"Why you didn't tell my parents about what happened the other day," Vendia ask,

"I did," Sir Aloit answer,

"Yes, but you didn't include the most alarming thing that happened to me,"

"Ah... that?" Sir Aloit respond,


"Sir Albert, order me not to," Sir Aloit respond,

"What? Why would he do such a thing?" She asks, confused.

"Because he doesn't want you to get hurt,"

"But why would I be hurt?"

"Because if we told your parents about what happened to you the other day. They will sue the prince, and the king will also react to it, which brings you to be in danger together with your parents," Sir Aloit mentions, and Vendia got stunned.


"Right, so the best way is for us to be silent about what happened the other day," Sir Aloit respond,

"Your right,"

"And also one more thing," Sir Aloit mention,

"What is it?" Vendia ask,

"Sir Albert and Prince Adam are related," Sir Aloit respond, and Venida got surprised.

"What? How come you knew that they're related?" She asks,

"The other day, I ask Sir Albert, and he told me they're cousins," Sir Aloit answers, and Vendia felt cheated by Sir Albert.

"Ha, so Sir Albert knew who I am for so long," She mentions,

"Yes, he does,"

"Why he didn't tell me that Prince Adam is his cousin?"

"Because he wants to see for himself what kind of person you are," Sir Aloit answers, and Vendia nods, understand Sir Albert's reason.

"So? What do you want to do about him?" Sir Aloit ask,

"To Sir Albert?"

"Yes, now that you know that his Prince Adam cousin, what will you do?"


"What? Why? You should stay away from him," Sir Aloit suggested,

"Why should I?"

"Because he is Prince Adam's cousin,"

"Yes, he is, but that doesn't change the fact that we are friends, and he didn't do something horrible to me. All he had done is to know the real me,"

"But he deceives you," Sir Aloit points out.

"Yes, but he has a reason," She responds, and Sir Aloit felt dumbfounded.

"Why I feel like I am the bad guy here?" Sir Aloit ask,

"I don't know," Vendia responds, shrugging.

"You, are you wearing an armor right now?" He asks,

"Why?" She asks in wonder.

"Because everything I said to you is bouncing away like is nothing," Sir Aloit mention, wearing a disappointed expression, and Venida laughs at him.

"YAH! Don't laugh, I am serious right now," Sir Aloit emphasizes, and Vendia laughs more.

"HAHAHAHA," Vendia continue laughing at Sir Aloit.

"Yah! Are you even listening?" Sir Aloit continues complaining at her, but she continues laughing. And Sir Aloit felt happy upon hearing her laugh.

On the other side, Sir Albert and Prince Adam arrived in front of the unfamiliar house.

"Is this it?" Prince Adam ask,

"Yes, this is it, ouch!" Sir Albert respond, and Prince Adam got concerned.

"What happened?" He asks,

"Don't worry is nothing. I only bite my tongue," Sir Albert mention,

"Are you in debt to someone?" Prince Adam quip,

"Are you asking your fault to me right now?" Sir Albert responds, and Prince Adam shut up.

"Ahem! Come on, let us go," Prince Adam avoids the topic.

"Tsk! Try me again," Sir Albert smirk, feeling satisfied with what he did to his cousin just now.


Sir Albert knocks on the door.

"Coming," A woman's voice answer and open the door.

"Greetings, to you, Madam," Sir Albert mentions, smiling at the old woman.

"Oh, my. Yo-your highness," The old woman got surprised and bow.

"Aiya... there's no need to bow," Sir Albert mentions helping the old woman to stand straight.

"Is an honor to have you both visit our home, but what may I help you with?" She asks,

"Are you by chance Mrs. Han, husband of physician Jao?" Sir Albert mention,

"Yes, I am. But may I ask what is your business to my husband?" Mrs. Han mentions,

"Oh, we want to ask him something important," Sir Albert mention,

"I see. But my husband is not home yet," She answer,

"What? Why?" Prince Adam asks,

"Is still so early in the morning. Why is your husband already out?" Sir Albert also ask,

"Ah, is because the daughter of Marquis, Lady Venida, is in critical condition again, and they ask for my husband right away. But he will be back later," Mrs. Han responds, and they got shocked by her words.

"I-I see," Sir Albert responds, uncomfortable and worried for Vendia.

"What happened to her again?" Prince Adam utter also concerned,

"I don't know either, but the young miss went through a lot, and I feel pity for her and her parents," Mrs. Han mention, then Sir Albert and Sir Aloit look at her, surprised.

"You know what happened to lady Vendia?" Sir Albert ask,

"Yes, I do," She answer,

"May we come in? We want to know more about what happened to lady Vendia," Sir Albert mentions, then a sudden voice interrupts their conversation.


"Oh, Jao, your back. How's miss Vendia?" Mrs. Han went over to her husband.

"She is stable now," Mr. Jao respond,

"Oh, that's a relief," Mrs. Han reply,

"Yes, who are these people?" Mr. Jao asks,

"Greetings to you, Mr. Jao," Sir Albert greets him.

"Y-your highness!" Mr. Jao got shocked and bowed.

"Hahaha, okay, bow," Sir Albert felt tired upon hesitating others, bowed all day.

"It's an honor to have you all here in our house," Mr. Jao mention. They are now inside their house in the guest room, sitting down.

"Uh, yes," Sir Albert replies,

"We will get to the point. Are you the one who nurses, miss Vendia?" Prince Adam mention,

"Yes, I am," Mr. Jao reply,

"We want to know. What happened. Why she lost her memories," Sir Albert asks,

"What? Um, may I ask why you want to know the reason?" Mr. Jao asks, worried.

"We just want to know," Prince Adam responds, and Mr. Jao looks at them with suspicion.

"I'm sorry, but we promise to Lord Marthen that we won't tell anyone about his daughter's condition," Mrs. Han inserts into their conversation.

"I see we understand, and I want to apologies for doing this too," Sir Albert stands up to his chair and draws his sword to Mrs. Han's neck.

"If you don't want to speak," Prince Adam continue talking,

"We might as well bring some souvenirs at home, don't you agree? Mr. Jao?" He smirks at him. Mr. Jao got shocked and trembled from fear of losing his wife.

"No, I will tell. I will tell you, so please don't hurt my wife," Mr. Jao plead, and Prince Adam smile.

"Okay, go on. Tell us," Prince Adam demands.

"But the sword, please put away the sword first, please. I'm begging you, your highness," Mr. Jao beg.

"We will put away the sword once your done telling the story to us," Prince Adam answers,

"No! Honey, don't!" Mrs. Han shouts, with a terrified look on her face.

"NO! I will tell them, is fine," Mr. Jao reply smiling at his wife.

[Is going to be all right, don't worry,] Mr. Jao mouthed to his wife, and his wife nod, trusting her husband.

"The day Lord Marthen bring her daughter back to their mansion, she's already not breathing," Mr. Jao mentions, then Sir Albert and Prince Adam got shocked with his words.

"You mean?" Sir Albert,

"She is already dead," Mr. Jao respond,

"What?" Prince Adam got stunned.

To be continued.

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