Heir To All

Chapter 898: The Red Sea Clan applied to play!

One hundred and thirty-five sect forces gathered to invade Shuicheng and drive the people of the Red Sea back to the Red Sea Road.

The scale and severity of this incident have exceeded Chu Linguang's expectation.

Not only must he block the golden door, but also ensure that the safety of the Red Sea people is not affected. Of course, it is Chu Linguang's plan to let the Red Sea people and their Baiyun Sect fight side by side and advance and retreat together.

If the strength of the Red Sea people cannot be used well, it will definitely be a major loss.

Chu Linguang was very fast and hurried back to Shuicheng soon after.

Standing above the water city, overlooking this city with a population of tens of millions.

Because of the skin color of the Red Sea people and their living habits, not only the clothes are bright red, even the houses they live in are also painted bright red. This time, standing in the air and looking down, the red spots in the water city are basically all Gathered in two areas.

Of course, there are scattered spots of light walking around the city.

The people of the Red Sea people are only required to abide by the laws here and live under the rule of Baiyunzong, and they are not restricted in their freedom of movement.

Chu Linguang looked around Shuicheng for a week.

To the north of Shuicheng, near the Red Sea, the yellow sand avenue is very eye-catching above the surging Red Sea.

On the avenue.

The caravans of the Red Sea people and the Southern people come and go, creating a peaceful scene.

To the south of Shuicheng, there is an intricate jungle with monsters and beasts rampant and rich in resources.

The east and west directions are the main passages leading to other cities, and the two directions are Mapingchuan.

The direction of Huoyun City is just east.

At that time, the one hundred and thirty-five sect forces will be killed together from the east, or they may directly surround the Shuicheng, force the Baiyun sect to be soft, drive the Red Sea people out of the city, or even kill them all.

But to prevent such things from happening.

Chu Linguang felt that it was necessary to set up a large defensive formation here to make the entire Shuicheng solid.

With his personal strength.

There will be no problem with Chu Linguang's safety.

But Chu Linguang must take into account the safety of ordinary people in Shuicheng. These people cannot resist the 135 power sects. They gathered together, the strong are like clouds, even Chu Linguang wants to break the siege. It's not that easy.

As a master of formations.

Heir to everything.

Chu Linguang pondered carefully. He wanted to set up a forbidden magic circle that could block everyone. It was difficult for him to do it alone, mainly because of insufficient time.

So Chu Linguang thought of the means of capturing the thief and the king first.

He arranged hundreds of forbidden magic circles in all directions in Shuicheng.

These forbidden law formations complement each other. Once the real immortal powerhouse breaks in, they will be besieged and their strength will be greatly weakened.

Once these true immortal powerhouses fell apart, the remaining people were all the disciples of the Baiyun Sect and the Shenzong, who were completely defensive.

Secondly, the strong defensive power of the Red Sea people can also resist.

In this way, Chu Linguang arranged these prohibition circles.

It took five days.

"My lord, don't the people here welcome us so much?"

The Red Sea patriarch had already learned from Chu Linguang and other people that the master of the golden door door had already led a large and small group of 135 sect forces, rushing towards Shuicheng.

To drive them out of the southern region of the Red Sea people, let them return to the Red Sea mainland, and never set foot on the southern mainland.

This made the Red Sea patriarch very upset.

"Not everyone doesn't welcome you. You see, the big and small businesses in Shuicheng are so harmonious with you now. As for the outside of Shuicheng...huh, it's just a peek at the properties of your Red Sea continent and want to cross the white clouds. Zong, just ask for it by force."

Chu Linguang explained.

"My Lord, please allow us the Red Sea people to fight for Shuicheng, Baiyunzong, and the Red Sea clan this time."

The Red Sea patriarch is not stupid. He clearly realizes that the main reason for being excluded is that others think they are easy to bully.

"Don't worry, you will naturally come in handy."

That was what Chu Linguang was waiting for.

"Thank you, if you can, please leave all the people at the Golden Door to us. I, the Red Sea clan, must let them come back and forth."

While the Red Sea patriarch spoke, the already rough Red Sea suddenly heard roaring sounds like a mountain roaring and tsunami, as if he felt the power of the Red Sea patriarch's call.

Chu Linguang had a pair of fiery eyes, and he clearly saw that the power of blood in the Red Sea Patriarch's body suddenly rose. It seemed that the closer they were to the Red Sea, their strength would become stronger.

"Well, I believe you, in this red ocean, no one can bully you, and no one can drive you out of Shuicheng."

Chu Linguang nodded.


The Red Sea patriarch looked grateful, and then Chu Linguang saw the Red Sea patriarch, leading a large number of strong men of the Red Sea clan, out of the water city, into the Red Sea, they were immersed in the Red Sea.

With the surging waves ups and downs.

At this time, their pores are greedily absorbing the power from the Red Sea. It seems that their blood is integrated with a mysterious power in the Red Sea.

Chu Linguang came to the sky above the Red Sea.

Looking at this scene, I was shocked inexplicably.

If it weren't for this group of Red Sea people, who had different breaths, he would have thought that the Red Sea people and the monks of the Demon God who bathed in the blood pool were a group of people.

Neither of them seemed to need to cultivate themselves.

Want to increase in strength.

Just bathe in a pool of blood or the Red Sea.

Although it is impossible to clearly see from the naked eye that the strength of the members of the Red Sea tribe has changed in a short period of time, they can be fully felt from their complexion. The moment they walked out of the Red Sea, each of them was completely Full of power.

Even if they were injured before, Xuegang and Xuefang, who have not been healed until now, give people the feeling that they are full of energy and their fighting power is amazing.

It seemed that if the two met Yang Likun, they could tear Yang Likun to pieces together.

"Fortunately, they believe in the Dajin clan, and the Dajin clan regards me as an envoy, otherwise..."

Chu Linguang sighed inwardly.

If the members of the Red Sea clan were deceived by other people and let them deal with the Baiyun Sect and the Shenzong, those two cases would suffer great calamity and pay an extremely painful price.

Whoosh whoosh!

When the Red Sea people walked out of the Red Sea and returned to Shuicheng, there were countless figures galloping in the west. They took the wind and the sword, flying sand and walking the rocks, and the figures hurriedly approached here.

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