"You take care there, okay?" Madam Rose,

"I will mother, don't worry yourself too much when I am away, okay?" Vendia answer,

"I won't," Madam Rose replies,

"Enjoy your time there, and don't worry, we will be fine here. Aloit, you know what to do," Lord Marthen mention,

"Yes, don't worry," Sir Aloit respond,

"Madam, don't worry too much. I will make sure that Miss. Will eat well and always healthy," Mary mentions smiling, assuring her master.

"Thank you, Mary," Madam Rose reply, felt thankful.

"Okay, you all go now be careful on your trip," Lord Marthen mentions, as Venida and Mary went inside the big carriage while Sir Aloit went to ride his black horse beside the carriage guarding.

"We will go now," Sir Aloit mention as Madam Rose and Lord Marthen then wave goodbye to them. They then rode away.

"Have a safe trip!" Madam Rose shouts,

"Don't worry, dear, she will be fine," Lord Marthen assures his wife as he back hugs her.

"Yes, I know that, and I trust Aloit and Mary. She will be fine," Madam Rose responds as she accepts her husband's embrace.

"Our house will be quiet for a while," Lord Marthen mention,

"Yes, and I am not used to it," Madam Rose reply as they both look at the view of their daughter carriage riding away from their place.

"But we need to get used to it. Because Vendia will build her own family soon," Lord Marthen mention, and his wife holds his both hands tight,

"I know, and I am trying, but it's still hard to think that such a day will come soon without us even knowing," Madam Rose responds.

"I know... but I will always be with you, and we will then have a grandchild. Don't you like it?" Lord Marthen reminded his wife while they're having an affectionate moment,

"I like it," Madam Rose replies, happy to the thought of becoming grandparents. But a sudden voice of Sir Sebi breaks their moment together.

"I apologies for interrupting, My lord," Sir Sebi apologies,

"Is fine. We understand. What is it? Do you need something?" Lord Marthen lets go of his wife and faces Sir Sebi. Who is holding a white envelope with a royal seal attached to it? He frowns upon seeing it.

"A letter from the Astrod kingdom arrived earlier and is for Lady Vendia," Sir Sebi mention,

"What?" Madam Rose, surprised as she looks over at the envelope full of fear. Lord Marthen saw his wife's fearful expression, and he holds her right hand tight.

"Is fine, she's not here," He reminds her wife, and she sighs in relief.

"Good, you did your job well, Sir Sebi, as always when a letter arrived at my mansion, delivered it straight away to me, understand?" Lord Marthen mention to Sir Sebi. Then he nods and bows while he gives the letter to Lord Marthen, then leaves them alone.

"Is it from him?" Madam Rose ask,

"Yes, it's from the prince," Lord Marthen answer, frowning.

"What does he want from our daughter?"

"He wants to talk to her in secret at his palace," Lord Marthen mention, and Madam Rose felt anxious.

"Burned that letter, don't let that get to my daughter," She demand,

"Calm down, dear. Our daughter is far away from here. Prince Adam won't be able to meet her," Lord Marthen mention assuring his wife that everything will be fine.

"That's good," Madam Rose reply,

"Beky, come here," Lord Marthen calls their maid, who is wiping their expensive vase.

"Yes, My Lord? Greeting Madam," Beky responds, greeting them.

"Yes, thank you," Madam Rose replies,

"What Can I help you with, My Lord?" She asks,

"Follow me to the office. I have a letter for you to deliver to the Astrod kingdom," Lord Marthen answer, grinning.

"Yes, My Lord,"

"What are you going to do, honey?" Madam Rose asks, worried.

"Don't worry. I am only going to put the lion into its rightful place," Lord Marthen responds and leaves with beky. Madam Rose deep sigh.

'I hope it works. I don't want my daughter to get hurt again,' She thought, full of hopes towards her husband's plan.

To be continued.

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