Heir To All

Chapter 894: To refuse is to admit defeat!

Chu Linguang sat in the corner of the hall.

In front of him was piled up with letters from various sects.

He has a calm face, obviously suffering from a headache.

At this time, he was even a little shaken and asked himself if it was really wrong to do so, and threatened the survival of the entire southern mainland people, and he should not keep the Red Sea people.

Should they be driven back to the Red Sea mainland?

However, looking at the water city, the people of the Red Sea and the people of the South have established a trade channel. Two large shopping malls are filled with people. The people in the city and even the several cities near the water city are all because of this. Trade channel, life has been improved.

Even ordinary people have greatly improved their lives.

The voice of accepting the Red Sea people is not without it.

Under the Baiyunzong's jurisdiction, the people of the Red Sea tribe are now guarding themselves. Do they really have to drive them out of Shuicheng and let them return to the Red Sea mainland?

"You say something!"

Lin Tianlin urged.

At the beginning, after the alliance between Baiyunzong and Shenzong, it swept away some restless forces around and expanded the territory. This matter was also condemned by people. The Fire Coriander Sect even formed a demon-killing guard to fight against the alliance between Baiyunzong and Shenzong. .

But compared to this time.

The previous slayer guards were nothing but a little trouble.

Today, the southern continent.

In the southern central area, all major sects have joined the golden doors to condemn the Baiyun Sect and the Shenzong. The situation is imminent. There has not been a major change in a century, and Lin Tianlin can't worry about it.

Even this sound of crusade may spread out of the southern central area, spread to the watch city area, the mercenary city area, and even the northern area, and so on.

"Am I doing this wrong?"

Chu Linguang got up and asked.

He looked at everyone.


All of a sudden, everyone's expressions changed, and many people looked tangled, their eyes dodged, and they seemed to dare not say anything.

"I want to hear the truth, everyone speaks freely, no matter whether the ideas are the same or not, I won't blame it."

Chu Linguang soothed.

"Little Junior Brother, since you said that, then I will say a few words."

Wang Heng raised his hand.

Chu Linguang nodded towards him.

Wang Heng glanced at the people and coughed dryly: "I agree with this matter! Because the establishment of this trade channel will benefit the sect without any harm, and the only headache is the external forces. , Opposed to our Baiyun Sect's approach, and it might even be against our Baiyun Sect.

However, my Baiyun Sect has been inherited for thousands of years. In these long years, more than once, the Zongmen was forced into a desperate situation and turned things around in the desperate situation.

No matter what the situation.

My disciples of the Baiyun Sect are all fearless and go forward courageously.

This time, my Baiyun Sect may have risked the world's bad faith, or was jealous, but this matter is conducive to the development of the sect, and it can also improve the lives of ordinary people.

So come on, I will never back down! "

Wang Heng was impassioned.

Chu Linguang was moved, never expected that Wang Heng would be on his side.

"Junior Brother Wang's consideration, I believe we all know it, but the problem right now is that almost all forces in all directions, under the leadership of the golden door, will smash our Baiyun Zong sword.

This is a matter of life and death.

If it is purely for a trade channel, it is against all the sect forces. I think the price is a bit high. "

The three elders have different considerations.

"Can we build a trading place on the Red Sea mainland, and let the sect disciples personally trade with the Red Sea people, so that the exchanges between the two parties are completely controlled by us, and there is no way for others to intervene.

It can also block a lot of people's mouth. "

Elder Hu shivered cleverly.

"If you really do this, do you think the proud Red Sea people will follow our Baiyun Sect's arrangements and trade with us? In addition, can't other forces go to the Red Sea Continent and take the initiative to trade with them?

As long as any one of them throws an olive branch to the Red Sea people, the Red Sea people who feel unfairly treated in our Baiyun Sect will immediately turn their backs.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to take advantage of both ends. "

Wan Dapeng reminded him that he seemed to have foresight.

"I agree with Elder Wan. I want to take advantage of both ends. It is completely idiotic. Either abandon this huge cake or fight against all the sect forces. I choose the second one!"

The female monarch echoed the road.

She has always been fearless, and Chu Linguang had long expected her point of view.

"In case if it urges everyone."

Some people retreated, or did not support it at the beginning, leaving the Red Sea people to stay in Shuicheng.

For a time.

Everyone speaks freely.

Have expressed their opinions.

Chu Linguang listened carefully.

There are not a few people like female monarchs, but they choose to give in and let the Red Sea people return to the Red Sea Continent. There are also not a few people who do not interact with each other. It can even be said that the number of such people is much greater.


In everyone's bones, discrimination against the Red Sea people has always been there.

At the same time, he was unwilling to meet with all major sect forces for the sake of the Red Sea people.

"Two suzerains, what do you think!"

Chu Linguang looked at Gu Qingshan and Lin Tianlin.

The two looked at each other.

Gu Qingshan grabbed a handful of the letters sent from the major sect forces on the table, firmly squeezed it in his hand, directly crushed a large corner, and took a deep breath. He said, "Do you have any I have thought, if our Baiyun Sect retreats here, in the future, these people will repeat their tricks or become more vigorous!"


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, it seemed that they didn't expect this one.

"Don't forget, we have inherited the Baiyun Sect for thousands of years. In these long years, as Wang Heng said, who have we been afraid of?

not to mention.

Building a trading place between the two nations is beneficial to our sect without harm. It will not only make the sect stronger, but also benefit the common people.

I ask you, what is wrong with such a thing! "

Gu Qingshan's voice was loud and loud.

As the Sect Master of Baiyun, he has an overall view that ordinary people don't have.

At the same time, he himself is also a ruthless character, not afraid of heaven and earth, sometimes only more crazy than the female monarch.

If the Red Sea people could not accept the rule of Baiyunzong, and under the rule of Baiyunzong, they would keep themselves safe and obey the law, then Gu Qingshan would not agree to anything and let these people stay in Shuicheng.

The key is.

The Red Sea people now follow Baiyunzong’s arrangements, and honestly do business and trade with the southern people in Shuicheng, so that the economy of Deshuicheng will develop rapidly, and even in the next few years, Baiyunzong’s taxation resources will become more abundant. And rich.

He has any reason to refuse.

not to mention.

To refuse is to admit defeat.

It is to persuade Yang Likun and others!

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