Heir To All

Chapter 876: Bold ideas

Scarlet power is boiling.

Affecting the devilish energy in the abyss, and at the same time aroused Li Mubai's remaining power, turning the already dangerous and terrifying abyss into a purgatory on earth.

The Taoist Bull and Sheep, although he knew the environment of the abyss of terror, he knew better than everyone else.

But at this moment, the abyss is boiling.

Chu Linguang exploded with a hammer in the palm of his hand.

At the same time as the body fell.

Was also entangled by the boiling devilish energy and powerful sword energy.

The tentacles that stretched out from the body were chopped off for unknown reasons.

It was as if a black hair had been shaved directly into a dog skin plaster head, very embarrassed.

"How dare you ruin my way!"

Taoist cattle and sheep roared loudly.

Over the past few thousand years, he has swallowed the blood of an unknown number of people, and the true immortals who died in his hands have also reached a terrifying amount.

The devouring great technique has already reached the point of perfection.

That powerful force enabled him to move back and forth in the abyss freely.

At this moment, after paying a certain price, he broke free from the abyss.

He at this time.

The flesh is riddled with holes.

The blood dripped, it looked as if it was a demon who was tortured in hell, and every place on his body was shocking.

It makes people shudder.

When that blood mist boiled.

It seems that he is the Mengba in this world.

The powerful breath is unobstructed.

It was the most powerful opponent Chu Linguang encountered after returning.

At this time, Chu Linguang, the same blood-colored power boiling, was wrapped into a blood-colored giant, standing on the edge of the abyss, facing the Taoist cattle and sheep, both of them felt an unusual aura from each other.

"This... the scarlet giant is Mr. Chu, and Mr. Chu is the mysterious powerhouse."

The old man of Liushen Palace saw the scarlet giant and instantly understood everything. It turned out that the Scarlet Giant and Chu Linguang were the same person. Fortunately, Liushen Palace did not betray the Baiyun Sect and tried to cling to the scarlet giant.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it's already over.

"It turned out to be him."

The female monarch was also shocked, feeling incredible.

Feeling the weak power in the body, the female gentleman gradually blushed.

If it hadn't been for Chu Linguang to save her in the abyss, she would have already become a corpse, and her spirit would be destroyed.

Escape at this time.

Although the female monarch was arrogant, she gradually calmed down, realizing that she was not an opponent of Taoist Bull and Sheep, and clearly realized that Taoist Bull and Sheep was a real immortal super-class powerhouse, and even more powerful.

Everyone was left behind.

Gathered together.

He hated the Taoist cattle and sheep, but at this moment, no one dared to step forward except Chu Linguang.

They were all worried that if their bodies were entangled by the tentacles of Taoist Cow and Sheep, they would instantly turn into a corpse.

It was hard not to die at that time.

"This is the real pride of heaven!"

Wei Zhen also bowed his head.

He was pointed out by Taoists.

In less than a thousand years, he has become a real immortal first-class powerhouse. With this strength and talent, he has always been very conceited.

Knowing that Taoist Bull and Sheep was actually an old demon, he was incredible at the same time, he was also eager to try, wanting to eliminate harm for the people, and make a name for himself. How can he know that in the abyss, he has almost no power to fight back.

In just a few moments of effort, he was sucked up with an unknown amount of blood. If it weren't for the real immortal's first-rate cultivation base, which made his life function vigorous, I am afraid that he would have to lose a lot of weight just like Elder Hu and others.

At this time, seeing Chu Linguang was the scarlet giant who killed Tianhe's third hand, and was able to fight against Taoist cattle and sheep, and help everyone escape, Wei Zhen was considered to have thrown himself to the ground.

"The old man will **** you clean first, and then drain the blood of everyone in the world."

The Taoist cattle and sheep gritted their teeth, and the layout of thousands of years has fallen short because of Chu Linguang's own efforts. He was so angry that he almost ran away. If he couldn't **** Chu Linguang's blood clean at this moment, he would be better off life than death.

at the same time.

He also felt Chu Linguang's blood from Chu Linguang's **** power. It seemed extraordinary. If he could **** it, his strength would reach an unimaginable level.

It even surpassed the feedback received after the successful layout.

Chu Linguang was speechless.

Daoist Niu and Yang is the most powerful enemy he has encountered so far. This guy has swallowed an unknown amount of blood. Under the influence of the Bloodthirsty Scriptures, Daoist Niu and Yang seems to be beyond the realm of true immortals.

Even if not yet.

It also reached the extreme among true immortals.

I don't know how much stronger than the female monarch and others.

Even Chu Linguang felt that even if he was not in the Devouring Array, and given enough time for Taoist cattle and sheep, he would be able to take everyone down. With the help of Chu Linguang, everyone could escape to the sky, and it would be completely blue smoke from the ancestral grave.

So Chu Linguang directly took out the Sky Open Axe.

An axe slashed towards the Taoist cattle and sheep.


The boundless axe made the earth torn apart, and the incision in the abyss was spreading.

Under the nourishment of the **** power, Chu Linguang's strength also reached a terrifying level. You must know that he can slap a female monarch and fly out people of this level with just one slap.

It's not a problem to beat a group of ordinary and true immortals to death with one punch.

Combine with Kaitian axe at this moment.

The power can be imagined.

The Taoist Cow and Sheep, after mastering the Bloodthirsty Scriptures and bathing in the blood mist, with a steady flow of power, he still felt shocked when he felt this axe light.

He hurriedly resisted.

Tentacles extend from the blood mist.

From countless small tentacles to three big tentacles, he wanted to take away the sky-opening axe from Chu Linguang's hand.

However, the moment the tentacles touched the Heaven-opening Axe in Chu Linguang's hand, a burst of white smoke emerged, which turned into blood and dripped, and the expression of the Taoist Cow and Sheep also showed pain.

That opening axe is an artifact of the world.

Extremely masculine.

The bloodthirsty scripture cultivated by Taoist Bull and Sheep is a magical power, and the opening of the heavenly axe will resist self. At the same time, the opening of the heavenly axe has already produced a spirit, and it can respond instinctively without Chu Linguang's more control.

In the consciousness of Kaitian axe.

Chu Linguang is its master.

It felt the cordial breath from Chu Linguang, from the Yan Luo ghost chase, the cordiality of identity recognized by the heavens and the earth.

It made it find its home.


Three huge tentacles shattered.

Daoist figures of cattle and sheep run wild.

Quickly agitate the power in the blood mist, wrap it towards Chu Linguang, and the Bloodthirsty Scripture is fully operational. As long as the blood mist wraps Chu Linguang, you can enter the state of absorbing Chu Linguang's blood. It is not necessary for a tentacle sucker to absorb Chu Linguang's blood in order to absorb Chu Linguang's blood. .

"Let me try, how powerful this force is."

Chu Linguang watched the blood mist surrounding him, but he didn't panic. He glanced at the devilish energy boiling in the abyss, and suddenly had a bold idea.

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