends, making the place buzz with joys and laugh. The young Mary indulge her body inside the large basin, while wiping away all the dirt in her skin using the unwashed cloth that her mother use before she died. 

Mary take her time inside the basin and when she was done, she then wipe herself with a dried white large handkerchief. She dress herself inside their dirty kitchen, she then dried her hair by brushing it for multiple times until the wetness fade away. 

It takes forty minutes for her hair to dried, for her hair was thick and long. After drying her hair, she then stretch her numb hand due to nonstop brushing. Then went to tie her long curly hair into a ponytail using the favorite red color ribbon that her mother always love to use to tie her hair. 

After she was done, the five year old child, then take two apples on top of their table, then went back inside their house to find her former plastic slipper that already has a hole at the middle and wear it. 

She search for the pouch bag that the noble young child give to her and found it inside their dirty kitchen at the top of their table. The young child then went to retrieve it. The young Mary stare at it for a while with a longing expression and sad eyes. 

"Sister Vendia… don't forget me, please do come back and let me come with you. I don't have my mother with me anymore. I only have you, I will wait for how long sister Vendia," She hugged the rare and expensive pouch bag close to her heart and continue saying. 

"I will wait," She smiled, then put it back inside her chest clothes, keeping it safe and secure. The young child then went out and strode over to the authorities camp to retrieve her mother ash that are now put inside the very descent and beautiful vase. That has a designed of lilac flower. 

To be continued.

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