The young child wait for the man reply but didn't receive any for long minutes, she sigh for no reason and hugged herself and the vase tight under the thick cloth because she started to feel the coldness has begun to rise up again it's temperature again.

Yan saw the five year old child uncomfortable expression and can't help but be worry. He also felt the temperature of the place slowly increasing at a higher rate. 

He can't help but be concerned. He does not want to leave this young child alone into a street with no proper shelter. But Yan does not know what to do to help her. 

Yan paused for a moment, but all he could think about was taking the child back to his home, but he is afraid that the young Mary will refuse because they only met today, and inviting someone you only met today to live under your roof is inappropriate.

But he doesn't know what else to do, so he sticks with his first option and asks the young child who was staring at the snow-covered ground.

"Mary, do you want to take shelter in my home for one day?" The child immediately look straight at him and shook her head as a no. She is thankful for giving her food but she also does not want to burden the elder man for long. 

Its fine, if she died that would be great she could then reunite with her mother… Mary thought pause upon thinking about someone. She touch her pants pocket, then put her hand inside and take out the pouch bag. She stare at it with a sad eyes and apologetic expression. 

She can't believe that she had forgotten that she still owe someone a promise, she could not die yet. Yan saw that the young child was holding a very rare and expensive pouch bag in her hands. He can't help but be intrigue about it. 

"Did your mother bought that pouch bag for you?" he ask. Mary didn't look at him in teased she focused her gaze at the pouch bag and answer. 

"No, my elder sister Vendia give this to me as a promise," Upon hearing the young child respond, Yan could not help but be surprised. She has a sister? So that mean. 

"So you have an elder sister where is she right now? Why she is not with you?" 

"She lives far," Mary answer. 

"What do you mean?" Yan is confused. She said that she has an elder sister why would she say she lives far? 

"You mean she went to work from the other land?" The young child shook her head as a no which made Yan even more perplexed. 

"Sister Vendia and I aren't blood relatives, but she said I could call her elder sister. She is stunningly beautiful and incredibly sweet. She even taught me how to make someone as beautiful as she is. "This pouch bag is a token of her promise to me," the young Mary said as she hugged the pouch bag to her arms, then a daring smile showed up on her lips.

Yan felt glad and happy inside his heart upon seeing the young child smiled at last and become talkative to him now.

'That sister Vendia she was talking about must be very precious to her,' Yan thought.

"What do you mean token of promise?" Yan ask, curious. The young child look to him and answer. 

"Sister Vendia said that she will visit this land with her parents again next month and that we will meet again," The young Mary eyes light up with excitement and hope as she say those words out loud to the elder man. 

Yan look at her and nod. 

"That's great you owe your sister Vendia a promise. So you need to take care of yourself. You must meet her with a good condition," Yan said. Trying to lure the young child into his first option of making the child live with him as his residence.

He didn't mean anything bad, and he didn't have a perverted thought about it either. He simply wants to provide this child with a warm shelter in his home; he cannot bear the thought of this child suffering from malnourishment and dying at such a young age.

This child was born with hopes and dreams, and she had a bright future ahead of her. Maybe there's a reason for him to meet this young child today as well, so he can't just let go and turn a blind eye to the young child in need of assistance.

She is, after all, still young and has only herself to rely on. This child must be relying on her mother's strength and capability as well. She must not have learned anything that can satisfy her needs and desires yet.

Yan, on the other hand, was once a homeless child. However, because of his foresight and determination in obtaining a warm shelter. He figured out how to survive on his own by applying what he learned from his parents.

He worked as a cargo carrier and a street cleaner for years until he was able to save enough money to survive in the mysterious world.

"Yes, I have to. I also promise to cook food for her when we meet, and I will make her meet my mother as well, but..." With eyes on the verge of tears, the young child looks over at the vase hidden beneath the cloth. Yan sighs and rushes to come up with a way to make the young child happy again.

"So you're a good cook?" Yan inquires, diverting the child's attention away from her grief. Mary looked at him and smiled right away.

"Yes! My mother taught me how," she responds, her voice full of joy and excitement. Yan couldn't help but respond with a smile.

"That's fantastic!" The young child nods and smiles at him.

"Perhaps if you live under my roof. You can work for me as a form of payment for living under my roof," he added.

The young child is looking at him with interest. She liked the idea of it. That way, she won't feel burdened and can view it as a new way for her to earn money. She only needs to do it for a month, after all. When she keeps her promise to her sister Vendia by meeting her one month later. She can then rest beside her mother's vase.

"What kind of work is it?" the young Mary ask. Yan felt glad that the young child take her condition and so he continue elaborating his idea. 

"You cook for me every day and help me hunt some wild boar to the forest for my steamed pork buns," the young child could not help but look at her in disbelief. She could not believe that the meat that she was eating inside the steamed pork buns was not come from a pig but from a wild boar. 

"You use wild boar as a meat in your steamed pork buns?" she ask, within her astonish voice. 

"Yes, but why? You're not a fan of wild boar meat?" Yan was concerned. He can't help but think that the young child seemed to have an allergy to wild boar meat or something, because her reaction when she found out that the meat in the steamed pork buns was from wild boar was disgust and panic. 

Mary shook her head as an answer, making Yan felt disappointed. The young child saw him having an inspirited expression and can't help that her answer must be had misunderstood. She quickly responded with words in haste. 

"I like it. But it was my first time to know that someone could catch a wild boar," she continue while the elder man just listen to her words. 

"My mother always said to me that a wild boar is a very hard animal to catch because it chase people and hurt them. So I was surprised that you Sir had catch it and made it as a main dish in your steamed pork buns," the young child words is very considerate and well thought. Yan could not help but chuckled and patted the young child head with his right hand. 

"You can just call me brother Yan," he smiled as he remain his hand to the young child head. The young Mary stare at him for a second thinking about something, then nod with a smile in her lips. 

The day goes on and Yan felt happy that he was able to pursue the young child to live with him under his roof. The young child immediately settled her mother vase inside the room that Yan had given to her to use. 

"I will boil some warm water. So you can clean yourself," Yan propose and the young Mary immediately went out to her room in panic. 

"Brother Yan I can do it," she said striding over to Yan with an anxious expression. Yan look at the young child and could not help but smiled and sigh, upon reading the child thought. 

'This young child really is very considerate, to others wellness,' Yan patted the young child head and said. 

"It's all right, you can rest for now. Tomorrow it will be your turn to work, okay?" Yan said. Mary glance at him for a minute, until she give up and nod. 

To be continued.

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