Heir To All

Chapter 882: Manifestation of the Golden God Clan

"The Golden God Clan manifested the saints. It is clear that we are directly invading the Baiyun Sect and driving out, even beheading, all the aliens on this continent!"

"Chu Linguang, the Baiyunzong's Chu Linguang, is famous on this continent. Even the Mercenary City not far away has legends about him. I'd better be more cautious."


"Be careful, be careful, when should you be careful?"

Shuicheng, the city lord's mansion.

A group of powerful red warriors gathered together.

The people who can sit here to discuss matters are truly strong among the red-clothed clan.

At this time, the two red-clothed people had different opinions and made a little unpleasant trouble.

One of them was dressed in red fur, with a cold spur pierced on his nose. In a rage, he smashed the chair in front of him with one palm. The strength of the red palm made the ground in the hall become Anxious.

"Who is calling me!"

Chu Linguang heard the voice about him from afar.

Although the two parties have different languages.

But the strength of both parties can feel the mental fluctuations from the other's words. Through the mental fluctuations, they know exactly what the other party is talking about. In other words, there is no problem at all in communication.


The sudden voice of alien personnel sounded in the hall, shocking everyone.

Wait until everyone recovers.

A figure suddenly appeared on a chair in the hall.

This person is not Chu Linguang, who would it be?

"Foreign evildoer, look for death!"

The discussion was interrupted at a critical moment, and the opponent was a second-ranking prince who broke in, or a master of alien races, how could he bear the red samurai who smashed the chair with his palm.

He is called Bloodfang.

Aggressive by nature.

The blood red power was like a tornado, trying to roll Chu Linguang up, then twist it, and directly strangle him to death.

Chu Linguang tilted Erlang's legs.

He was full of curiosity and surprise when he first saw a strong man from the red-clothed people take action.

First of all the red energy.

Very special.

Compared with the power of the blood of the Dajin clan, especially the golden blood on the body, there seemed to be two extremes between the two.

It's like saying.

The scarlet energy of the red-clothed people is flame.

The power of the blood of the Dajin clan is the turbulent Yangtze River, which can instantly extinguish the power of the red-clothed people, no matter how strong the red-clothed people are.

It seems that this red force can't compete with the power of the blood of the Dajin clan.

This invisibly made Chu Linguang understand why the red-clothed people were naturally suppressed by the Dajin clan.

"Be quiet."

Surprised, Chu Linguang gave a light wave of his effort, but he was not polite.

A strong will oppression, along with the blood-colored power that he obtained from the blood pool, formed a prison chain, which was directly buckled on the blood tooth.

It caused his red power to collapse directly.

It even seemed to be locked tightly, his whole body tightened, unable to move, and when he got to the back, he couldn't even open his mouth to speak.

This supernatural power is like a seal.

But Chu Linguang knew that instead of using this method, he used arrogant force to tightly pinch the blood tooth, making it unable to move. While feeling uncomfortable, he could only stare at him.

"Three brothers!"

"who are you?"

"Let go of my third brother!"

Everyone exclaimed.

These red-clothed people all stood up one after another.

They even moved the red power, preparing to swarm Chu Linguang and directly hammer and kill Chu Linguang.

But one of them has a higher level of cultivation, comparable to a real celestial super-class powerhouse. Here, the man with a very convincing status and status blasted angrily: "Don't do anything. He came to the door alone. He must have some purpose."

This person not only has bright red skin, but also red eyebrows, and the red halo on his body is very rich. Compared with others, the color is not only brighter, but also more beautiful.

It seems that the strength of this group of people can be distinguished only from the depth of their colors.

"Patriarch, the aliens have absolutely no peace of mind. Are they trying to drive us out, or planning to exclude us and target us?"

A strong woman in red reminded.

The patriarch just waved his hand.

Facing Chu Linguang faintly said: "Being able to rush in grandiosely under my nose, you are a foreigner, you are very powerful, I admire you very much, now you can sign up for it!"

"Junior Brother Baiyunzong, Chu Linguang."

Chu Linguang smiled.


Everyone was surprised.

