Heir To All

Chapter 866: The man on the roof is terrible

"Calm down, everyone, listen to me!"

Elder Hu shouted.


The other powerhouses in Liushen Palace rushed directly towards Elder Hu, and all kinds of methods were sent to Elder Hu in a swarm. When they reached this point, how could they be polite to Elder Hu.

Obviously, the behavior of the female monarch made the people of Liushenfu think that Baiyunzong intends to replace Liushenfu, let others take charge of the watch city, and even directly send the strong to take over the watch city.

And this is unacceptable to all colleagues in Liushenfu.


Elder Hu looked aggrieved, and two real immortal first-level powerhouses directly surrounded him. He was half-hanging, no matter where he would be an opponent, he was in a frenzy for a moment, and the situation was very bad and dangerous.

Standing on the roof, Chu Linguang waved his hand slightly when he saw this scene.

Powerful strength swept out of the palm.


Directly swept away the two true celestial powerhouses in the Liushen Mansion beside Elder Hu, and kicked them out of the courtyard of the Liushen Mansion just like kicking a ball, falling in the distance as if they had turned into two black spots. After a long time, they didn't see them back.

I don't know if it's dead.

Still the mental head was hit hard.

All are trapped.


Elder Hu took a breath.

I have already learned from Shenzong disciples that Chu Linguang displayed his supernatural power at the Jinshan Proving Ground in the mercenary city, and even killed many true immortals, forcing the Yanzong and Demon Mountain to disband automatically. For his strength, Elder Hu also did a good job. Got psychologically prepared.

Where can I think of it.

Chu Linguang waved his hand casually, and any one who could make him frantic disappeared like this.

This strength, in the eyes of Elder Hu, obviously felt stronger than the female monarch.

It's just that the female monarch in the melee and the three true immortals of the first-class strong realm in Liushenfu have not seen this scene, otherwise they will definitely be shocked.

Even Shisan and three would calm down instantly.

"You are looking for a dead end!"

The female monarch had a dark face, thinking that her thunder means could make Shi San and the others kneel down and begging for mercy, saying all the good things, and striving for leniency. How can you know that this group of people dared to resist, and the battle was so big.

For a time, the female monarch was a little bit hard to get off.

But she was already an arrogant person.

Now that it has reached this point, there is no hiding it. Various powerful magical methods have erupted one after another. The monks outside of the Six Gods can feel the powerful fluctuations here, and countless people are scared to flee everywhere.

I thought that the people of Liushenfu had provoke a terrifying existence.

Even the scarlet giant came back from the killing, and slaughtered the Liu Shenfu personnel.

"Tiansha locks the immortal formation, seal!"

At this time, the old woman with a bleeding mouth pinched the Jue with both hands, taking advantage of Shi San and his wife, temporarily dragging the female monarch, using her great magical powers, and laying down a layer of heaven and earth nets.

This layer of formation method completely shrouded the female monarch's Taoist world.

"Take him!"

Shi San roared.

He has been hit hard.

If he was alone, he would have been beheaded by the female king.

Even with the help of the old couple, he is extremely struggling.

At this moment, it was difficult to trap the female monarch, and the power of the female monarch's magical powers dropped sharply.

"Junior brother, help the younger sister!"

Elder Hu saw that it was unusual.

Hurriedly asked for help to Chu Linguang.

Although the female monarch has some flaws in her personality, she is powerful and is the right arm of the Baiyun Sect. Losing such a great **** is a serious loss for the Baiyun Sect.

"I'm waiting for him to come and beg me."

Chu Linguang put his hands on his chest and lay on the roof with an appearance of laziness and enjoyment.

"Even if I die, I won't beg you."

The female monarch heard Chu Linguang and Elder Hu's discussion, and snorted directly.

"We have no intention of betraying, so why bother to force you!"

Shi San was shocked.

The other true celestial powerhouses in Liushen Mansion were nowhere to be seen.

That Chu Linguang actually lay on the roof, raised Erlang's legs, his comfortable appearance seemed to unknowingly take care of all the real celestial powerhouses of their Six Gods Palace.

If so.

They are the opponents of Baiyunzong.

Just wait for Chu Linguang to plug it in.

They will all be finished.

"Junior sister, stop, if you have something to say, maybe it's just a misunderstanding."

Elder Hu knew this was an opportunity.

"Misunderstanding? How could it be a misunderstanding? They have different intentions and must be eradicated!"

The female gentleman was tough and did not back down.

"My lord, we swear that we never dared to betray you and Baiyunzong. Please trust us and stop here!"

Shi San begged for mercy again.

Indeed, Chu Linguang suddenly appeared. His calm and calm appearance made him and the old couple feel scared. You know, this is Liushenfu, but the other masters of Liushenfu didn't come out. Obviously they must have been killed by Chu Linguang.

they do not know.

They didn't see the scene where Chu Linguang fanned out two real immortals from a long distance with one hand, but the other masters saw it all.

Originally, a swarm of rushes wanted to take Chu Linguang, but when he saw that scene, all of them were hidden. Everyone shivered. It was obvious that Chu Linguang was as terrifying as the female monarch, and even stronger.

"My lord, please give us a chance."

The old woman also knows the problem.

In the range of her control, the power of the circle has dropped a lot.

Think of it as begging for mercy from the female gentleman.

"I must see your sincerity."

The female prince said proudly.

In fact, she tried many times to break through the woman's Shasuo Immortal formation that day, this formation method, she learned the first time she fought with Shi San and the others, and did not take advantage of it.

Shot this time.

Although he was on guard, he was still trapped in it.

For the long term.

Even if he could break through and take the three of them down, he would definitely pay a painful price. How did he face Chu Linguang at that time?

"My lord, please!"

Hearing that, the old woman scattered the circle directly.

Kneel down on one knee and bow with fists.

This action suddenly withdrew the magic circle, as if losing all the defenses. If the female ruler hurt the killer, she would have finished playing, but for the sake of Liushenfu, she could only take a risk.

"My lord, we have no intention of betraying!"

The old man followed and begged for mercy.

He flickered beside the old woman to prevent the lady from moving.

"My lord, we are wronged!"

Shi San followed and begged for mercy. In fact, he was very aggrieved in his heart. The Six Gods Palace was now turned into ruins. This matter was destined to become a joke, and he was afraid that he would be more obedient to the Baiyun Sect in the future.

"If you want me to stop, I want you to make an oath to always be loyal to my Baiyun Sect, and at the same time increase the number of spiritual stones offered each year, etc.!"

The female gentleman said unceremoniously.


Shi San and the others glanced at each other, and at the same time looked at Chu Linguang who was lying on the roof, and finally Shi San said with difficulty: "Yes!"

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