"Sir Albert?" Vendia called as they continue walking through the hall while she's still looking down at the floor.

"Hm?" Sir Albert responds as he looks straight while walking.

"Is your father, the king will be here too?" Vendia asks within her uneasy tone of voice, and Sir Albert senses her worries.

"Don't worry. You won't meet my father. When my father arrived with my two older brothers, I will greet them alone," Sir Albert answer as Vendia give him a surprised expression.

"You have two older brothers?" She asks as she raises her head and looks straight at Sir Albert.

"Yes, sorry. You didn't ask, so I didn't tell you," Sir Albert replies, smiling at her.

"W-well... um, that is because I don't want you to see me as a nosy person,"

"You won't be. You are free to ask everything about me. I will welcome it every time,"

"Are you sure?" Vendia looks at him, shocked.

"Of course. I may ask about you anytime too. Right?" Sir Albert mentions making Venida look at him, in deep thought for a second, then she nods, smiling at him.

"Mn! You can, but it will be short because I haven't gained my full memories yet," Vendia answers.

"That's fine, I can wait," Sir Albert reply showing a daring smile to Vendia, and everyone present in the hallway saw it. Some got shocked while the others got jealous.

"Are you still concern about what they say about you?" Sir Albert mentions.

"Yes," Vendia answer, not denying the fact that she does still felt uncomfortable with all the people who keep whispering and talking about Vendia.

"Don't worry. Those words will only harm you if you believe the words they let go to their mouth. Now tell me, do you believe what they say about yourself just now?" Sir Albert asks as Vendia looks at him with a wondering gaze for a minute, then showed a sad smile.

"I don't know, but I can feel all they say about me is true," Vendia answers within her sad voice.

'Of course, all they say about Vendia is true, but somehow I can't help but feeling sad and hurt. Vendia didn't do those things without reason. If only these people would look further than what they heard, then maybe these people will understand. But they only went to a conclusion that is incomplete and uneven,' Yerre thought.

"Is unfair," She blurted out, which made sir Albert look at her puzzled.

"What did you say?" Sir Albert asks.

'Oh, no. Did I, did I say out loud the words I want to say in my thoughts?' She panic, cramming words to reply to Sir Albert.

"Uh-I said that. Is unfair that I can't remember anything while everyone here seems to know more about myself, jeje," She answered with a bit of sweat forming on her forehead because of pressure and nervousness.

'Please work, work, work,' She pleaded inside her thought. Sir Albert deep sigh then reply with a gentle smile to her.

"Is fine, let them say and talk about yourself. All the things they know about you are all in the past. What matters now is you now," Sir Albert mentions, then Vendia nods.

"Your right," She replies, smiling at him. Cheerful now. Sir Albert saw she has felt bright now, and he sighs in relief.

'Good, she now gains herself back. What a relief,' Sir Albert thought.

"You should not care about what others think about you, okay? You are the only person who knew what kind of person you are, so don't mind them. They're just a waste of time. Look at you. You are captivating today," Sir Albert continues talking.

"You shouldn't mind them instead. You enjoy and smile. If Mary is here, she would say. Miss! Why a long face? Don't mind them. They're just jealous because you are prettier and more beautiful than them," Sir Albert ends his speech by imitating Mary through his every word, which made Vendia laugh at him.

"Pft! Hahaha, haha, how did you do that, Sir Albert? How come you know how to imitate Mary so much," She asks within her laugh as Sir Albert chuckled.

"Thank you, Sir Albert," She mentions as she now stops laughing and looks at Sir Albert with a thankful smile.

"You're always welcome," He replies, then gazes to Vendia's side only to see Sir Aloit wearing a full guard expression. Sir Aloit felt like someone is looking at him because he felt goosebumps all over his body, and when he heard the voice, he then knew who's keep looking at him and why he felt goosebumps.

"Why so serious?" Sir Albert asks with a grin. Sir Aloit didn't look at him. Instead, he keeps walking with them facing front.

"Shut up, don't talk to me. Every time you talk to me, it pissed me off,"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Sir Albert retreated himself from teasing Sir Aloit even further. Because Sir Aloit tone of voice is firm. Vendia looks at them, buffering. Wondering why Sir Aloit is hard-boiled today towards Sir Albert.

"Sir Aloit, did something happen between you and Sir Albert earlier?" She asks concern as Sir Aloit turns to look straight at her with a smile.

"Nothing happened," Sir Aloit answer, but she still felt something is wrong.

"Sir Aloit?" She called with pleading eyes, begging for Sir Aloit to say what is going on. Sir Aloit saw it and can't help but heave a sigh.

"Okay, your Sir Albert their touch me out of anywhere, and I hate people whom I'm not that close and known yet touching me without my consent," Sir Aloit mentions as Sir Albert look at him shocked, then got halt making Vendia stop walking, and so does Sir Aloit.

"Why you didn't say so? I didn't know that you hate sudden skinship. You could have warned me earlier," Sir Albert responds as Sir Aloit only gives an eye rolled to him. Vendia felt suffocated about their situation being hard on each other.

"Even if I didn't warn you. What you did is still not right because you touch someone without consent. What if that person has trauma or phobia? What will you do then?" Sir Aloit asks.

"I..." Sir Albert doesn't know what to reply, so Sir Aloit continues talking.

"I forgive what you did earlier to me, but what I ask you now, put it as your lesson for your future. Next time don't touch me again without my consent. I accept you are Vendia friends, but there's still a limit, and I hope you understand what I mean," Sir Aloit ended his words with a heavy atmosphere, and Vendia felt it. She glances over to Sir Albert and saw him wearing a disappointed and sad expression.

'But isn't it normal for guys to have a skinship? Even if you don't know how that person might react? But, he's right,' Sir Albert thought.

"Yes, I understand what you mean. Vendia, I will go to greet my father and older brother for now. I will see you later," Sir Albert mentions, but she knows the King of Alfendra still hasn't arrived yet.

"Okay, Sir Albert, I see you later," She answers without a second as Sir Albert then nods and leaves. Vendia then gazes back at Sir Aloit, then smiles.

"Uncle, what did Sir Albert do exactly?" She asks, clinging to Sir Aloit's right arm.

"He shouldered me earlier back at the guest room," He answers, then Vendia, shocked.

"That's it?"

"Yes, let's not talk about it anymore, okay?" Sir Aloit mentions wearing a tired expression. Vendia understands and didn't ask any further questions.


"Well, let's go over to that side," Sir Aloit pointed to the corner where everyone may sit and wait for a while.

"Okay, but Sir Aloit. Where's my mother and father?" Vendia asks, wondering.

"They're on the other room talking to their acquaintances in business," Sir Aloit mentions as Vendia understands, then they stride to where Sir Aloit pointed a minute ago.

In the Duke residence, Cathlen already dresses and ready to go. She went outside to meet the carriage from the palace. Her parents went ahead of her because Prince Adam will be the one who will accompany her tonight to the party. Who is waiting for her inside the carriage (?)

"Miss?" Angela calls out to her because she had been spacing out while standing and looking at the carriage door with a plain expression. She deep sigh and speak.

"Open it," She demands, and the coachman then opens the carriage door for her and saw Prince Adam inside with a gloomy expression. She went inside and sat on a separate couch facing Prince Adam as the coachman closes the door.

"Enjoy, Miss!" Angela mentions outside the carriage as the carriage then moves.

"Tsk! Enjoy my ass!" Prince Adam retorted with a bitter sound of a voice. Cathlen didn't respond. Instead, she only looks outside the carriage window with no intention of starting talking to Prince Adam.

To be continued.

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