"I will permit Cathlen to break their engagement," Duke Thranduil mention,

"What? I think you need to let your emotion stabilize first before you decide,"

"I am fine, and I will never change what I decide. I can't let such a man marry my daughter," Duke Thranduil responds,

"But if you do that, you will lose some human resources and alliance," Duchess Aerwen concerned.

"I don't care about that as long as my daughter is safe and happy. I will risk and give up something," Duke Thranduil reply,

"Honey... are you sure about this?" Duchess Aerwen ask for assurance,

"Yes," Duke Thranduil reply.

"All right, I will be with you," Duchess Aerwen responds, and Duke Thranduil kiss his wife's lips.

"Thank you for your understanding," Duke Thranduil,

"You are always welcome. I also want what's best for my daughter," Duchess Aerwen responds as she hugs her husband.

-Astrod Kingdom-

*King Phantrel throne room*

"Father, you ask for me?" Prince Adam mention as Sed went to stand beside his Father's throne.

"Yes, how are you?" King Phanthrel asks as he sits on his throne.

"I'm doing fine, Father. How about you?" Prince Adam reply,

"I am great. How is Lady Cathlen doing?" King Phanthrel ask,

"She is also fine. I went to visit her an hour ago," Prince Adam respond,

"I see,"

"Is that all you want me for, Father?" Prince Adam asks,

"No, I hear that Lady Vendia went on a vacation," King Phanthrel mentions, and Prince Adam looks at him in surprise.

"How..." Prince Adam utter,

"How you say?" King Phanthrel smirk.

"No, Father I-"

"Didn't I tell you to act according to your rank?" King Phanthrel mentions, and Prince Adam felt something is wrong as he felt a shiver down to his spine.

"Wh-what do you mean by that, Father?" He stutters from nervousness.

"I see, you think of me like a worm, ha?"

"What? No, tha-"

"Do you think I would never know what happened?"

"Father, wha-"

"Bring them in!" King Phanthrel demand, then the door to the throne room got open as the two knight guards enter, dragging two blooded men.

"Who..." Prince Adam utters as he looks close to the two blooded men and saw a familiar cloth and swords.


"Be-ben? Roy!" He shouts in surprise,

"Yo-your highness," Sir Ben extends his hand up for him while he's in pain,

"Yo-hi-nes," Sir Roy, having a hard time speaking well as he also feels pain all over his body. Prince Adam's heartbeat fast from fear of losing his two trusted guards and friends.

'No,' Prince Adam got anxious.

"I heard all that happened to them but is not enough. I want to confirm all of it from you. Is it true that you accuse Lady Vendia without proof," King Phanthrel added,

"No, Father, please. Father, I'm begging you, please don't cause pain to them any further. I admit I am wrong, so please, please, Father," Prince Adam kneels in front of his Father, as he cries in vain upon seeing his two trusted friends full of sword wounds and blood.


"I-if I confess, will you spare the life of my knights?" Prince Adam asks within his sobs as he trembles from fear.

"Who knows, maybe I will, or maybe I don't. It depends on your explanation," King Phantrel reply,

"The-then, I will explain it well," Prince Adam respond,

"Very well, enlighten me,"

"On the day you give me a task to pass on a message to my cousin Albert. I heard Lady Vendia's maid talking about her," Prince Adam mention,

"She mentions that Lady Vendia lost her memories because of an accident and can't remember anything," Prince Adam's explanations begin as his Father listens to him in silence.

"But I doubt it, so I visit the Duke residence to ask them if they know, but it turns out they also don't have a clue. And that's when my speculations towards Lady Vendia starts again," Prince Adam mentions,

"So, you mean to say that she is only pretending," King Phanthrel ask,

"Yes," Prince Adam answers,

"How amusing, continue," King Phanthrel respond,

"After visiting the Duke residence. I then order my guard to investigate about Lady Vendia in silence. But I receive sudden news that Lady Cathlen has gone missing,"

"And that is why you rash without thinking of consequences then abduct Lady Vendia, accuse her, and almost killed her," King Phanthrel pointed.

