"……The Xiaoluo Terrace, with the source of the two pools of Jingji below, leads to the gates of the two palaces of the sun and the moon, throwing fire thousands of feet high, sweeping away the Zoroastrian atmosphere.……"

The Taoist scriptures are peaceful and every word is a pearl.

However, when they fall on the female ghost, it is like a devilish sound.

The evil spirit is dissipating, and the ghost hands on the ground seem to gradually lose their hostility. Everything is moving in a good direction.


The female ghost couldn't help it, and waved her giant hand made of various bones towards Zhao Jin.

"Since you are a female ghost, I actually like you more, Yameidie.……"

While complaining, Zhang Qingyuan gathered divine light.

The incense was boiling, and Zhao Lingshan's shadow appeared behind her. It was the devout help of the living beings who were worshipped by the incense.


Although he had some improper thoughts about the female ghost, he was not polite. The five-meter-long sword light slashed at the bone hand, and the power of incense mixed with the divine light rushed into the inside of the bone hand, and the clusters of yin energy in it dissipated.

At the same time, the broken hand holding the bone knife took the opportunity to move forward and directly cut off the half bone hand that had lost the protection of the female ghost's yin evil power.

"Huang Tianfa, thunder is coming!"

Zhang Qingyuan once again used the thunder method of"Taiping Tianshu", and the violent lightning rushed towards the female ghost wrapped in bones, defeating some of her evil spirits.

Although he failed to achieve success, he temporarily delayed the female ghost's movements.

The effect of Zhao Jin's method in the back gradually became apparent, and a series of brilliant lights pierced through the dark ghost sky, just hitting the ghost hand stretched out on the ground. The light of salvation dissipated the power of the female ghost entrenched in the ghost hand, and the evil power dissipated.

The ghost hand slowly retracted into the soil, and the next second, souls emerged from the soil, covered by the light of salvation. Everyone showed a relieved expression on their faces, looking up at the light falling from the sky.

"The way of heaven values life, the way of man seeks ease, the way of ghosts hides in the dark... Today I will open the gate of hell, you all should hurry into the underworld, and do not linger."

The ghosts were silent, but they all heard Zhao Jin's words, bowed to him, and thanked him for his grace.


The female ghost made a sharp explosion sound, and then she broke out of the skeleton and rushed into the sky. The next second, the sky was in chaos and blood was surging.

Two pairs of blood-red eyes occupied most of the sky, looking at Zhao Jin on the field with cold and resentful eyes.

The light of salvation that finally appeared showed a tendency to dissipate under the operation of the female ghost.

Zhang Qingyuan was about to step forward and interrupt the female ghost's action.

But behind him came Zhao Jin's disdainful snort:"God's will is to save the soul and rebirth, and you dare to stop it. You really don't know the destiny, you should be killed!" As soon as the voice fell, the sky changed dramatically. A golden light flashed, and a faint lightning light emerged, followed by a deafening thunder, and even the entire ghost den was tottering.


The two pairs of eyes of the female ghost on the sky were suddenly covered with cracks, like broken mirrors, and the next second the eyes exploded, blood rained down from the sky, and the violent evil spirit was like a wild horse that had lost its reins and was running wildly, but another golden divine light flashed, and thunder suddenly sounded.

In an instant, the sky was clear and the air was fresh, all the evil spirits were gone, and all the resentment and evil disappeared.

On the ground, the moment the golden lightning appeared, Zhang Qingyuan felt a tingling pain all over his body. The vast power of the sky interrupted his desire to peek, and he dared only to look down at the ground.

The female ghost was directly killed by the unknown thunder, and the light of salvation was no longer blocked. One after another, the ghosts were shrouded in it, and as the divine light dissipated, they went to the underworld.

During this period, Zhang Qingyuan saw Brother Northwest Tiger gesturing at him wildly, and he didn't know what he said. He would catch him and ask him when he returned to the underworld.


Zhang Qingyuan put his sword on the ground, and his mood instantly relaxed.

Zhao Jin stood up with a tired face, and said with a weak breath:"That ghost dared to block the will of heaven, and has died under the will of heaven. If nothing unexpected happens, this ghost den will soon collapse." After receiving a positive reply, Zhang Qingyuan finally put his mind at ease, picked up the mobile phone beside him, and prepared to say hello to the netizens in the live broadcast room and end the live broadcast.

