*Dining Room*

"Good morning, mother and father," I greet them as I enter the dining room,

"Good morning, child. Did you sleep well?" Father reply asking.

"Yes, I do," I answer,

"That's good to hear, come, sit. Let's eat," Mother mention, and I nod,

"Yes," I reply,

"Ten days from now. The crown prince, your fiancé, will hold a banquet party for his late mother. Queen Margeret, who died five years ago because of an illness," Mother mentions,

'Wait. What? Fiancé? The prince?' I choked on my foods,

*Cough* *cough* *cough*

"Cathlen!" Mother raises her voice, worried.

"I'm sorry. I am fine, mother. Don't worry,"

'I'm just shocked, so the crown prince is my fiancé? No, wonder why they have special relationships. The hell, fuck!'

Come to think of it. I also don't know when is Canthlen 23 birthday. I will ask Angela about it later, after this.

"Eat slowly," Mother said, and I smile.

"Yes, please, continue your explanation, mother and father,"

"Okay, the prince advances his invitation letter for our family, and we are wondering if you can come with us on that day," father asked.

'Me? Of course, I will go, this girl's fiancé, I mean. My fiancé will be the one who will hold the banquet. So yes, I will come. Even if I don't want to, I have to because your daughter is his fiance,'

"The fuck, if only I could remember the flow of the story then, I could handle this situation very well, but sadly. I don't," I mumble to myself, pissed off.

"Cathlen?" Mother calls and, I snap back,

"Of course, I will go. Mother and Father," I respond with a fake smile.

"That's good your fiance, prince Adam, will be happy," Father mentions.

'Ah... that's the prince's first name,'

"I hope so,"

'Because I'm not,' I continue my fake smile,

"Yes, and tomorrow, your father and I are going to attend an imperial party," Mother mention,

"Imperial party?" I ask,

"Yes, the king invited us. We didn't bother to us you because the crown prince sent us the letter to let you rest for a while," Father responds.

'Ah... what a gentle guy. But, I'm not enjoying the fiancé thing. It bothers me so much,'

"Oh, how thoughtful of him," I respond, as she pretends being, moved by the crown prince's care.

"He is. I am so happy that the crown prince asks for your hand in marriage," Mother tells, and I listen feeling, uncomfortable.

"Uh... yes... Hahaha," All I can reply; we then continue eating.

The afternoon comes, and I enjoy my day. By staring at nothing while I sit in front of my desk, holding one piece of paper while thinking about the situation.

'Ha...' I continue sighing from stress.

I turned around and looked at the big window when I heard Yerre's laughing voice.


"Young, miss? Is there something wrong?" Angela entered the room with tea.

"Oh, you are here," I answer.

"Yes, miss. Here's your tea,"

"Thank you,"

"You're always welcome, miss," She responded,

"Angela, may I ask you about something?"

"Yes, miss go-ahead," She replies,

"Well, on what day is my 23 birthday again?" I ask, and she got shocked.

"You forgot your birthday, miss?" She responds,

"Oh, uh... yes, I do because of stress and something that had been going on for days," I answer in pace.

"Oh, I almost forgot about it," She replies, and I smile.

"So, on what day?" I ask her again.

"Oh, is on December 23," She answers,

"Oh, then what month is it today?"

"Is already September 12 today, miss,"

'Wait! WHAT? Did I hear her, right?'

"My 23 birthday is already had passed?" I ask, surprised,

"Yes, miss. You are going to be 24 this coming December 23," Angela answers.

'Ack! So the genie lamp, where is it? Where did this girl put the genie lamp?'

"Miss?" Angel calls out for me,

"Angela," I answer as I put down my cup of tea on the table.

"Yes, miss?"

"I need you to help me search for something inside my room," I respond,

"What?" She wears a confused expression.

To be continued.

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