Heir To All

Chapter 853: The female dragon's decisiveness


Jiaolong Tan Tao broke free from the shackles.

Get up and growl.

Creeping in the abdomen.

A little dragon is born on the spot.

The little Jiaolong was covered with this layer of mucus.

The skin is soft.

But after being licked by the mother with her tongue a few times, the epidermis immediately dried up, and even gave birth to scales. The thin body, which was originally a thin body, also stood up, when he saw that there were humans all around.

It flew up and leaped on its mother's back, and roared with her.

Its voice is very immature.

But without losing the mighty domineering.

Standing in the crowd, Chu Linguang swept his fiery eyes, and was surprised to find that the little flood dragon in front of him contained extremely strong blood of the dragon, and there was a great chance that it would evolve into a dragon in the future.

This seems to be a bloodline mutation.


The sea of ​​clouds churned.

A thunderstorm condensed in the sky.

"It's a little dragon."

"It's the little dragon, you must never let them go."

"Take the little dragon and raise it in its infancy. It will be the easiest to conquer in the future."

The personnel of Liushenfu said one after another.

Several waves of masters rushed out directly.


Little Jiaolong felt the hostility of human beings, and stood on his mother's back, grinning.


The mother dragon, Tan Tao, also roared.

At this moment, under the shower of **** power, its strength has skyrocketed, but in this human territory, it knows that it can't stay for a long time and must rush out in time, otherwise the mother and child will be taken by humans, and the consequences cannot be imagined.


It rose directly into the sky.

Scroll the sea of ​​clouds above.

Lower the billowing thunder.

Under the cover of thunder and raindrops, I wanted to escape.

"Where to go!"

The masters of Liushenfu rushed forward.

All show their magical powers.

They showed their housekeeping skills one after another, laying a net of heaven and earth in the air.

Like a great magical power, it hit the mother dragon, Tan Tao, directly bombarding it from the air.

At a critical juncture.

The female dragon, Tan Tao, turned her body over, and shielded the little dragon under her abdomen, and resisted the terrifying blow of the strong human by herself.

When the huge body fell down, when it was close to the ground, it turned its body again, with its back facing down, and its own claws, firmly grasping the little flood dragon, making it tightly close to its abdomen.

Not to be smashed into meat sauce by his own body.


The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The ground of the martial arts field cracked like a spider web.

The female dragon, Tan Tao, vomited blood, and the **** power on her body seemed to be dimmed a lot, the divine might diminished, as if she had no previous power.


Little Jiaolong knew that his mother had been injured in order to protect herself. His head was on the mother's abdomen to make offerings, crying very sadly.

"Quickly, take it down!"

The powerhouse of Liushenfu shouted.

It is pitiful not to pity the mother and little dragons at all. In their eyes, as long as they take down the mother and little dragons and successfully conquer them, it is a great achievement.

Enough to be famous in the watch city.

Become a pivotal figure.


The female dragon, weeping blood, stood up again, trying to fight hard against the strong human beings.

To the death, she was unwilling to surrender, and even more unwilling to allow her son to become a human mount, be subdued by humans, and become a puppet.

Chu Linguang saw this scene.

Go a little underground again.

Scarlet energy spread.


The blood-colored light on the female dragon's body rushed straight to Xiaohan.

The huge momentum swept out.

The body also suddenly increased.

The moment the roar made a sound, it was like the mountain whistling a tsunami, and the wind and the remnant clouds sent all the strong men who had besieged forward.

The female Jiaolong was surprised.

It didn't understand why this scarlet power appeared suddenly.

Could it be that the ancestors of the Jiaolong clan manifested the saints?

It can't help thinking about it.

With the little dragon, he rose to the sky again, trying to stay away from the place of right and wrong.

Unexpectedly, the moment it soared into the sky, it saw a huge handprint, like a mountain, appeared in the air, covering all the brilliance above it.

A palm is pressed down towards it.

Which mysterious real immortal powerhouse finally made a move.

He was extremely surprised and ecstatic when he saw that the female flood dragon gave birth to a little flood dragon, and that little flood dragon was able to move the sea of ​​clouds and nebula rain when she was born. He was extremely surprised and ecstatic, and apparently realized that the blood of this little flood dragon was extraordinary.

At the same time it was a young age.

When it's best to subdue.

Once surrendered.

When it awakens the power of bloodline and becomes a dragon, as the master, his strength will also rise in a straight line. At that time, he can compete with Baiyunzong for his own power.

He even competed with Chu Linguang, the most popular recently.

Therefore, how could this true immortal powerhouse allow the mother dragon to escape.

When he saw the **** power erupting from the female flood dragon, he didn't think much about it. It was just the racial supernatural power of the flood dragon clan. At the critical moment, the mother flood dragon guard was eager and burst out of power.

He hardly thought about it.


See that big palm print.

The mother dragon, Tan Tao, has entered a state of madness. It has long known that the greatest danger here is the middle-aged man in front of him.

As long as they can escape from him, the mother and son will be fine.

So this hit.

It must turn things around and bring heavy losses to the opponent.

Under the package of Scarlet Power.

It is covered with bones, clearly visible.

The strong roots are like a weapon of the gods.

Roaring room.

The claws swung down.

Hit on the huge palm print.


The palm print burst.

The female dragon and the little dragon continued to soar into the sky.

Often the tail is thrown down, and it knows that the person will not let them go easily.

"Stay, I won't treat you mother and son badly."

Middle-aged people are full of spirits.

Although the palm print was smashed by the female flood dragon, facing the mother flood dragon that was wagging its tail, he stretched out his right hand and turned into an afterimage, which was directly caught on the dragon's tail.

Pull hard.

Originally, she was about to soar into the sky, into the clouds and rain, and under the cover of thunder and lightning, the escaped female dragon was actually dragged down from the clouds by the middle-aged.

He fell hard to the ground.


Violent vibrations.

Frightened everyone.

The female dragon weeps blood.

The little dragon was still protected by it, and it had been lying on its abdomen, and its back was completely sinking into the ground at this moment.

Facing the strong human beings.

Even under the blessing of Scarlet Power, its strength has soared, it is still not an opponent.

It has never been able to take that step and become the True Immortal Demon King.

Many racial talents and supernatural powers have not yet been activated.

How is the opponent of the real immortal powerhouse.


The little dragon wailed.

The cry was like the cry of a baby, and many people frowned and felt very cruel.

The mother Jiaolong gently stroked the little Jiaolong's head with her paws, her eyes were full of guilt and reluctance. It knew that it would be difficult for it to break out of the siege, and its own son would not be able to leave here.

So it has a crazy idea.

Death can't let his son become a human mount, and lose the face of the dragon family.

So it shoots sharp claws and shoots directly at the son's head, even if it is dead, it will not let humans do what they want!

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