"What are you using for live streaming?" Zhao Lingshan looked at Zhang Qingyuan suspiciously.

"It's a far-leading mobile phone, issued by the King of Hell, and it's personal, so don't worry about it."Zhang Qingyuan opened his mouth and said a set of words to fool Dashachun.

"Damn it." Zhao Lingshan punched him in the head again.

On the other side, the long-abandoned land temple was filled with incense sticks, and all the incense in Zhao Lingshan's box was used up.

The thoughtful girl also wiped the land god statue inside and out with the wet wipes she carried with her.

As for why someone would bring wet wipes when escaping, this is an unsolved mystery. Even if someone took out a set of makeup kits to touch up their makeup, it would not be surprising for Zhang Qingyuan.

The smell of incense lingered in the mountains and forests, and there was an inexplicable atmosphere of peace and harmony that dispelled everyone's fear.

Huang Shuangshuang came over and whispered in his ear:"The team leader is amazing, it seems that this land god is really going to revive"

"cough cough……"Zhang Qingyuan was a little awkward and distanced himself. He couldn't stand being praised by a rich lolita.

"It's just so-so, just a little trick."

After a lot of Versailles, Zhang Qingyuan came to the land god. The ghost's perspective could not see the gods, but the eyes of the land god were different. The lingering incense power was slowly absorbed by the land god statue, and even the stone surface of the statue seemed to be stained with a layer of gold. Nearly a hundred pairs of girls behind him looked at him eagerly. Zhang Qingyuan felt a little pressured and was a little embarrassed to say the next words.

"Um...why don't you guys go play over there and I'll see if I can call out the God of Land?"

"No, it's too dangerous."Zhao Lingshan was the first to jump out and object.

The other girls also nodded.

Damn it!

Never mind, it's embarrassing, I'll just go all out.

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly hugged the statue of the land god and shouted,"Ancestor, help, there are ghosts causing trouble.……"


Live broadcast room netizens:【???】

Zhao Lingshan covered her face and said,"Zhang Qingyuan, what are you doing?"

"Old Ancestor, come out quickly, that ghost wants to kill all the people in Jiangnan University."

Everyone was still confused...

However, after he howled twice, the statue of the land god lit up with a divine light, and then a shadow of an old man over one meter tall, holding a wooden stick and dragging a beard over 20 centimeters long emerged.

"Ahem… Where did this little ghost come from? How dare you claim your ancestors as your own?"The land god blew his beard and glared.

"Really...really came out?"

"God of Land?"

"So cute……"

Zhang Qingyuan chuckled, quickly got up, bowed slightly and said:"I am Zhang Qingyuan, nice to meet you, ancestor. There are ghosts in Jiangnan University now.……"

"wait wait wait……"The land god quickly stopped him and said,"You little brat from the Zhang family, what ancestor are you claiming? My last name is not Zhang!"

""Eh?" Zhang Qingyuan's smile froze, and he asked in confusion:"Isn't the name of the god Zhang Fude?"


The land god knocked on his head with a long stick and said unhappily:"Boy, you are talking nonsense! Although Zhang Zufudegong is also a land god, he is the god of fertile soil in the world, the true god of Fude, how can I dare to climb up to him casually?"

"Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand in the future, and don’t hurt me for nothing!"

"Ahem... So that's how it is?" Zhang Qingyuan was a little embarrassed. Did

I recognize the wrong ancestor and cry at the wrong grave?

The problem is, that Zhang Fude is so powerful. I heard that this land god is in charge of all the land. This authority is definitely that of a top-notch god in heaven.

"Hehehe... Zhang Qingyuan, you can do such an outrageous thing." Zhao Lingshan made a barbell sound.

【Good guy! The dog is bold and hugged the wrong thigh】

【It's not right to cry at the grave... It's really funny.】

【This dog is so shameless that he claims to have all the ancestors just because of his surname. Last time, he even said that he has the same surname as the Jade Emperor and Zhang Tianshi.】

【The problem is, he really has the same last name... This is very annoying.

The land god cursed a few words, and then he found the evil spirit lingering over the entire Jiangnan University.

He knocked on his long staff and asked in confusion:"What's going on? Although I have lacked offerings in recent years, I can feel the prosperous human spirit in the world. How could such a powerful ghost appear to cause trouble?"

"He ran out of the underworld. Zhang Qingyuan whispered back

"Humph! I knew it was the group of good-for-nothings in the underworld. If it weren’t for the Great Sage, I don’t know how many of them would have been chopped off by the Heavenly Court."The land god cursed and cursed, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

What does the big"bad" on this kid's chest mean?

"Are you a messenger from the underworld? You are here to deal with this ghost, so why are you bothering me?"

Zhang Qingyuan was a little embarrassed:"I am the head of the Evil Suppression Division. I was involved here by chance. When I saw the altar of the Venerable God here, I thought of asking the Venerable God to help suppress this ghost."

"Hey……"The land god scoffed and said dejectedly,"You are making a wrong calculation if you want me to help you. I have not received any offerings for decades. If it were not for your incense tonight, my divinity would have withered in a few years and I would have fallen into extinction.""

"Now that they have just woken up, they are lucky to be able to protect this small piece of land, how can they deal with this near-immortal ghost."

The somewhat lonely words of the land god made everyone present feel melancholy. Even the gods themselves could not protect themselves, so what should ordinary people do in this era of ghost chaos?

"Woo woo woo……"

Another girl lost control of her emotions and couldn't help crying.

In the live broadcast room, the reflection monsters also began to emerge.

【We should reflect on this. We have lost a lot of things over the years.】

【The things passed down by our ancestors still make sense.】

More and more cries were heard at the scene. Before Zhang Qingyuan could speak, the land god was the first to lose his temper.

"Hey, hey, hey... don't cry, don't cry, you girls are crying here, it makes me feel very embarrassed. At least you have burned incense for me. I don't have the strength to deal with that ghost, but I can still protect you if it really doesn't work."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief and said,"It's okay if I can protect them. As long as they can hold on for a while and wait for the underworld to send people to deal with it, it won't be a big problem."

Unexpectedly, the land god shook his head, pointed at the sky with his long staff and said,"You think too simply, kid, what's that in the sky?"

Zhang Qingyuan looked as he was told, and saw a group of red blood clouds accumulating over Jiangnan University. There seemed to be great terror hidden in it. When he glanced over, he felt a sense of panic in his heart.

"what is that?"

"Why do ghosts have a calamity level? This means that ghosts at this level are equivalent to calamities, which also means that at this point, God will set up many calamities to prevent it from going any further."

"It wants to become immortal……"Huang Shuangshuang suddenly uttered something in a mysterious voice.

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