Heir To All

Chapter 871: The Proud Son of Heaven

Chu Linguang, Nu Jun and Elder Hu all looked at the crowd pulling the Changhong beam.

I saw that this group of people turned out to be true immortal powerhouses.

All of them have a strong breath.

The expression is rigorous, as if determined to fight Lao Mo to the death.

Chu Linguang and the female gentleman all saw familiar figures.

The old couple from Liushen Palace was among them.

Seeing the three of Chu Linguang and Elder Hu, both of them took the initiative to say hello and introduced them to everyone.

"This is Chu Linguang, the younger brother from Shenzong and Baiyunzong who is famous in the world.

This is the female emperor of Baiyunzong.

This is Elder Hu of Baiyunzong. With the help of the three of them this time, we people will definitely be able to take down Lao Mo and completely eradicate Lao Mo. "

The old woman took the initiative to introduce.

Chu Linguang nodded towards everyone.

This group of people.

There are twenty-three people in total.

All of them are true immortal powerhouses.

Although most of them are strong in the first or second realm of true immortals, they are also three of them. Like the old woman, they are all strong in the first realm of true immortals. Someone is still quite young, only one. Less than a thousand years old.

At this age, he has this level of cultivation, and in this cultivation world, he is definitely the pride of heaven.

When the old woman and the old man introduced Chu Linguang and the female monarch, everyone clasped their fists and nodded.

Knowing that the man in front of him was killing the Quartet in the Mercenary City and forcing the Yan Sect and the Demon Mountain to disband, everyone was very surprised and surprised, and their confidence in dealing with Lao Mo this time increased a lot.

However, both the female prince and Chu Linguang are from the central area of ​​the south.

Before that, the hands of Baiyun Sect and Shenzong hadn't reached this side.

Today, the Baiyun Sect and Shenzong's sphere of influence is constantly expanding.

Some of the interests of the people have been affected.

For a time.

Many of them were not friendly towards Chu Linguang and the female monarch.

Especially that, less than a thousand years old, has become a real immortal young man in the first-class state.

His name is Weizhen.

Mastering the three layers of Taoism, holding the law of profound meaning, it is extremely conspicuous in the crowd. When he comes over, he carefully looks at Chu Linguang and the female monarch. After knowing the identities of the three, don't be too arrogant.

"You have eye problems, or itchy skin, why are you staring at us?"

The female gentleman could not bear the violent temper, and she cursed directly.

Weizhen made no sound.

Just flip the palm gently.

The three layers of Taoism behind him opened automatically.



Ling Feng.

Three different concepts of Dao Yun oppression swept across, and in an instant, Chu Linguang and the others were enveloped invisibly. Three oppressive forces were simultaneously covered. Elder Hu only felt that his body was divided and he was very uncomfortable. To break free, break these three layers of Taoism.

However, as a true immortal first-level cultivation base, how can he break the three-layer Taoism of a true immortal first-class strong realm?

"Damn it!"

The female gentleman couldn't help it.

Step forward.

The soaring sword energy bred from the earth, forming countless beams of light, and hitting the three layers of Dao Yun shackles.

The female prince is the powerhouse at the top of the first-class real immortal realm. The old couple and Shi San teamed up, and they both managed to draw a tie with the female prince. In terms of pure strength, the female prince is stronger than the majestic, but behind the prince, there is only Two floors.

And Weizhen has three floors.

Compete with Taoist power at this moment.

She was shrouded again and broke through from the inside out. The female gentleman did not take advantage of this opportunity, but was rather passive.

Without any choice.

Her magical powers exploded in an all-round way.

That thousand swords of light rising into the sky.

It is her secret law.

Very rough rule.



Wan Dao Jianguang instantly broke through the two layers of Dao Yun in front of Weizhen. Under the glacier layer of Dao Yun, Wan Dao Jianguang was obviously struggling, and it seemed very difficult to break through.

It's just that Weizhen's expression can't be calm at this time.

The female monarch’s arrogant and profound principles and powerful true celestial cultivation skills made him unexpected. For a while, he could not take advantage of him. Although the female monarch was shrouded by his Taoism, he could not control the female monarch for a while. How about it.

Go on like this.

Once Dao Yun was broken by the female monarch.

If the female monarch kills, he will suffer.

"Dare to hold on? Sun, moon and rain, kill!"

The female monarch exploded.

The sky beyond the Taoist aggregate.

Numerous sword lights suddenly formed.

Everyone looked up.

Two dazzling light spots appeared in the sky.

As if that was the sun and the moon.

Thousands of rain fell down.

Countless people were horrified.

Here is the Taoism of the female monarch.

That raindrop is her kendo.

Complementing the Wandao sword light inside it, both inside and outside attack the Dao Yun barrier to the mighty Dao.

Everyone exclaimed again and again.

To know.

The female gentleman is clearly trapped in the world of Taoism by Weizhen.

At this moment, he was able to cast a spell to kill the enemy outside the mighty world of Tao Yun.

A move of the sun, the moon, and the rain, can be described as a magical soldier from heaven, and was caught off guard.

Even Chu Linguang was very surprised after seeing it.

Under a pair of fiery eyes, Chu Linguang could see that the female monarch was able to do this because the Taoism she possessed was extremely powerful and possessed the mystery of stealing the sky.

Even if you are deeply jailed, you can reach out to the outside world, the inside and the outside will unite, and it will be fortune.

No wonder she is so domineering.

With one's own power, he can take down the watch city and make Liushenfu obey.

Here is the foundation of the female monarch.


The Dao Yun of Weizhen could no longer be supported, and it fell apart in an instant.

The pressure on Elder Hu also disappeared suddenly, and he was startled in a cold sweat. If these three layers of Taoism were not broken by the female monarch, if things went on like this, he would break down directly. Then the power didn’t need to continue to act, he would just Will be easily crushed by Weizhen.

"Mao hasn't grown up, and I dare to show off in front of me and die!"

The female monarch could not restrain her anger.

Directly kill Xiangweizhen.

Weizhen's Dao Yun was pierced by the female monarch's internal and external supernatural powers, and a shocked expression appeared on his face, but at this moment, facing the female monarch who killed him, he quickly calmed down and took the shot calmly.

Give it a wave.

The glacier appeared again.

Freeze the female monarch directly.

But in just an instant, the female monarch was killed from the glacier.

When the volcano, and Lingfeng's two layers of forces followed, the female monarch cut out with a sword and slashed at Weizhen’s head. Weizhen hurriedly blocked her. Although she resisted this wave of power, her body also flew upside down. Going out, he broke the landmark building of Sky Pearl City, and knocked a pavilion into ruins.

Many people thought that Lao Mo had killed him.

Those who fled became more flustered.

On the originally impenetrable streets, under the tension of everyone, there was a stampede.

Those civilians who did not have a cultivation base suffered countless deaths and injuries.

"I took your skin off."

The female gentleman didn't want to let go of Weizhen.

"Girl, our enemy now is the old demon, not fighting each other."

An old man who was respected and respected, and whose strength was also in the first-class realm of true immortality, and might even be on par with the female monarch, stood up and blocked the female monarch's path.

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