Heir To All

Chapter 1043: punish evil

Rohan and the two members of the Fallen Sect beside him were in a state of daze in the face of everything in front of him.

Unbelievable, Chu Linguang in the earth house has such a powerful skill.

"You go too."

Chu Linguang's voice came from the earthen house.

The three of Rohan looked at each other, knelt down and kowtowed towards Chu Linguang, and then left without looking back.

"What a disappointment."

Chu Linguang was very helpless.

The night pearl thrown by Narohan has been destroyed, and the light curtain in the air has disappeared.

He followed out of the mud house.

As he left, the rune marks on the ground also disappeared automatically, as if they had never appeared.

In Xiaohe Village, Chu Linguang lived for three years.

In these three years, he was not without gains.

The invisible law of cause and effect scattered in the air gave him some insight and a new understanding of the cultivation world.

But in the future, Chu Linguang will have to continue to study.

At this moment, Xiaohe Village has lost its meaning to Chu Linguang.

Like an ordinary cultivator, he entered the ancient city of Bai.

On the Holy See side, it was because of the situation in Xiaohe Village that it was shaking up and down.

With a wave of Chu Linguang's hand, the Holy See army suffered heavy casualties, and the bishop of Prison Hill and the little saint almost lost their souls. Many people saw it under the spread of the light curtain in the air.

For the Holy See, this is not only a great shame, but also has a fatal impact on the power of belief, causing many people to question the authority and strength of the Holy See, and the consequences are quite serious.

The relevant personnel at the Holy See headquarters in the imperial city, after some research and discussion, decided that it was necessary to let people in the western region truly see the power of the Holy See, and let everyone dispel all doubts about the Holy See.

A real expert from the Holy See is approaching Xiaohe Village.

Even if Chu Linguang was not in Xiaohe Village, they felt the need to come over, and they were even confident enough that they could find Chu Linguang and save face for the Holy See.

Of course, the Holy See's siege and attack on the Fallen Cult has also reached an unprecedented level, and it can't wait to uproot the Fallen Cult members in the western region and make them disappear completely.

a time.

The western region is full of wind and rain.

Countless people lost their lives in this storm.

In the White City.

Because the members of the army led by Chen Shuanghai himself were basically injured, and many of the younger generation lost their lives because of this. The body of Chen Shuanghai, the lord of Baicheng City, was almost destroyed, and his soul was also severely hit.

The picture was also seen by countless people.

Around the White City.

There are also three fortresses.

It presents a triangular form and surrounds the ancient city of Baicheng.

They are Hancheng, Beilangcheng, and Wutan City.

The relationship between the relevant forces of the three cities and Bai Gucheng has always been relatively tense. The overall strength of any city in the three cities is not as good as Bai Gucheng. Usually, they need to form an alliance to fight against Bai Gucheng.

Now Bai Gucheng's vitality is greatly damaged.

Chen Shuanghai's injuries almost killed him. The leaders of the three cities were also eager to move for a while, and they were planning to annex Bai Gucheng, making this small area extremely depressed.

Many civilians sensed something was wrong and were planning to flee the city.

But it was soon blocked by the city guards.

The aborigines of Bai Gucheng, who would dare to leave Bai Gucheng at this time, and draw a clear line with Bai Gucheng, once it is clear, they will be involved in the nine clans.

Once the ban comes out.

Although the civilians complained, they did not dare to leave Bai Gucheng easily, fearing that they would be seen through by the city guards and be beheaded on the spot.

It's just that the practitioners of Bai Gucheng did not feel the slightest oppression. They have the strength to protect themselves. Even if the three cities attack Bai Gucheng together, as long as they show their identities, don't get involved with the Chen family.

The fire of war will not spread to them.

"Don't forget, what was the original intention of my existence, Chen Gu Kendo?"

Here in Bai Gucheng, there is also a branch of Chen Gu Kendo.

Recently, under the influence of Chu Linguang.

The heads of the major cities are all very welcome, and the head of Chen Gu Kendo will create a branch within it, so that they can communicate and communicate with each other.

At this time, the undercurrent of Bai Gucheng was surging, and the three cities of Hancheng, Wutan City, and Beilang City were ready to move, and they would invade Baicheng at any time. .

Chu Linguang entered Bai Gucheng and rushed over here.

Before entering the branch, I heard voices inside.

"It is my duty to promote Chen Gu's kendo, but now the situation in Bai Gucheng is like three hungry wolves staring at a sick cat. We are just here to promote Chen Gu's kendo, not muddy waters. I suggest that we evacuate immediately, I believe the City Guard will never dare to stop it."

"No, we don't have to evacuate. Even if the ancient city of Bai is really occupied by Han City, Wutan City, and Beilang City, I forgive them and they would not dare to do anything to our descendants of Chen Gu's swordsmanship."

"That's right, we, Chen Gu's swordsmanship, are now well-known and famous, and the sword master is a person who can reach the sky. If we pack up and leave at this time, it will not be laughed at if it spreads out."

"If you don't leave, if you stay here, you will have to defend Bai Gucheng against powerful enemies. You know, we set up a branch here, and we have an agreement with the city master of Bai Gucheng, and they will ensure that no one dares to invade us here.

Similarly, once Bai Gucheng is in danger, we, the descendants of Chen Gu's Kendo, can't just sit back and watch. "

There was a lot of discussion.

Chu Linguang's consciousness swept away.

Discovered the distribution of the ancient city of Bai, a total of more than 20 Chen Gu kendo successors.

Nakutai is among them.

Chu Lin Guangnian was the successor of Chen Gu's swordsmanship. When he attacked his own defense and forbidden magic circle, he showed mercy to his men, and even saved his life when the little saint wanted to kill him.

I thought he was a hot-blooded person.

Who knows, at this time, he actually suggested that Chen Gu's kendo successor should evacuate the ancient city of Bai, draw a clear line with the ancient city of Bai, and ignore the life and death of the people here.

Although the life and death of Bai Gucheng is the matter of Chen Shuanghai.

But the existence of Chen Gu's swordsmanship is to punish the evil and protect the weak.

Although many times, Chu Linguang is also a cold-blooded person, but since he has become the sword master of Chen Gu Kendo and obtained Chen Gujian, Chu Linguang can't help himself, and some things must be done if they are not done.

It is like becoming the patron saint of Dahua.

When facing the demon **** Mumba.

At that time, Chu Linguang could completely stay out of the Dahua plane, but in the end he stayed and fought Mengba to the end.

At that time, what I fought was not only a passionate blood, but also always remembering my responsibilities, being loyal to my beliefs, and identifying with my blood.

"We can't go!"

Chu Linguang walked in and said bluntly.

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