Heir To All

Chapter 861: Female monarch

The woman's cold snort was out of season.

But it was really that Elder Hu and others were so excited and excited that they didn't notice the woman's cold snort, and they kept surrounding Chu Linguang, inquiring about the cold, all kinds of concerns and inquiries.


As a result, the woman was a little annoyed and snorted again. Accompanied by power fluctuations, everyone was quiet for an instant.

Elder Hu said that he had forgotten things.

He smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly pulled Chu Linguang to the woman, and introduced: "Junior Brother, a lot of things happened in the sect when you were away, and the gentleman who had been practicing outside for hundreds of years has returned.

Now she is the right-hand man of the Zongmen, who has made contributions to the Zongmen for a while and has opened up new territory.

She won this lookout city. "

"Gentleman, I remember. There was a record in the sect that there was an outstanding female disciple under the seat of the master, who was called the female monarch. I didn't expect you to return to the sect in a hundred years. Congratulations."

Chu Linguang once consulted some information about the Baiyun Sect. He still remembered that in the sect, there was a female monarch who had a different talent and possessed the bloodline talent.

Just disappeared for a hundred years.

did not expect.

Come back again.

Turned out to be a real immortal first-class powerhouse.

For Baiyun Sect, this is a great joy.

"Huh! Are you Chu Linguang?"

The female monarch did not give Chu Linguang a good face.


Chu Linguang didn't mind at all.

"But others also say you are Chu Tiange, do I call you Chu Tiange or Chu Linguang?"

The lady asked.

"Hehehe, gentleman, Lin Guang and you and us are in the same generation. You can be regarded as his senior sister, so you can directly call him junior."

Elder Hu calmed down the atmosphere.

"Is he qualified?"

The female king asked rhetorically.


Elder Hu's expression was stiff. From the various behaviors of the female monarch back to the sect, he and many people in the sect could tell that the female prince was very unkind to Chu Linguang.

Unexpectedly, the two quarreled as soon as they met.

The female gentleman cast a cold look at Chu Linguang, then turned around and walked into the living room.

"Little brother, listen to me a few words."

Elder Hu knew that if this went on, the two would definitely have a conflict, so he immediately pulled Chu Linguang aside and explained some reasons to Chu Linguang clearly.

The master of the original female monarch.

That is, Baiyunzong's last powerful player.

Before eclosion, there were frictions with Shenzong many times, and even wars with Shenzong strong. I don’t know how many times. The two have paid a heavy price for this. Even so, the female king’s master once vowed to annex Shenzong and eradicate Shenzong. .

After her master emerged.

The female monarch also temporarily left Baiyunzong, went out to experience and seek a breakthrough.

In this century-long time.

She had forgotten the master's oath.

Try to make yourself stronger and stronger, so strong that you can look up to.

The Emperor lives up to his heart.

Wait until she breaks through again and again.

When she became a real immortal first-class powerhouse, and her strength was equal to that of her master, and even higher, she finally came out of the mountain and rushed back towards the Baiyun Sect.

I don't know, before returning to Baiyun Sect, I learned the news of the alliance between Baiyun Sect and Shenzong.

The two cases stopped fighting.

Shake hands and make peace.

Since then, they have not violated each other, and disciples have exchanged every year, passing on the secrets of the sect's treasures to each other.

After the alliance, the territories of the two cases have also been expanded.

It even eliminated the Fire Coriander Sect, the Slayer Guards, etc., and became the two strongest sects in the world in the central area of ​​the south.

And these news, in the eyes of the female gentleman.

Every message is extremely harsh and funny, just incredible.

Only if it was, all the disciples of the Baiyun Sect were all dead. Those who used to be, must have all emerged. Now the people who are in charge of the Baiyun Sect are definitely some wine bags and rice bags.

Under anger.

She almost killed all the way back.

Waiting to return to Baiyunzong.

When she saw Gu Qingshan, the third elders, waiting for those familiar figures, and before he left, there was only Wang Heng of the earth immortal level, she was directly blinded.

The leader of Bai Yunzong has not actually been replaced.

Basically the same people.

Although in the past hundred years, there have been several arrogances.

They are very talented and have become important members of the Baiyun Sect.

Those people were basically still there. It was under their instruction that Baiyunzong and Shenzong successfully formed an alliance and became allies.

At that moment.

The female king almost collapsed.

You know, she ran away for a hundred years.

Experience outside.

In order to break through oneself and become an extraordinary real immortal, to fulfill Master's wish, let Baiyun Sect annex Shenzong and become the most powerful sect in the central area of ​​the south.

Don't know.

The current Baiyun Sect and Shenzong have resolved all their grievances, the two sects are in harmony, and together resisting the powerful enemy, all grievances have been wiped out.

The female gentleman felt that all her efforts were in vain.

Annoyed, she wanted to kill Shenzong alone at the beginning, and slaughter the Shenzong disciples.

in this way.

The relationship between Shenzong and Baiyunzong will also be broken.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qingshan and the others had long seen that she was abnormal, and the seal imprisoned her for the first time, preventing her from leaving the Baiyun Sect.

In the days that followed.

Chu Linguang's life or death is uncertain.

The female monarch's thoughts became even stronger. She once used her magical powers to break through the seal, and only after Gu Qingshan and others had abolished her strength, they took her down again.

This time, Gu Qingshan and others have learned a lot.

Knowing that there is no alternative.

Fortunately, the female monarch's master once left instructions.

It is required that the female emperor must abide by the rules of the sect at any time, respond to the order of the sect, and help the sect to flourish.

That day, Gu Qingshan and the elders.

Take this instruction with you.

In front of the female emperor's gate, there was a line to persuade.

Explaining all the stakes and the last wish of respecting the teacher is not determined to annihilate the Shenzong, but hopes that the Baiyunzong will become stronger, more disciples, and safer sects, that's all.

And the alliance with Shenzong.

Avoid war.

The two groups coexist peacefully, so they have time to cultivate and grow stronger.

This is fully in line with the ancestors' aspirations.

For this reason, everyone spoke with great pains, and it took a full month to successfully persuade the female monarch to make an oath not to destroy the alliance between Shenzong and Baiyunzong. This unlocked the eighteenth in the female monarch. Layers of seals allowed him to regain his freedom.


Although the female monarch agreed, not to destroy the alliance relationship between Shenzong and Baiyunzong.

But always holding a breath.

She couldn't watch Shenzong, its prosperity, at least couldn't watch Shenzong's influence, surpassing Baiyunzong.

And Chu Linguang, the instigator, was a genuine little brother from Shenzong.

Because of him, Shenzong seemed to surpass Baiyunzong invisibly. After regaining her freedom, she immediately took the disciples of Baiyunzong to open up the territory.

As a result, he had the hand of Baiyunzong and reached out to the scene of watching the city.

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