"Calm down, Vendia. You have amnesia, remember? You don't know him," She talked to herself as she went to where the prince is standing.

"Um, yes? May I help you?" She tried to stay calm in front of them by holding her trembling hands at her back.

"YOU! What did you do to Cathlen? Where is she!" Prince Adam raises his voice from anger as he clasps Vendia's right hand tight and drowns her close to him. Vendia flinches and can't stop herself from trembling in fear anymore.

"I... I don't know what you're saying. Whose Cathlen? And who are you?" She tried to reply,

"Don't act like an innocent here, Vendia," Prince Adam, not convinced by her act,

"What do you mean? You're hurting me!" Vendia tried to fight back with her trembling body.

"Stop this nonsense and tell me, where is Cathlen, now!" Prince Adam, not buying her excuses,

"I told you, I don't know who she is! Even you!" Vendia insisted,

"Vendia, here it is..." Sir Albert had done finding the things that Vendia need,

"Sir Albert, help me," Vendia crying out to him, and Sir Albert's heartbeat fast from anger upon seeing Vendia got harassed inside his store with his cousin.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING ADAM!" He raised his voice at him and went over to Vendia. Taking her away from Prince Adam and hide her at his back.

"Don't mingle in my problem, Albert," Prince Adam reply, without care,

"Why shouldn't I? Vendia is my customer, and you are harassing her," Sir Albert responds,

"Harassing her? Are you trying to make me laugh, cousin?" Prince Adam mocking and continue talking.

"She abducts my fiance!" Prince Adam's mocking reply,

"Sir Albert, I don't know what he's talking about." Vendia crying,


"Adam!" Sir Albert defend her,

"I told you I don't know that person you are talking about!" Vendia fights back, crying.

"You!" Prince Adam went over to her again, but Sir Albert blocks his way,

"Touch her, and you'll regret it," Sir Albert threatened,

"Why are you butting in, cousin?" Prince Adam asks, irritated.

"Because she is my customer, and you are harassing her," Sir Albert answer,

"Ha! I only want my fiance back," Prince Adam respond, with threatening eyes,

"I told you I don't know who is Cathlen and you," Vendia reply,


"Adam! Vendia is not lying. She is telling the truth," Sir Albert responds.

"Don't defend her cousin," Prince Adam,

"I'm not. Vendia is telling the truth," Sir Albert responds, defending her.

"How can you be so sure?" Prince Adam asks,

"Because she is crying!" Sir Albert answer,

"This is ridiculous, tell me, cousin. Are you into Vendia?" Prince Adam speculate.

"What? Are you out of your mind?" Sir Albert can't believe what his cousin is saying right now.

"Then why are you defending her?"

"Are you asking me to fight you for real?" Sir Albert reply,

"Yes, I am," Prince Adam responds, not backing down.

"Stop! I am telling the truth. I don't know who is Cathlen, even you," Vendia joined in, crying.

"Vendia, stop this nonsense now and tell me where did you take Cathlen," Prince Adam, still forcing Vendia to speak out.

"I told you I don't know!" Vendia reply,

"Vendia?" Sir Aloit arrives with Vendia food, but he drops it all upon seeing Vendia's crying mess with some unknown people. He rushes over to her.

"Sir Aloit," Vendia run through him and hug him tight, crying.

"What happened? Why is your body trembling so much? And why are you crying?" Sir Aloit asks, worried, and looks over to Sir Albert.

"Sir Aloit, please let's go back home," Vendia plead,

"Okay, come on," Sir Aloit respond and about to leave, but Prince Adam block their way,

"I'm not done yet," Prince Adam mention, and Sir Aloit frown,

"Adam!" Sir Albert shouts at him and pushes him away from them, refraining him to go after them.

"Let me go, cousin. Go after them!" Prince Adam orders his trusted guard.

"Stop! If you go further from here, I will kill your all family," Sir Albert threatened, but they ignore him, then go outside to get Vendia back to Prince Adam.