The patriarch's expression also changed.

Although he couldn't tell if he was frightened on the red face, he could tell from the look in his eyes that Chu Linguang's arrival seemed to surprise him, and even felt incredible.

"I admire and admire, but I'm a strong man in the famous Mercenary City."

The patriarch arched his hands.

"You know a lot."

Chu Linguang had already learned from Gu Qingshan and other populations that after the red-clothed people appeared on Huangsha Avenue, they successively entered the southern mainland and lived for more than a year. Regarding the situation here, many things have been found out.

Since he was planning to invade the southern continent and take control of this place, within this year or so, he naturally found a way to figure out the layout of the strong here and know his existence.

"You broke in alone, do you want to take us all by your own strength?"

The patriarch said tentatively.


Chu Linguang nodded.


"Let me kill him."

"We must not spare him!"

Hearing that everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

As if he knew he was scorned by Chu Linguang.

As the powerhouses of the Red Sea Continent, they are barbaric and proud.

"shut up!"

The patriarch was very calm.

With unique magical powers, he kept observing Chu Linguang.

The more calm Chu Linguang was, the less he dared to take it lightly. As the patriarch, he knew that since he ordered the invasion of the Southern Continent, his every move is related to the survival of this tribe.

"Then let me know your means."

The patriarch said.

While speaking, he slapped Bloodfang's shoulder with a palm, trying to help Bloodfang break through the shackles and let Bloodfang regain his freedom.

At the same time, he hit Chu Linguang with a punch.

With this punch, it was as if the entire Red Sea was boiling. It was not a fist, but the power of an ocean, even a Red Sea continent, Chu Linguang felt incredible.

Don't look at these red-clothed people as if they didn't have any powerful magical powers.

But their strength is real, and it is indeed comparable to real immortals.

However, under the nourishment of Mengba's blood pool, Chu Linguang was already a super-class existence beyond true immortals, and said that he was the strongest master of the Baiyun Sect, and there was nothing wrong with it.

It just slapped a palm and collided with the patriarch's fist.


The patriarch disappeared in place.

A human-shaped gap appeared on the wall of the hall.

The blood tooth was still locked tightly by the shackles, and his body was squeezed tighter. The feeling was really uncomfortable and his expression was distorted.


The red-clothed people exclaimed.

They were so embarrassed that they were about to attack Chu Linguang together when the patriarch returned.

He is very fast.

It's not a space conversion, nor is it a magical power.

It's simple and fast.

Two feet walk fast.

That kind of fast to the extreme.

Compared with the eight steps of the demon, it seems to be awesome.

Perhaps this should be the racial talent and magical powers of the red-clothed people!

"Don't do it."

He shouted.

Stopped everyone.

He always remained calm.

Chu Linguang looked at him with admiration.

The patriarch looked at his curved arm, Chu Linguang slapped his fist with the palm just now, not only took off all his strength, but also pulled his body as if he was flying away.

Between the two, it seems that they are no longer of the same grade.

"You are very powerful. I am not your opponent. Even if I ask a few more people to deal with you, it may not be able to take you down. But if we have so many people, if we shoot together, I don't believe you are our opponent."

The patriarch reminded.

Always guarding Chu Linguang.

"Whatever you think, I am here for only one purpose, where you come from and where you go back, and I will not pursue what you did before."

Chu Linguang made clear his stand.

"It's impossible. Why don't you live in this resource-rich land, we can't."

One of the clansman shouted.

"Yes, no matter how strong you are, we are not afraid. This continent must have a place for us to survive."

"Patriarch, you don't need to talk nonsense with him, kill him, you can enter the Baiyun Sect and **** all the treasures."

"Yes, kill him, kill him!"

The group sentiment is indignant.

A group of powerful men in red clothes who reached the level of true immortals were so angry that they could not wait to slaughter Chu Linguang immediately.

But the patriarch seemed to have felt the unusual place a long time ago. Chu Linguang in front of him was always too calm. It seemed that everything was under his control, so it's hard to say that he still had some killer skills.

So he asked: "Why do you let us leave and follow your arrangements?"

