Sir Aloit and Sir Albert are walking in haste, searching and looking for Vendia through an endless crowd, calling out her name over and over again, making other people uncomfortable. When out of the blue, someone grabbed Sir Aloit's right arm hard and turned him around, making Sir Aloit flinch, startle, and almost unsheathed his sword. But seeing the person who holds his arm, he couldn't pull out his sword anymore and relaxed.

"Marthen," He mentions through his sigh. Sir Albert looks over to the person whom Sir Aloit calls out in surprise.

"Lord Marthen and Madam Rose," He utters as they gaze over to the two-person who look back at them with a calm smile.

"There's no need for you two to feel anxious and worried. This man over here already found my daughter. He will lead us to her. So you two can be at ease now," Lord Marthen mentions, which made Sir Albert and Sir Aloit shocked.

"You found her? How is she?" Sir Aloit asks in pace towards the servant whom Yerre talk earlier with an impatient expression, making Madam Rose chuckled.

"Why are you still panicking? I'm the mother here. I should be the one who's panicking so much but look at me. I am calm because I know she is safe now," Madam Rose mentions making Sir Aloit frown.

"Safe? As long as Vendia's not with us, Vendia is still not safe!" Sir Aloit answer with a raising voice.

"Aloit! Calm down," Lord Marthen scold him.

"How dare you raise your voice at me when you were the one who made a mistake," Madam Rose responds to him with an indignant expression.

"Rose, calm down," Lord Marthen interrupted their heat moment.

"There's no need for you all to fight, your excellency, Lady Vendia is fine. At first, when I found her, she was crying because she's scared, but she has calmed down after I promise to bring you all to her," The servant inserted, making everyone's attention focused on him. Sir Aloit heave a sigh and speak using a calm tone of voice.

"Where is she now?" Sir Aloit asks. 

"She is on that location outside the terrace waiting for you all," The servant pointed towards the far area from them. 

"That's quite far, hahaha. But that's a relief because it means. Lady Vendia is in a safe area away from the crowd. It will be easy for us to spot her. Thank you for helping her," Sir Albert mentions as he patted the servant's left shoulder, thankful for helping his friend Vendia and the servant nod at him as a reply.

"Let us go now," Sir Aloit respond, making everyone nod and follow the servant. 

Back at the terrace area, Yerre is waiting for them, but something is not right in her character. She keeps spinning around like she is floating into the air and giggling like someone is tickling her.

"Jejeje, tralalala~! Jejejeje," She keeps repeating the words she's singing over and over again, which will make you annoyed when you are with her right now. Because of the wine, she drinks earlier. Now she becomes tipsy and drunk. She has lost her inhibitions and awareness of the world and her surroundings.

"You're my honey bunch sugar plum, pumpy, umpy, umpkin. You're my sweetie pie~! Jejeje~!" Yerre singing and swinging around like a crazy person alone on the terrace. After her fourth time swinging, her feet went out of balance, then she falls onto the ground with a loud thud, making the person who saw her before she falls shocked and worried. 

"Are you crazy? Why are you swinging like a Ferris wheel?" A soothing sound of a woman's voice calls out to her as she helps her up. 

"Jejeje~! Ayeee~! Eeeh~? Cathlen..." Yerre gaze at her with a tipsy expression. 

"Stand well. I can't support you for long. Are you drunk?" Lady Cathlen complains at her, having a hard time supporting Yerre up because her feet keep waggling. 

"Whose drunk? I'm not drunk! You're drunk! Jeje~!" Yerre answer with hiccups.

'Yeah, your drunk, all right? Why are you even drinking? Are you happy because Prince Adam and I are no longer in relationships?' She thought, smirking.

"Are you happy? Prince Adam and I already break up. You can have him all to yourself," Cathlen mentions, which made Yerre look at her with a frown, then shoved her away from her. 

"Happy? Jejeje~! Happy am I happy? Hahaha ha," Yerre respond with her laughs.

"Then why are you drunk?" Cathlen ask.

"I'm not drunk! I'm not!" Yerre reply along with her puffy expression pissed off, making Cathlen chuckled. 