"What do you all think you're doing? Let go of Vendia this instant," Sir Aloit send them a death glare,

"I'm sorry, we cannot. We are just following orders," Sir Ken reply, had taken Vendia away from Sir Aloit.

"Sir Aloit!" Vendia shouts, crying, but Sir Ken hit her neck, and she passed out. Sir Ken then carries her bridal style.

"Vendia!" Sir Aloit shout in terror, and they disappear like a wind. Sir Aloit got worried and went back inside the store to find Prince Adam, but he's already gone, and a cloud of smoke inside the art store is the only thing that has left.

"SHIT!" Sir Aloit curse from anger and saw Sir Albert passed out to the floor. Sir Aloit helps him and puts him in a chair.

"Sir Albert, wake up! Hey! Wake up!" Sir Aloit calls out for him in worried for Vendia.

"Erm..." Sir Albert open his eyes and blinks,

"Hey, wake up, help me find Vendia," Sir Aloit propose,

"My head hurts..." Sir Albert hisses in pain,

"What should I do?" Sir Aloit asks, confused about what to do.

"Help me up," Sir Albert answer,


"Guide me inside my office," Sir Albert mention, and they went inside his office.

"What's next?" Sir Aloit ask,

"Lay me down to the couch," Sir Albert respond,

"Okay," Then Sir Aloit guides him and lay him down to the couch.

"Ahh... that brat!" Sir Albert nag in pain.

"I'm sorry, but are you related to Prince Adam?" Sir Aloit ask,

"Yes, I am. Prince Adam is my cousin,"

"WHAT? Then..."

"Yes, I am a royal too, but not anymore. Don't worry. I will help you find Miss Vendia," Sir Albert answer,

"Thank you," Sir Aloit mention,

"Your welcome,"

"Where could they be right now?"

"They most likely in the Astrod kingdom now," Sir Albert answer,


"They're hiding Vendia to his room right now," Sir Albert respond,

"WHAT!" Sir Aloit got worried more.

"Oh, don't worry, Adam is with his guard, and he hates Vendia to the bones, so he won't do anything other than interrogate her,"

"How can you be so calm in these situations?" Sir Aloit ask,

"Because I know Adam won't harm Vendia, don't worry, we will get Vendia back safe, but I need to rest for a while because my cousin hit my head with a chair so hard that it still throbbing pain," Sir Albert speaks, and Sir Aloit deep sighs.

"Okay, 30 minutes," Sir Aloit mention,

"Thank you,"


"Sir Roy and Ben guard outside the door and don't let anyone inside without my consent," Prince Adam order, and they nod,

"Your highness, are you sure that she abducts Miss Cathlen?" Sir Ken asks,

"Yes, I am. And once Vendia is awake, bring her to my office we will interrogate her. We won't let her go until she tells us where is Cathlen," Prince Adam mentions.

"As you wish, your highness," Sir Ken reply looking at Vendia, who is still unconscious in Prince Adam's bed.

"I'd be waiting inside my office, guard her well," Prince Adam mentions. Sir Ken nod and he leave his chamber,

On the other side, two-woman is panting as they walk,

"Ha! Miss, we have arrived!" Angela mentions, panting.

"Yes, we are," Cathlen respond, also panting. They arrive in front of-the-art store.

"But miss, look," Angela mentions, pointing at a signed door.

"What? IS CLOSED?" Cathlen shout in disbelief,

"We should have taken a carriage, Miss. Now look is already closed," Angela scolded her,

"Aish... don't worry, we can come back here tomorrow," Cathlen respond smiling,

"What? But are we going to walk again tomorrow, Miss?" Angela asks,

"Oh, yes. Why?" Cathlen asks, and Angela sits down to the floor so exhausted.

"Nothing, Miss," Angela crying inside,

'I'm going to die early because of exhaustion, Miss,' Angela thought, tired from walking all day.

To be continued....

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