"I'm sorry, Father, I know I am wrong, but I can't help it. She had done many wrongdoings towards my fiance. I can't help but doubt her all the time. But Father, that will never happen again," Prince Adam apologize,

"You think I would accept your apologies and reasoned that easy? You reacted without thinking like a child and blamed one person who has an illness. Have you forgotten no matter what issue she put on, she's still my people that I meant to protect too," King Phanthrel scolded him,

"I..." Prince Adam stays quiet as he accepts his Father's emotion.

"What if the Marquis knows that they almost lose their daughter because of you! Do you think they will stay still and accept everything like nothing? NO! vengeance will be born! And everything that you must have close to you will turn to a sacrifice and dust. What if that woman does die because of your selfish and unthinkable reasons? DOES YOUR SORRY FIX EVERYTHING? NO! You haven't sat on my throne, and you are already causing disappointment. I can't believe you are my son! You should have died with your mothe-"

"Your majesty," Sed calm the King down. King Phanthrel deep sighs as he holds his head, feeling stress.

"I trust that you already deal with your mess?" King Phanthrel ask, still felt angry towards his son.

"Yes, I do, Father," Prince Adam replies, gritting his teeth from guilt and regrets.

"But why are you still monitoring Lady Vendia using these two feeble guards of yours? What is your goal on it," King Phanthrel asks, as Prince Adam thinks of what to reply to his Father with cautions.

"Because I want to make sure that she doesn't hurt my fiance again," He responds, lying to his Father. King Phanthrel look at him with doubt for a minute then nod accepting his reasons.

"Even if you knew she is not lying about her condition?" King Phanthrel ask,

"I..." Prince Adam doesn't know what to reply,

"Hmm... your guard is quite futile, don't you think?" King Phanthrel mention Prince Adam couldn't reply. He can't stop thinking of his friends whose in so much pain at the moment. King Phanthrel continue talking.

"I remember telling you that if a leader is powerful, his follower and servants must also be strong," King Phanthrel mention,

"Yes, I remember all of it, Father, and I will train them more. So please, spare them," Prince Adam responds, still crying and shaking from fear.

"Hmm... all right. But the next time you cause a mess. Your people will face the consequences. I will turn them to a corpse, and I will replace them according to my compliance, do you understand?" King Phanthrel threat,

"Yes, Father. I understand," Prince Adam respond,

"Stand up," King Phanthrel demand, and Prince Adam then stood up as he wipes his tears away.

"I will take them back to my palace now father," Prince Adam mention and King Phanthrel nod letting him go.

"Follow the Prince bring his guards back to his palace," King Phanthrel commands his two knights.

"As you wish, your majesty," His two guards answer as they then followed Prince Adam out to the King throne room.

"I hope my son understands why I am doing this kind of treatment to him," King Phanthrel mentions,

"He will understand what you been doing to him soon, your majesty," Sed answers as he sits into King Phanthrel's lap.

"I hope so," King Phanthrel utter to himself,

"It will be fine," Sed mentions and kiss King Phanthrel's forehead.

"Why you smell so good today," King Phanthrel asks, sniffing Sed's right neck.

"Because I figured you become out of the weather again today," Sed reply as he let King Phanthrel sniff his neck.

"And you were right. Will you make my weather bright today?" King Phanthrel asks as he bites hard on the right side of Sed's neck then kisses his right earlobes.

"Ah! Nghh... Wha-what do you want me to do, Your Majesty?" Sed asks between his sultry voice.

"Make me happy, make me yours," King Phanthrel demands as he whispers to Sed's right ear, using his lustful voice while he squeezed Sed's bump.

"Mmhm... As you wish, your highness," Sed responds as they then kiss with full of desperation.

To be continued.

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