All of them took a look and saw Ling Zhong come over with a gloomy face.

Ling Zhong is not only the chairman of Ling group, but also the organizer of this exhibition dinner, so everyone is full of awe for him.

They quickly saluted respectfully and said, "Hello, chairman Ling."

Ling Zhong nodded politely to them.

In order to win the credit, Yu Daxing and manager Feng quickly welcomed him: "Chairman, you are just in time. We caught a thief."

Now they are a little excited, a little excited, and a little expecting.

Because they think that Chairman Ling will reward them for their merits.

After all, they caught the thief and prevented the lost antiques.

This is a great achievement.

Perhaps, director Ling will treat them differently and regard them as his confidants. At that time, promotion and salary increase are just around the corner.

Ling Chong's face became more and more gloomy: "who do you say is a thief?"

Yu Daxing's brains are not good enough. Seeing Ling Chong's anger, he thinks it's for Zheng Yuan's sake. He is more and more happy.

They reached out and pointed to Zheng Yuan: "Chairman, it's him. He steals in without an invitation card. I think he must want to steal your antiques. Let someone catch him so that he won't run away."

Director Han also came over and said in fear: "Chairman, I'm sorry, I'm not strict with you. That's the chance for this boy to sneak in and fish. I'll let the security guard catch him right now and call the police. "

Ling Chong said angrily: "stop it. Xiao Yuan is a very important guest I invited. How dare you treat him as a thief? Grab people without knowing anything? What do you do? "

He is really angry now.

He finally invited Zheng Yuan. Unexpectedly, these goods took him as a thief.

Zheng Yuan is a god level figure who controls the dragon. Does he need to steal?

No matter what he wants, he will not know how many big people will offer it with his hands.

If Zheng Yuan is interested in the antiques on tonight, he will not hesitate to present them.

The more he thought about it, the more scared he was.

If he didn't come in time, Zheng Yuan would be angry.

The relationship between him and himself will be in vain.

It's a group of rubbish who can't do enough and can't do enough!

Suddenly, all the people present were stunned.

They did not expect that Ling Zhong knew Zheng Yuan.

How is that possible?

Isn't this guy just a poor little security guard?

Why can we get the favor of chairman Ling?

Zhong Zhi is the most depressed.

Not long ago, Zheng Yuan was just an insignificant figure to him.

But now the little man has got the support of the big man he looks up to.

How could he accept that.

Li qingran felt a burst of unspeakable surprise: "I didn't expect that Zheng Yuan could have such a close relationship with the chairman."

She knows Ling Chong very well. At ordinary times, few young people under 30 can get such attention from him.

Director Han, manager Feng and Yu Daxing can't help changing their faces.

Director Han rushed forward to Ling Chong and bowed in panic: "Chairman, I really don't know that Mr. Zheng is your guest. He doesn't have an invitation card, so I mistook him for sneaking in. Otherwise, even if you give me ten guts, you will never dare to drive him away."

Ling Zhong said with no expression: "Xiaoyuan was invited by me personally. I don't need any invitation card at all. I've already informed the security guard. You don't go to make sure, but you can make a conclusion at will."

"Director Han, I doubt your ability and work attitude very much, so from now on, you will no longer be responsible for the dinner party and leave it to manager Li."

"You are no longer the director of Tianhua Hotel, but the head of the catering department."

Director Han turned very pale.

It took him more than ten years to be in charge. I can't imagine that he has been demoted for several grades. I'm really not reconciled.

But he was very understanding of chairman Ling. He was a man of no choice, so he didn't ask for mercy any more. Otherwise, if he was angry, he would be fired.Ling Zhong then stares at Yu Daxing and manager Feng: "and you two, as employees of the headquarters of our Ling group, have framed people without any evidence, which shows that your character and ability are seriously low. People like you will only benefit themselves at the expense of others. You are not qualified to be employees of Lingshi group. Please submit your resignation tomorrow. "

"No, chairman Ling, please give us another chance. We will never offend your guests again."

Yu Daxing and manager Feng knelt down and begged.

They also managed to get such a good job with high salary and welfare through the back door, so they didn't want to lose it.

Ling Zhong is too lazy to pay attention to them: "security, pull them out."

The four security guards agreed and went forward to arrest Yu Daxing and manager Feng and dragged them away.

The onlookers around finally saw Ling Zhong's vigorous and resolute style and were shocked.

Even Zhong Zhi could not help but be a little afraid.

Because he stepped on Zheng Yuan just now, for fear that he would retaliate now.

Although his father is vice chairman, his power, ability and contacts are far from Ling Zhong.

In a word, Ling Zhong can bring bad luck to their Zhong family at any time.

After solving the problem of offending Zheng Yuan, Ling Chong walked over and apologized: "Xiao Yuan, I'm really sorry. I didn't take good care of them. That's why these ungrateful bastards offended you."

Zheng Yuan said with a smile: "Uncle Ling, it's OK. It's just a few clowns. I haven't put them in my eyes yet."

Ling Chong said with a smile: "it's true that even evil spirits have to kneel down and beg for mercy from you. Just a few inferior goods, which are your opponents? Let's go. I'll introduce master Zhang Qing, the expert of identification, to you."

Then he took Zheng Yuan's hand and left.

Seeing that Zheng Yuan didn't pursue his offense, Zhong Zhi was finally relieved.

However, he still felt very unwilling: "hateful, that boy is just a bad thing. Why can uncle Ling value him so much?"

Li qingran took a look at Zheng Yuan's back and was full of doubts: "he clearly has such a good relationship with the chairman of the board, why is he only a small security guard in the group? With his ability, as long as you talk to the chairman, you should be able to get a manager. "

She could not help but have a little curiosity about Zheng Yuan.

She felt that Zheng Yuan was full of mystery.

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