In the blink of an eye, Zheng Yuan and kuangbao's fists collided with each other like iron and stone, and they made a dull sound.

Then, I saw a scream, spit blood, fell on the seven steps.

How could that be!

For a moment, everyone on the scene could not help but take a breath of air conditioning!

"He's so good." Zhao Keqi small mouth open, a face shocked looking at Zheng Yuan.

She really did not expect that Zheng Yuan, who was born as an ordinary soldier, would have such a strong strength that he could fight people with one punch.

It's like making a movie.

"I didn't expect that he could defeat crazy brother Biao who was born as a king of soldiers." Xiaoting, Yesen and others are unbelievable.

They are now in a very complicated mood. They thought that Zheng Yuan was just a poor commodity and would be trampled on by them all their lives.

But in this situation, Zheng Yuan wanted to step on them, which is easy to be abnormal.

And the crazy target of those people are looking at each other, obviously can't believe what you see in front of you.

No one knows the strength of crazy mark better than them.

Zheng Yuan looked at the crazy mark and said with no expression: "I said, if you offend me, you will die."

Now, when he said that again, no one felt ridiculous.

Crazy standard struggled to stand up.

I saw his right hand soft down, has been interrupted!

He now looks very complex, anger with unwilling, there is a trace of fear.

However, after all, he was a man who had seen strong winds and waves, so after taking a deep breath, he soon calmed down.

He covered his right shoulder with his left hand and glared at Zheng Yuan. He said hatefully: "boy, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow. We'll see you later!"

Zheng Yuan coldly way: "had better not see you again, otherwise don't blame me ruthless."

He's not bluffing crazy mark. If he's not afraid of making things big, he can smash crazy mark with the power of the hand of hell.

Crazy Mark felt Zheng Yuan's murderous spirit, excited Lingling to fight a cold war.

In an instant, the whole person fell into a gloomy and cold hell.

He did not expect that Zheng Yuan could send out such a terrible murderous spirit.

Even his former boss, the leader of the wolf mercenary regiment, the king of soldiers and the wolf king's murderous spirit is not so terrible.

He suspected that Zheng Yuan was also a king of special forces.

Because only after the baptism of battlefield blood, the murderer can have such a strong murderous spirit.

However, he did not lose, cold hum: "wait and see."

Say, turn around and walk, and it's a quick walk.

Deep in his heart, he was very afraid of Zheng Yuan.

Acne man and others also quickly left after.

Even crazy standard is not Zheng Yuan's opponent, they dare to challenge.

But Yesen and others looked at each other, they did not expect that as a god of killing, the crazy mark who was not afraid of heaven and earth also had a day to run away.

When the car disappeared, they dare to stand up.

However, they did not dare to look into Zheng Yuan's eyes.

Now they are a little afraid of Zheng Yuan, for fear that he will retaliate for their rudeness.

Suddenly, Yesen spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted on the ground.

It turned out that he had been marked as an internal injury.

Xiaoting and others were startled: "Senge was injured, and quickly sent him to the hospital."

As a result, it is impossible to go to the seaside.

Xiaoting and others sent Yesen to the hospital.

Zheng Yuan and Zhao Keqi went home together.

After returning home, Zhao Keqi took two bottles of coke from the refrigerator, then approached Zheng Yuan, handed one of them to him, and said softly, "brother Zheng Yuan, thank you for saving me today."

After today's storm, her attitude towards Zheng Yuan has changed 180 degrees.

Zheng Yuan light way: "you are welcome."

He took the coke and went up to the third floor.

Zhao Keqi took a look at Zheng Yuan's back and muttered to himself: "with his strength, he should be able to be a special soldier. Why is he just an ordinary soldier?"She could not help but have a little curiosity about Zheng Yuan.

Zheng Yuan went back to his room, took a toilet in his mouth, and then sat on the ground with his knees crossed to practice.

When he merged with the hand of hell, he also got a magical cultivation method called hell Jue.

This infernal formula is generated with the hand of hell. It is closely linked with the hand of hell. At the end of cultivation, it can not only enhance the power of the hand of hell, but also become an immortal.

There are nine levels of cultivation.

They are Qi training, foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying, Shenhun, congti, Dajie, Chengding and Xianhua.

Xiuzhen is much stronger than guwu.

The power of Qi training level one is comparable to that of Qi training level three of guwu.

Xiuzhen's four levels of Qi training are better than guwu's yellow level.

And Xiuzhen's nine levels of Qi training are as strong as the peak of guwu.

After merging with the hand of hell, Zheng Yuan directly reached the third level of cultivation.

In other words, he now has the strength of the Ninth level of guwu Qi training.

In addition to the original strength of the hand of hell, he has the strength to fight with guwu Huang.

In the blink of an eye, three hours passed.

Zheng Yuan stopped practicing.

He couldn't help sighing: "Alas, the aura on the earth is so poor that it has been cultivated for so long, and there is no progress at all."

It turns out that the cultivation of truth is different from ancient martial arts. It can only be cultivated by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

And there's almost no aura on earth.

Zheng Yuan stood up.

He doesn't plan to practice any more, because he knows that no matter how to practice without aura, it's useless.

"It seems that it's time to find some medicine with aura or something to cultivate."

Zheng Yuan took out a bank card from his gift bag.

He is going to get some money, and then go to the drugstore to find out if there is any medicine with aura to buy.

When he just came downstairs, Zhao Keqi, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room reading a magazine, stood up and said, "brother Zhengyuan, do you want to go out?"

Zheng Yuan nodded: "not bad."

Zhao Keqi's lips moved for a moment and wanted to go out with Zheng Yuan.

But a strong sense of self-esteem forced him to shut up.

Zheng Yuan came to a bank more than 1000 meters away alone and took out 1000 yuan from the ATM.

This is his last possession.

Although there was a considerable amount of retirement fee, most of it was sent to Xia Xue, the sister of Xia Hua.

Xia Hua, like Daniel and monkey, is his strongest comrade in arms. They joined the army at the same time and came from the same place.

But last year, Xia Hua died because he took part in the peacekeeping forces to carry out missions abroad.

Therefore, the responsibility of taking care of Xia Hua's sister's life falls on him.

As soon as he has money, he will send it to Xia Xue, so that she can live comfortably.

Next, Zheng Yuan planned to go to the big drugstore downtown.

Generally, large pharmacies are all inclusive and have complete medicinal materials.

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