In the Yang world, January 10th happened to be Saturday and Sunday. The streets of

XN City were completely deserted. Not only local citizens, but also a large number of people from other places came here in advance, which even caused the local accommodation costs to rise sharply. There was a dilemma that even if you spent money, you couldn't book a room.

【Qingyuan Temple opens ahead of schedule!

As early as five days ago, Wang Zhengyang used the power of the Wang Group to send out the revised opening time through various platforms, causing many people to complain and have to change their schedules.

The XN officials who received the news were even more anxious to re-plan the plan to avoid any trouble on the day.

"Dear friends, I am now at the foot of Qingsong Mountain, but unfortunately the mountain road has been blocked by the authorities in advance. I heard that only those who have been invited can go to Qingsong Mountain to burn incense at Qingyuan Temple today. In addition, let me show you how many people have come……"

As he spoke, the anchor raised his phone and filmed the surroundings.

Under the camera, there were crowds of people, so dense that you couldn't see the end. Even the main road in the distance was already jammed, and there was a steady stream of cars coming out of the XN city.

In the sky, drones flew to Qingsong Mountain and filmed the Qingyuan Temple.

Looking down from a high altitude perspective, the entire mountain was almost flattened, and a huge building in the style of a newly built temple covered the entire mountain. It took only half a year to build it into this state. Old Wang really spent a lot of money on it.

At the entrance of the Qingyuan Temple, Zhao Yuanshan looked at the tall gate that could still smell the paint, and snorted with some dissatisfaction, saying:"This kid is really brave. He built his own temple comparable to the Tianshi Daochang."

Wang Zhengyang on the side laughed and said:"Master Yuanshan is joking. I didn't want to build it like this. But later some of our partners came to invest money in it, so we had to expand the entire temple and it became what it is now."

"Okay, okay, there is no need to explain so much. After all, the boy is now a legitimate god personally appointed by Daxia, so a temple like this is not considered over the top."

"What the Immortal said is that people like Mr. Zhang will surely go down in history in the future, and are incomparable to ordinary people like me."

It was almost noon, and the people who were supposed to come had already arrived and were waiting in the main hall. Official representatives and big bosses who had invested money here were all invited to compete for the rare incense offerings of the opening ceremony.

Wang Zhengyang led Zhao Yuanshan into the Qingyuan Temple and introduced the buildings of each hall to him. As the main hall, the Hall of the True Lord Dangxie naturally had a statue of Zhang Qingyuan, and the side hall on the right was for Zhao Jin.

The rest of the halls were still empty, with no other statues.

Zhao Yuanshan's expression moved, and a fiery feeling gradually appeared in his eyes. He pulled Lao Wang aside and asked,"Who are going to be enshrined in these empty halls?"

"It has not been decided yet. The Master only asked to add a portrait of Master Zhao Jin, and did not say anything else. I did not dare to make a decision. Master, do you have any advice for me?" Wang Zhengyang asked curiously.

"cough cough……"Zhao Yuanshan looked around and whispered,"Leave one palace to me. I still have a few years to live. If you have any troubles in the future, just come to me directly. Of course, it doesn't matter if I die. Then let Lingshan send you a tablet. If you have any problems, just burn incense. I will naturally come from the underworld when I receive the news."……"

As he said this, Zhao Yuanshan winked at him, with an expression that said,"You should understand what I mean."

"this……"Wang Zhengyang hesitated for a moment and said in embarrassment:"In theory, since you have asked me to do it, I will do it. However, who should be enthroned in the Qingyuan Temple still needs the approval of Master Zhang. After all, the main hall is dedicated to him."

"Don't worry, I have my own way, just leave the temple to me." Zhao Yuanshan said very confidently.

Dingdangdang... the bell rang, Wang Zhengyang looked at his watch and said,"It's easy to deal with this, the time is almost up, come with me to the Zhenjun Temple, don't miss the time."

The two of them trotted all the way and soon arrived at the Zhenjun Temple of Dangxie. They saw that it covered an area of nearly two hundred square meters, and it was not crowded even though there were dozens of people standing inside.

In addition to the people, a statue of a god who was five meters tall, sitting majestically, wearing golden armor, with a long sword hanging from his waist, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, stood in the middle of the hall.

Zhao Yuanshan walked into the hall and looked at the person on the stage with a dazed expression... He had never thought that Zhang Qingyuan could get to this point before, but now looking at his towering statue, he couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence in his heart.

""Master, it's almost time, can we start?" Wang Zhengyang asked in a low voice.

The people who were originally visiting the hall also gathered around and placed two altars in front of the statue. Zhao Lingshan had already put on her Taoist robe and stood on the first altar as elegant as a fairy.

Zhao Yuanshan walked up to the second altar and said,"Girl, the True Lord Dangxie is the main god here. You should cast a spell to invite the True Lord to descend first. I will then cast a spell to invite the secondary god Zhao Zhenren to descend. The order cannot be wrong."

Zhao Lingshan nodded to show that she understood.

She lit the candles and incense skillfully and inserted them on the altar. Then she said solemnly,"I am Qingling, a disciple of Zaoge Mountain. I respectfully invite the True Lord Dangxie from Qingyuan Temple to come and live in our temple. Enjoy the incense of the world, protect the area, and promote virtue and legislation.……"

A set of righteous words, in fact, is just a cover-up, what is really practiced is the method of summoning Taoist soldiers.

However, the onlookers nearby have a sense of awe.

As Zhao Lingshan performed the method, the candlelight flickered, and a golden light suddenly broke through the space, illuminating the entire hall. The bright golden light bloomed, and the statues on the altar seemed to glow naturally, and the miracle appeared.

Ba Da Ba Da...

The rhythmic footsteps sounded, as if stepping on everyone's heart, a group of big and small bosses and official personnel came���He stretched his neck involuntarily, looking at the passage constructed by the golden light in front of him.

As the footsteps got closer, a figure wearing a gold and silver robe, with a long sword and jade pendant hanging from his waist, emitting divine light, slowly walked out, attracting everyone's attention.

Zhang Qingyuan walked out of the passage, his expression calm and solemn. He swept his eyes across the whole place and saw his own statue on the altar. He thought he was dazzled, but in this kind of occasion, in order to maintain his status, he could not show it no matter how shocked or happy he was.

Unless he really couldn't help it.

"This is the first temple and the first statue of this True Lord in the world. From now on, this True Lord will stay here permanently. If there are evil spirits causing trouble, I will protect them. You should keep burning incense.……"

Actively asking for rewards... asking for incense, other gods may not do such a cheap thing, but Zhang Qingyuan is the number one anchor on Kuaishou and the number one anchor on the entire network, and he doesn't feel ashamed at all... I just make a living by doing this, how much is my face worth.

Zhao Lingshan curled her lips and said according to the etiquette:"Please respectfully invite the True Lord to the throne!"

""Please respectfully invite the True Lord to enter the divine position!"

The crowd also shouted in unison.

Zhang Qingyuan nodded, flew up, and his soul instantly sank into the statue. In an instant, a divine light that mortals could not see lit up from Qingsong Mountain, covering an area of dozens of miles...

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