Heir To All

Chapter 884: You are all tricked by Chu Linguang

"Fuck your mother shit, I don't need your golden doors for my Baiyun Sect's affairs.

We will take care of the affairs of the Red Sea people.

Shuicheng will also be captured in the shortest time.

You guys wait and see.

Within a few months, the people of the Red Sea people will disappear from this land, and they will all roll back to the place where they don't shit. "

It was the voice of the three elders.

Obviously, the powerhouse of the golden door, in the Baiyunzong hall, arrogantly accused them of ineffectiveness, which made the three elders very angry.

The other powerhouses of Baiyun Sect were also aggrieved.

"If you really have this ability, why would the Red Sea people invade Shuicheng and cause countless southern monks to destroy their families?"

The strong golden door snorted coldly.

"That is, our Baiyun Sect did not expect that the Red Sea people would suddenly attack, and bite people here like you. If you don’t get used to it, OK, we can drive all the Red Sea people to your territory. At that time, we will have to see how talented you people at the Golden Door are, and what can you do with them?"

The speaker is a female prince.

She has always been a violent temper, had it not been for Elder Hu to pull it, she would have been violent.

"It is unreasonable. I have a group of people at the golden door. It is because you are isolated and helpless. I don't want you to be mocked by the sects in other areas. They will come to support you from a long distance. I didn't expect you..."

The powerhouses of the golden door, upon hearing the words, were all in anger.

"Be quiet for me."

It was Gu Qingshan's voice.

He handed over to Yang Likun, the representative of the golden door, and said, "Hall Master Yang’s kindness, I’m waiting for it. However, things about the Red Sea people really don’t need to bother you. There are countless powerful people in the Baiyun Sect. This little thing is very small. It will be resolved soon.

If you are extremely unbelievable, you might as well stay for a few days to see what kind of landscape the Shuicheng looks like in a few days. "

After Chu Linguang returned, Gu Qingshan began to make preparations to counterattack Shuicheng and drive away the people of the Red Sea.

"Sect Master Gu, it's not that I don't believe in your White Cloud Sect, or look down on your White Cloud Sect, but as far as I know, those strong people of the Red Sea Clan in Shuicheng have already begun planning to attack and invade your White Cloud Sect.

It seems that they are planning to go all out to eradicate your Baiyun Sect directly, or even uproot it. "

Yang Likun of the golden door reminded.

He is the hall master of the Golden Door Tianwei Hall, responsible for matters large and small, especially for the expansion of the Golden Door’s sphere of influence, he himself is an activist.

So happy.

This time is also an active application.

After getting the consent of the master.

Lead the master in the door to Baiyunzong.

It seems that it is helping the Baiyun Sect to drive away the people of the Red Sea people, but in fact, I want to take this opportunity to tell everyone that the Golden Gate is the most powerful sect in the southern region.

Even the Baiyun Sect and the Shenzong alliance.

They are also little brothers.

He also wants to take this opportunity to become famous.

After all, the Red Sea people’s invasion of the southern region has spread to other regions and even attracted the attention of the northern side.

Once this matter is handled properly, he can become famous over there.

The limelight directly overwhelmed Chu Linguang.

"The idiot talks about dreams, the small aliens are so bold!"

The female gentleman snorted coldly.

Regarding this matter, she naturally received wind.

"Hey, Master Female, as far as I know, you and the patriarch of the Red Sea people seem to have fought against each other. As a result, you only blocked two moves, and the third move was severely injured. I don't know, is it right? "

Yang Likun asked.

Upon hearing this, the female prince couldn't help but flushed and squeezed out the words from her teeth: "That was my negligence."

"Is it a momentary negligence? That's another thing. I just want to remind you that the cultivation method of the Red Sea people is very different from our southern monks, and many levels can even restrain us.

So if they really plan to invade you Baiyunzong.

I can't guarantee, you really can hold it? "

Yang Likun had no fear, and even ridiculed the people around him with bad intentions. The corners of his mouth were raised, as if they were laughing at everyone, making Elder Hu and the others suffocated with a very ugly look.

"Don't forget, my Junior Brother Baiyunzong killed the Quartet in the Mercenary City and let the Yanzong and Demon Mountain automatically disband. Then I was in the Watch City, beheading the old demon, and freeing the people from the deep waters.

As long as he comes back.

The people of the Red Sea tribe will be frightened. "

Elder Hu couldn't help it, and shot back.

"Hahahaha, Chu Linguang's reputation is indeed very big. There seems to be his voice in the northern area, but as far as I know, no matter where Chu Linguang goes, he is named as the younger brother of Shenzong.

Not your little junior brother of Baiyun Sect.

The mercenary city indeed circulated the myth of Chu Linguang.

But everyone knows only Shenzong, but not Baiyunzong.

Even the Tianzong wizards over there tried every means to travel thousands of miles to go to Shenzong to participate in the assessment.

So I want to ask you how many genius disciples from other regions have been accepted by your Baiyun Sect in the past few years.

After the water city of your Baiyun Sect was invaded by the people of the Red Sea tribe, people on the Shenzong side could come to support it.

Said it is an alliance, advance and retreat together.

I think it is a joke! "

When Yang Likun heard the words, he was even more arrogant. He was full of confidence and circumspect, as if every sentence was the truth and fact. This remark made everyone clenched their fists.

I want to refute, but I don't know what to say.

"Fuck you shit, I am Shenzong Xue Bingsheng, are you blind and didn't you see? Baiyunzong is in trouble, how can my Shenzong sit and watch, but these little things, Baiyunzong freely solves it in a variety of ways.

Secondly, our Shenzong has also encountered some trouble recently.

The two suzerains have always exchanged jade slips.

My two alliances, fortunate the world, help each other, how can you be an outsider, talking nonsense and alarmist here, if you are babbling, don't blame me for being rude to you! "

Yang Likun's strength is beyond the existence of female monarchs.

Just entered the super-class level of true immortals.

Similar to Gu Qingshan.

Xue Bingsheng, the newly promoted True Immortal First Stage cultivation base, is definitely not his opponent, but at this moment, how can he shrink back.

"Pap, papa, good point!"

The applause came in along with the applause.

I saw that Chu Linguang, who had not been seen for a few days, walked in from outside the hall.

"Little Junior Brother!"

Everyone was full of surprises when they saw Chu Linguang.

Although Chu Linguang was showing great power in the Mercenary City, the people over there really heard Chu Linguang, the younger brother of Shenzong, and their senior Baiyunzong and even Gu Qingshan were a little dissatisfied.

But it is undeniable.

After Chu Linguang made the alliance between Baiyunzong and Shenzong, the development of Baiyunzong has also been greatly helped. Secondly, in the past few years, there have also been many talents of heaven who came here admiringly, joined the Baiyunzong, and became the outstanding Baiyunzong. disciple.

They would not wrongly blame Chu Linguang for a few words from others, ignore what Chu Linguang did, and thus doubt the authenticity of this alliance.

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