Ding-ling-ling... the familiar sound effect of Yu Xuanji's appearance sounded, and Zhang Qingyuan in the courtyard looked up at the wall.

"Senior Yu, how about I open a door in the wall?" He said helplessly. He felt that he had no privacy at all. Being close to him, it was convenient to flatter him, but every move was under the leader's eyes, which was really difficult.

"You are in trouble!" Yu Xuanji said calmly

"Is there any trouble bigger than that?" Zhang Qingyuan said lazily.

"The King of Five Senses has sent an order that one hundred and fifty miles south of Fengdu City, there is an evil corpse that has fallen into the underworld causing chaos, and you are asked to go and deal with it." Yu Xuanji gave the order in a calm tone.

Zhang Qingyuan smiled dumbly and said,"Are you unable to resist and want to attack me?"

"Just be aware of this. This is Yama's urgent order. You must go and deal with it immediately. Otherwise, the underworld law will be ruthless and will also be unfavorable to you."

"I'm going too!" Huang Shuangshuang ran out of the house and shouted loudly

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Qingyuan turned his face away and refused, saying:"Just stay here and watch the house. How can a mere evil corpse stump me, your team leader?"

"But, team leader,……"

""Okay, okay, Shuangshuang, you're not right lately? You're questioning your leader like that. Do you still want to get a promotion, a raise, become a rich and beautiful woman, and catch a rich husband, and reach the pinnacle of life from now on?" Zhang Qingyuan said half-jokingly.

"Captain, that's not what I meant.……"Huang Shuangshuang felt a little aggrieved, and felt that her concern was misplaced.

Zhang Qingyuan went into the house to pack up his things, and soon came out wearing a gold and silver evil-suppressing robe, saying:"Okay, your team leader is leaving, just stay here."

Huang Shuangshuang squatted in the corner, turned her face aside, and looked like she didn't want to listen to you.

Zhang Qingyuan left the Yin house directly, and after watching him walk away, Huang Shuangshuang immediately got up and pushed the door out, but did not follow him to the city gate, but ran towards the inner city, and disappeared in a short while.

On the door of the Yin house, the broken hand jumped down, sneakily stepped on the roofs of the Yin houses along the street and chased out.

Although it was far away, with the help of the Eye of Tu Bo, Huang Shuangshuang's position was still locked.

Zhang Qingyuan, who had already arrived outside Fengdu City, casually pulled out an unlucky ghost from a half-exposed wild grave, and then hid himself in it. The soul was connected with the broken hand to watch where Huang Shuangshuang went.

He had a plan for not bringing her here. He just wanted to take this opportunity to find out who this little girl was. Under the surveillance of the Eye of Tubo, Huang Shuangshuang ran into the inner city without stopping and headed straight for the core area where the major Yama Kings lived.

Soon, a majestic building complex in the center of Fengdu, like a palace, appeared at the end of the street.

"Emperor's Palace?"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned and watched Huang Shuangshuang enter the Emperor's Palace. The guards did not stop him at all.

He wanted to take another look, but a sense of crisis came over him, so he quickly recalled his broken hand and did not dare to peek into the Emperor's Palace.

"Huang Shuangshuang…surname Huang? Huang Feihu, Lord of Mount Tai? So that's it! This little girl's identity is indeed not simple."

After a while, the severed hand ran out of Fengdu City and found Zhang Qingyuan hiding in the wild grave.

The severed hand jumped on his shoulder and raised his finger to point to two different locations on the wall of Fengdu City.

Tu Bo looked over and saw two people wearing Yama robes standing on the wall, watching him from afar.

"King Chujiang and King Wuguan?"

Sure enough, his every move was watched by people from both sides. King Wuguan could transfer him out of the city through the Suppression of Evil Division, so naturally he couldn't hide it from the Yin God of Heaven.

"Li Wen, what are you doing here?"Wuguan Wang Lv Dai asked knowingly.

Chujiang Wang looked relatively old, about sixty years old, and looked very old. He smiled weakly and said,"Hehe... I have nothing to do and I am here to relax on the top of the city. What's the matter? When did you, Lv Dai, take care of me?"

"Humph!"The King of Five Senses snorted coldly and said,"Do you really have to make things difficult for us? We have lived in peace for thousands of years. Do you really have to make a mess of it?"

The King of Chujiang sighed and said,"Why are you telling me all this? I don't know anything. Just do whatever you want. I won't ask if you kill that kid."

The King of Five Senses frowned and stopped talking. He would not kill Zhang Qingyuan at this time.

Although the King of Chujiang next to him stopped talking, he was very confused in his heart. It was obvious that the plan proposed by King Donghe of Taishan to kill Zhang Qingyuan and then put the blame on the other party was the best choice. It would definitely make the Xia Dynasty in the Yang world furious when asking about the heavens, but Shentu and Yulei didn't agree at that time.

"Lao Jiang seemed to know something. Unfortunately, this bastard was too tight-lipped. Maybe something happened when he was testing Zhang Qingyuan a few days ago.……"King Chujiang was calculating silently in his heart.

The two Yamas were both on the top of the city, scheming against each other and guarding against each other. They didn't notice that on an inconspicuous stone brick in the corner, a black and white butterfly quietly stopped there, as if it had merged with the nature of heaven and earth. If it didn't want to, no one could find its existence.

Zhang Qingyuan's figure gradually disappeared in the Yintu wilderness. The butterfly flapped its wings twice, and then disappeared strangely.


In the wilderness of Yintu, Zhang Qingyuan asked Broken Hand to keep an eye on the situation behind him. After making sure that no one was following him, he pulled out another unlucky ghost from the wild grave, beat him up, and threw him aside, then he went into the grave.

Just as Zhao Jin said, not every ghost's grave is as luxurious as Xue Ren's. This kind of wild ghost's grave is very cramped, with only a tattered coffin inside, barely big enough to lie down.

"No matter how you plot, I won't take it.���Run to the mortal world directly, and come and catch me if you dare."

Zhang Qingyuan cursed, and then took out a small statue from the Xumi Ring. It was his own

"Broken Hand, you stay in this grave and help me guard this statue. Whoever comes can take a picture. No need to give me face."

Broken Hand looked at the statue, then looked at him, and pointed his middle finger a few times to show that he understood.

After making the arrangements, Zhang Qingyuan went straight to the small statue. Suddenly, a Yin-Yang passage constructed by incense appeared in front of him. Along the passage, he could see that it was daytime in Qingyuan Temple at this moment. There was an endless stream of pilgrims in the temple, and the incense lingered in the sky for a long time.

It can be seen that Qingyuan Temple is now very prosperous. If there was not only this one in the whole Daxia, Zhang Qingyuan even felt that his incense could overwhelm the countless gods and immortals in the heaven.

Along the incense passage, he directly crossed the Yin-Yang boundary and came to the statue in the main hall of Qingyuan Temple. Without making any noise, he silently looked at the crowd kneeling and praying for him below.

Once upon a time, he was also one of the believers under the feet of the God of Wealth, but now he has become a pilgrim worshipper...

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