"If I say that I am a member of the Daikin clan and order you to leave, do you believe it?"

Chu Linguang asked.

"court death!"

This statement came out.

The strong men in red seem to have red eyes.

As if the four words of the Dajin clan came from Chu Linguang's mouth, they were a great insult to the Dajin clan. Even the calm patriarch had a distorted expression. He immediately used his strength to attack Chu Linguang.


The ripples swayed around Chu Linguang.

The supernatural powers of space spells exploded.

As a result, everyone's speed and attack power were linearly weakened, and they were even imprisoned.

"Presumptuous, open your eyes and see who these are?"

Chu Linguang stood up and looked around for a week, looking at those strong men in red who were fighting vigorously under his space spells and wanted to kill him.

He waved his hand.

Putting Ada, the old patriarch and others, who was sleeping comfortably in the storage box, directly put them back.

Let them appear out of thin air.

Stood beside him.



"Great God!"


The strong man in red who was originally attacking the supernatural powers of space magic and wanted to directly beat Chu Linguang to kill him, after seeing Ada and the others, he especially felt the pure golden blood aura of Ada and the others.

After that special heartbeat.

Everyone rushed forward, and they all slammed the brakes.

All the strength was taken back, even if the palm of his hand would cause him serious injury, he would withdraw his palms one after another at this moment, and even fell directly to the ground.

"Golden God!"

The red patriarch, after seeing Ada and the old patriarch, also had a numb scalp, as if the true immortal's super-class strength was completely gone. The coercion from the racial talent caused him to treat the Dajin clan. The people naturally lost the ability to resist.

They knelt down and worshipped directly one after another.

Everyone was shivering.

Together with the patriarch.

Chu Linguang saw this scene.

It was really unbelievable. If he hadn't appeared in front of him, he would have said that he would not believe that there would be such a powerful man comparable to a real immortal.

Just because of the golden blood of Ada and others.

"My lord, they..."

Ada pointed to the red rice kneeling on the ground.

"Bold, dare to be presumptuous on the land of Lord God Envoy, are you tired of living, do you want to exterminate the clan?"

The old patriarch was a clever ghost, instantly aware of what was wrong, and directly angered the red-clothed people.

"Ah, God, forgive me, I have no eyes, I don't know that he is an envoy of God."

The red patriarch hurriedly begged for mercy.

Looking at Chu Linguang's gaze, it became extremely complicated.

This guy, not the Junior Brother Baiyunzong, how could he have become a divine envoy.

But with the confirmation from the Dajin clan, the red-clothed patriarch dared not doubt anything.

"We were wrong, we were wrong."

"Please God not to punish us."

"Pray for God not to sin!"

Everyone did not vote and kowtowed.

Every time the people of the Dajin clan appeared in front of them, it was basically the same as if bad luck would happen to their red clan.

Every time in order to reduce their malice, they always try their best to ask for forgiveness.

So bad luck can be weakened.

But even so.

Whenever the members of the Daikin clan left, some of their clan would still die inexplicably, and they were basically powerful existences.

Standing beside Ada, Chu Linguang watched all this silently, and under the cover of golden eyes, he saw an unusual place.

The golden sacred blood aura that radiated from Ada and the others was unknowingly eating away the power of the blood of these strong men in red, and even hurting their internal organs and souls.

Unconsciously, they suffered casualties.

And this.

Chu Linguang could be sure that Ada and the others definitely didn't know that their blood and aura could have such a lethal power.

Even the red-clothed people don't know that the blood aura on the people of the simple Daikin clan can easily harvest their lives and reduce their lifespan without knowing it.

"My lord, what do you think you want to do with them?"

The old patriarch took the lead in questioning Chu Linguang.

"My lord is forgiving, we can evacuate, evacuate immediately, and never step into the southern continent again."

The red patriarch hurriedly begged for mercy. In fact, they were anxious to occupy the southern continent and live here. The main reason was to avoid encountering the Dajin clan. Unexpectedly, even if they hid in the southern continent, the Dajin clan people. , It is still unjustified.

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