"Don't you know you're acting like a five-year-old right now," She mentions making Yerre hump then turned away from her as Yerre then went over to the terrace railing, attempting to sit on top of it, but Cathlen stops her before she can do what she wants to do (?)

"Let go! I am tired. I want to sit!" Yerre complains as she keeps hitting Cathlen hands that grip on her waist tight, securing her. 

"Are you crazy? That railing is very thin! Are you trying to kill yourself?" Cathlen scolded her as Yerre still insists and keep pushing Cathlen away from her. 

"No! I want to sit! I am tired!" Yerre shouts like a five-year-old insisting on doing what she wants. 

'Ha! I am so tired of this villain!' Alda thought, exhausted. 

"Fine! Sit and die! You're a villain, after all. No one will cry if you die. Go! Do what you want," Alda had enough as she let go of Vendia's waist and push her close to the terrace railing. Yerre got shocked by Cathlen action, making her turned around then look straight at her. 

"Muwaaaah..." Yerre cries in front of her, making Alda stunned. 

"I'm not a villain. I'm not! I'm not!" Yerre shouts within her mess sobs and puffy expression as she grips her two hands into a fist, then throws a tantrum, stomping her left foot to the ground nonstop, repeating her words over and over again.

"I'm not a villain! I'm not! I'm not!" 

'Ha... I am so done,' Alda thought, giving Yerre an exhausted expression as Yerre only give her a frown expression with eyes full of tears. 

"Okay, okay. All right, your not a villain, your not so calm down now, okay?" Alda mentions as she gets close to Yerre and caresses her back, calming her down, but Yerre cries even more. 

"Ha... why are you crying even more? Stop crying now, okay? Do you want me to apologize?" Alda consults her, but she even cries even harder, making her annoyed.

'Haaaa, I can't believe this a villain crying like is the end of the world,' Alda thought-feeling unbelievable right now.

"Okay, I'm sorry is my fault for calling you a villain. You can stop crying now," She mentions, but Yerre still didn't stop crying. 

'Haaa, I am so over this. I only want some fresh air and relaxing time alone on this terrace. Instead, I get entangled to a villain who cries like a baby,' Alda thought, irritated.

"Hay... oy, Vendia, stop crying or else I will break your neck, stop crying now, okay?" Alda mentions within her firm tone of voice as she tries to make Vendia stop crying using a threat, and it works. Vendia stops crying. She looks straight at her, but without a second, Vendia starts crying again.


'Ugh... fuck,' Alda cursed.

"I'm not Vendia! That is not my name! I'm not!" She shouts, repeating her words over and over again.

"Haaaa, okay, okay. You are not Vendia. You are you," Alda mentions as she pats Vendia's right shoulder.

"Uwaaaah, I'm not her. I'm not Vendia..." Yerre mentions through her mess sobs.

"Okay, okay. You are not Ven-" Alda pauses for a minute, thinking through Vendia words.

'She's only saying that because she is drunk, right?' Alda thought.

"You're only saying that because you are drunk, but no matter how hard you deny your character, your still Vendia, the only daughter of the Marquis," Alda mentions, which made Vendia cry even louder.

"I'm not her! I'm not her! I'm not Vendia! I'm not the Marquis's daughter! I'm not her! I'm not from here! I'm from another world!" Yerre shouts within her sobs as she felt tired. Alda looks at her, puzzled upon hearing her words.

"Wh-what did you say?" She asks, stuttering as her heart is racing with hope and excitement while her breath is pacing. She pulled Vendia close to her, using her right hand, making Vendia surprised, then grip her waist tight.

"Are you sure your not Vendia? You're not joking right now, right?" She asks as she gazes at Vendia eyes, full of hope.

"Mn!" Vendia answers, full of confidence with a nod as she sobs. Alda hugs her tight using her arms. Which made Vendia gasp, then halt her breath for a second, surprised.

"Th-then tell me. Tell me your actual name," Alda ask within her trembling voice, not from fear but from excitement she felt.

"My name..."

"Yes, your name tells me," Alda embraces tighter to Vendia as she waits for Vendia answer. Vendia sobs for a while, then answer.

"My name is Yerre," Vendia answer.

To be continued.

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