It turns out that Zheng Yuan and grab the book at the same time is the cold beauty who lives in the purple villa.

It's a coincidence.

Zheng Yuan smile, smile very ambiguous, toward the cold beauty winked eyebrows: "beauty, what a coincidence, I did not expect to meet you here, so you have this hobby."

To tell you the truth, he was really surprised. He didn't expect that this cold and capable beauty was also a senior corrupt girl, which was seriously inconsistent with her usual image.

It seems that corrupt women are all pervasive now.

Cold beauty heart not to mention how depressed, she did not expect to meet Zheng Yuan here.

She may not be surprised to meet Zheng Yuan in other places.

But this is tanmei district. Generally, only corrupt women like to go shopping. She can't figure out that Zheng Yuan, such a big man, should appear here. Is he still a corrupt man?

Cold beauty light way: "is really very coincident, you are really a big abnormal."

With that, he pulled the cartoon to his side.

"What's wrong with me?" Zheng Yuan felt very wronged.

"A big man even likes to watch Tan Mei. It's not a pervert." Cold beauty white eyes way.

"Who says that men are perverted when they see beauty? You are sexist. Besides, it's for my sister. " Zheng Yuan pulled the book to his side.

"Is it?" Cold beauty quickly pulled the book back.

"It's unexpected that our CEO came to buy Tan Mei novels as soon as he got off work. It's really perseverance." Zheng Yuan blinked and gave a sly smile.

Cold beauty slightly surprised, did not expect Zheng Yuan even know that he is the president, however, her look unchanged, calm way: "I help my sister buy."

She won't admit that she wants to see "the foundation of heaven and earth", because she doesn't want others to know that she is a senior corrupt girl, otherwise it will damage the image of the president.

Although Zheng Yuan knew she was lying, he didn't expose it: "I see."

After a pause, he said: "beauty, it seems that I saw it first. It's not kind of you to rob me like this."

Then he pulled the book to his side again.

"I saw it first." Cold beauty does not give in at all, she looked for a long time to find such a book, so she will never give in.

In fact, it's just a coincidence that she likes to watch Ji Dao Huang Di Lao.

Before, she didn't like reading comics and novels.

She always only likes to read elegant and meaningful books.

Only one day half a year ago, when she came back from work, she was so tired that she sat on the sofa and didn't want to move. At the same time, she felt a sense of inexplicable depression. Her mood was so low that it was like her aunt was coming.

She was thinking at that time, what do people live for?

Work? Play? Or love?

However, apart from work, she has little interest in play and love.

But after working for a long time, she will feel very boring.

In a word, she was very depressed at that time, and had reached the point of doubting life.

At that time, she accidentally found a comic book on the sofa, which was brought back by her sister ming'er.

Idle and bored, she picked up the book and read it.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. You are totally addicted to it.

She did not expect that there was such a different kind of cartoon in the world, with wonderful plot and special characteristics of love, without the childish and vulgar plot of ordinary romance novels and love cartoons.

And after watching, she felt a burst of unspeakable relaxation, completely without the tiredness after work.

So, from then on, every time she was tired of work, she went to buy a copy of "base to the end of time" to go back and have a look.

Zheng Yuan and cold beauty no longer talk nonsense, just like tug of war to pull the book, no one give way to each other.

"Hey, look, there are two handsome men kissing over there." Zheng Yuan suddenly reached out to the West.

"Where is it?" The cold beauty couldn't help looking over, but she didn't see anything. She suddenly understood that she was cheated.

Her action immediately exposed the nature of the corrupt girl.

Also at this time, she felt a loose right hand, the book has been Zheng Yuan robbed.Zheng Yuan took the book and quickly walked to the cashier. He said with a triumphant smile: "president, thank you very much."

The cold beauty stamped her feet angrily: "this despicable bastard, I really want to draw a circle to curse him."

After that, she left the bookstore and walked to the car parked on the street.

However, just as she arrived in front of the car, she took out the key from her bag and was ready to open the door. A modified motorcycle flashed past her and snatched the bag from her hand.

The cold beauty was stunned for a moment, and immediately recovered. Then she ran after her and cried out: "stop, give me back the bag quickly."

However, she just ran ten steps, and then she fell to the ground.

"Damn it." She hit the ground with her hand.

However, at this time, the fast running modified motorcycle suddenly fell to the ground.

Cold beauty surprised and happy: "luck is not so good."

Then she saw Zheng Yuan go to the fallen motorcycle, pick up a shoe and put it on.

Cold beauty suddenly understand, is Zheng Yuan with his shoes will fly car party to smash down, heart way: "this guy technique is quite accurate, so far can also hit."

Zheng Yuan approached the two robbers who were lying on the ground and couldn't move. He looked at him and said contemptuously, "do you know who I hate most? It's like you guys who have hands and feet, but don't want to make progress, and dream of getting something for nothing all day long. "

Then he stepped on the chest of the two goods.

The two goods immediately screamed.

Zheng Yuan took the cold beauty's handbag from the latter robber's hand, and then walked to the cold beauty: "is this bag yours?"

Cold beauty stood up, nodded, grateful: "it's mine, thank you."

Then he went over to catch him.

But just take a step, feel right foot pain, can't help but cry out.

It turned out that she twisted her foot when she fell just now.

Zheng Yuan concerned about the way: "twisted to the foot, or not?"

Cold beauty shook her head: "it's OK."

"I'll help you through."

"No The cold beauty refused even if she didn't want to. She didn't like to let boys touch her.

She walked slowly towards the car herself.

However, every step, the pain is unbearable.

However, she was so strong that she didn't snort a pain from the beginning to the end.

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