Heir To All

Chapter 896: Four wooden pegs

Lian Xinghe is sinking like water.

With a light sweep, Yang Likun, the woman and the others glanced, and everyone was shocked.

The woman clinging to the girl's body was so turbulent, as if she couldn't bear this kind of oppressive feeling, she unexpectedly appeared from the girl's body.

And the body of the girl who had lost the soul of the woman also lost her brilliance in an instant, and corpses appeared, and even quickly withered.

And that Yang Likun's soul, although it would not be shaken out of the body that was taken away by him.

But also in a trance.

It looks a bit ugly.

"Who hurt you like this?"

Lian Xinghe's voice is very magnetic.

He is a genuinely beautiful man, with a calm confidence all over his body.

This self-confidence seems to be able to trample anyone in this world under one's feet.

So Yang Likun didn't dare to give birth to the slightest disrespect.

Yang Likun didn't dare to conceal it, and said bluntly: "The Red Sea people are strong."


Lian Xinghe casually fan.

The woman and Yang Likun flew out directly.

Yang Likun’s body that was taken away by him was directly shattered. The souls of the two people seemed to be slapped firmly, and it was very painful. It was torn off.

"The sect master calms down!"

Yang Likun was sweating profusely.

Although their strength is not as good as before in the spirit state, the spirit is the spirit, and it seems to be substantive. In fact, it is no different from the illusion. It seems that few people have the skill, slap on the spirit, and can make the spirit. The owner felt a tingling sensation.

Under normal circumstances.

Want to defeat the soul.

They all want to use absolute strength to force destruction.

And Lian Xinghe slapped lightly, stabbing it without hurting the soul, this skill is something Yang Likun can't do.

Being able to make them feel this stinging power in a state of spirit and soul with their bare hands is also something they can't grasp and understand.

For a time.

Yang Likun became more respectful to Lian Xinghe.

The woman who was a member of the Golden Door Elders Group also did not dare to breathe.

As for the **** monkey, the heavy shield man and others, they have been kneeling on the ground, shaking tremblingly at this time.

The two of them, because they have not found a suitable physical body for the time being, their state at the moment has always been the appearance of a divine soul.

"Trash, lose my face as a golden door!"

Lian Xinghe shook his head.

I felt very upset.

"If you were smashed to pieces by Gu Qingshan and others, I can still take you directly into the Baiyun Sect, and crush Gu Qingshan, Chu Linguang and others, directly. I never expected that they were from the Red Sea tribe. Alien barbarians, barbarians beat you like this!

Shameful, hateful, ridiculous! "

Lian Xinghe had an unhurried tone at first, but when he arrived behind, his voice suddenly rose up. In an instant, the wind and cloud changed, the hurricane swept through, and the house of the city lord mansion collapsed, as if it was a doomsday in all directions.

Everyone took a closer look.

Only then did I know that before I knew it, Lian Xinghe had merged into this land.

Become a god.

Calling the wind and calling the rain, just casually.

This kind of magical power is far more perverted, much more powerful than branding the world of Taoism in this world, allowing the two to forcibly merge, and blocking the people of this land in their own Taoism.

"My lord, please give us a chance to prove the golden door."

Yang Likun said tremblingly.

Under this seemingly natural yoke, his soul trembles.

It's like being overwhelmed at any time and disappearing directly.

The woman, the **** monkey, and the man with heavy shields were in a worse situation. Her spirits floated and kept begging for mercy.

To know.

The heavy shield man, the **** monkey, and the woman can all be regarded as powerhouses in the first-class realm of true immortals.

Even if the strength is not as good as the female monarch, it is not much worse.

How can I imagine it.

Just in the blockade of Lian Xinghe's domain, there are signs of collapse.

"Where are the people from the other sects?"

Lian Xinghe sighed.

That seems to be a natural domain shackles.

It seemed that the world's oppression came from the cultivation world, and at this moment, it completely disappeared.

Yang Likun and the others were relieved, and they were in such a stalemate.

In the world of Lian Xinghe's power, even if their spirits were not to collapse, they would still be damaged.

And the damage on the soul is a hundred times more serious than the demise of the flesh.

At the level of true immortals.

The physical body can be reshaped.

Just give enough time.

Even the heavenly immortals and golden immortals can reshape their bodies.

But once the soul is damaged, it is not so easy to heal it.

"Master Hui, one-fourth of the major sects have rushed to Huoyun City and have been arranged to stay.

In addition, three-quarters of the personnel were on the way to Huoyun City.

At the same time, several sects were waiting for us to gather on the way to denounce the Baiyun Sect.

This time, under my orders, oh no, under the orders of Master Sect Master, a total of 135 sect forces, inside and out, jointly condemned the Baiyun Sect and the Shenzong. "

Yang Likun hurriedly returned relevant information.

"One hundred and thirty-five sect forces, tusk tusk, I didn't expect that there are so many power sects in a small southern central area, which really exceeded my expectations."

Lian Xinghe sighed.

"The central area of ​​the South is big or small. In fact, the real number is far more than one hundred and thirty-five. According to my estimation, it should be around two hundred."

Yang Likun explained.