When he looked at the live broadcast room, he saw that the screen was full of unified comments, and he couldn't even read them all.

【Come on, great immortal, your magic power is boundless!】

【Quickly shake the immortal, the magic power is boundless……】

""Quick, shake the immortal?" He smiled and shook his head, ready to close the live broadcast room.

However, he had a sudden thought and looked in the direction of the original stage, only to see that the severed hand had run to the stage at some point.

On the stage was lying a corpse, which was the body that the female ghost had used to parasitize before. In the heart of the corpse, there was a bloody jade hairpin, and the beads on it swayed in the wind, which looked like an antique.

Zhang Qingyuan walked forward and saw the severed hand jumping on the chest of the corpse.

He couldn't help but his face turned black, and said:"You dirty hands, you won't let go of people even after they die, get out of here quickly!"

The severed hand was a little confused by the scolding, and rubbed the palm of its hand with its fingers in confusion... When you called Yamedie just now, didn't you think of putting your hands on these two raised positions?

It took the phone in confusion and acted as a stand.

Zhang Qingyuan lowered his head and walked around the corpse. The skin of the exposed clothes and the unmade parts was grayish white and faintly blue. It was obvious that she had been dead for a long time. I don't know why the female ghost regarded her as a parasite.

He reached out and grabbed the jade hairpin, trying to pull it out.

However, when his hand touched the hairpin, his eyes began to blur. Blurry, a large number of images hit me.

The girl was born with a fairy-like face, but she was born into an ordinary family. Her father died, her mother was sick, and her brother was studying...

Seeing this, Zhang Qingyuan felt inexplicably familiar... Why is this story so similar to the experience of some foot bath ladies?

After that, the girl joined a drama troupe to learn drama. She became famous with her beauty when she went on stage. She happened to meet him in her most beautiful youth and couldn't extricate herself from him.

But the man was handsome and sweet-mouthed, and he coaxed the girl's IQ to a negative number in a few words. In the end, the man was admitted to high school, and naturally he was on the list of successful candidates. He married the noble girl, leaving the old man alone in tears.

"What a bloody, clichéd ancient storyline."

Although Zhang Qingyuan sympathized with the female ghost, he had to say that love-brain was incurable.

The last scene was that the woman stabbed herself in the chest with the jade hairpin given by the man, and died. The overwhelming resentment made her become a fierce ghost on the spot, and then the village where she lived was unlucky. The whole village and the men in the troupe died overnight.

"It seems that I have to stay away from falling in love in the future, or I might get hurt."

Zhang Qingyuan silently summed up his experience, and finally pulled out the jade hairpin inserted in his heart. The moment the jade hairpin left his body, the body turned into ashes and disappeared.

The jade hairpin is the sustenance of the female ghost's love and hatred, and it is also the murder weapon that killed the female ghost. It contains the female ghost's resentment. He dared not throw it away casually, and put it in the Xumi Ring, waiting to go back and ask how to deal with it.


The ghost den began to collapse. As the female ghost disappeared, the resentment that enveloped the four directions was quickly purified by the breath of the mortal world.

The dark village became blurred, and was replaced by an ordinary house with lights on. The owner was no longer there. Zhang Qingyuan looked at the layout of the room and felt an inexplicable sense of warmth.

"Let's go, stop looking, go to the gate of the community to see those people, and then go back to the underworld."Zhao Jin began to pack up.

"" Ah? Why don't you just go back?"

Zhao Jin said angrily,"Are you stupid, or do you want to be a saint? You did such a great thing and saved so many lives, why don't you take the opportunity to show off?"

"Doing good things without leaving a name is not my style. Those bald donkeys can develop better than Xuanmen because they know how to do things and are very good at gaining a reputation."

After saying that, Zhao Jin put on a matter-of-fact look, and left the apartment building in a heroic and high-spirited manner, walking towards the gate of the community.

Zhang Qingyuan was stunned... It makes sense!

As the saying goes: If you only work and don't talk, you will never be able to enjoy the blessings of 996. If you only talk and don't work, you are born to be a leader.

"After all, the Qingyuan Temple has been built, so I have to attract some incense to it.……"

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