"Oh, that means that nearly half of the sect forces have not responded to the golden door's order to condemn the Baiyun Sect together."

Lianxinghe Road.

"My lord, the Baiyun Sect and the Shenzong alliance. This time, the Shenzong brazenly supports the Baiyunzong. They have to fight side by side with the Baiyunzong and fight against everyone. This has led to many small sects. They are afraid of being liquidated by the Baiyunzong or Shenzong. All dare not stand. Come out to fight."

Yang Likun explained.

"Hmph, I'm afraid of being liquidated by the Baiyun Sect and Shenzong, don't you be afraid of my golden door liquidation? If the order goes on, all the sects left behind, no matter the size, if they can't rush to Huoyun City within three days, follow me to Water City. It will be directly obliterated and cleared."

Lian Xinghe said angrily.


Yang Likun nodded hurriedly when he heard the words.

Don't dare to hesitate.

"There are so many sects, it is too troublesome to control them. When the Baiyun Sect and Shenzong are eliminated, they will be taken back to them. All the sects who are willing to merge into the golden door are still able to be in the territory they belong to. live on.

All the sects that refuse to be merged into the golden door, become the big and small sects of the golden door minions, we will eradicate them together, and we will never show mercy! "

This time Lian Xinghe had to flex his muscles and make the entire southern central area tremble because of the existence of Lian Xinghe, making the golden door into the southern central area, the most powerful sect.

From then on, nothing happened to Shenzong and Baiyunzong.


Yang Likun, in a state of spirit, knelt directly this time, and bowed towards Lian Xinghe.

He finally understood.

Why is Lian Xinghe suddenly coming out of the mountain when he denounces the Baiyun Sect this time.

It turned out that Lian Xinghe didn't care about world affairs and sect sects in these thousands of years, but had lofty goals. He has always been making plans, always planning, and always calculating.

That is to rule the entire southern central area.

All the sects here, no matter how big or small, are collected.

Let the golden door become the supreme being.

It's ridiculous that Yang Likun is still thinking about becoming the master of the golden door, but he doesn't know that Lian Xinghe doesn't take the position of the master of the door at all, and has already given the golden door to him.

In the eyes of Lian Xinghe.

There is only one he can see, and that is to rule the central area of ​​the south.

If it was before.

Yang Likun didn't dare to imagine, and even sneered at it.

But today, feeling the pressure of Lian Xinghe's breath swallowing mountains and rivers, Yang Likun was moved and even believed it.

"I wish the sect master, dominate the world and sweep the south!"

The woman, the **** monkey and others all knelt and worshiped, and they were greatly shaken in the state of spirits, as if they had seen that even the galaxy swept all the sects, and all the sect leaders surrendered under the golden door.

Originally, they were only supposed to crusade against the Baiyun Sect and take advantage of the incidents of the Red Sea people. This was a golden opportunity for the Golden Gate to surpass the Shenzong and the Baiyun Sect.

Only now I realized.

The master of the sect is very talented and has already planned to annex all the sects and unify the grand achievements of the southern region.

"I don't need a reason to do things with the golden door. In the days to come, anyone who defies or slams against the golden door will kill him no matter where he is!"

Lian Xinghe said again.


Yang Likun and others said in unison again.

They knew that Lian Xinghe was asking them not to restrain themselves, to show the strength of the golden door as much as possible, and not to shame the golden door, except for things, he was the master of the door.

Lian Xinghe disappeared immediately.

Manage other sects, order them to go to Shuicheng along with the golden door, and let them send them to act as cannon fodder. He left them all to Yang Likun to handle.

He was unwilling to intervene in such cumbersome things, and he was confident that Yang Likun did not dare to defy.

Only after disappearing.

Four wooden pegs were left on the ground.

There are four wooden piles, surrounded by aura, and runes flashing. Not only are various defensive formations recorded on them, they also have strong self-attack power.

"These four wooden stakes were obtained from a ruin by the deity. You will imprint the spirits on them, so that they can become your physical bodies, so that your strength can be maintained at the peak state without being affected by the slightest."

Lian Xinghe's voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Thank you, sir!"

The four of Yang Likun were extremely happy.

I was secretly unhappy because the flesh body that was finally found was damaged by Lian Xinghe.

At this moment, the four wooden pegs that were able to cling to the spirits and kept their strength at the peak without exception were placed in front of them, and the four had no more complaints.

Yang Likun took the lead in choosing the strongest wooden stake.

Attached to it.

The wooden pile shone with light.

In an instant, it became a complete physical body, with the same appearance as Yang Likun.

Women, monkeys, and men with heavy shields also attached their souls to their wooden stakes.

The wooden pegs they are attached to have all changed.

Became their original appearance.

"I feel stronger than my physical body, and this defense is even more terrifying, barbarian, wait for me to hammer my flesh!"

The heavy shield man clenched his fists.

Powerful strength, surging everywhere.

The three Yang Likun also felt that the physical body at this time was extraordinary, and it seemed more powerful than the real body.

"The sect master must have a great adventure. Just four wooden pegs have such a terrifying power. It is hard to imagine how strong his assassin is?"

Yang Likun speculated in his heart.

For a time, he became more loyal to Lian Xinghe, and had no dissent.

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