Zhang Tianshi unveiled the curtain of the catastrophe of the end of the law. Everyone in the Daxia officialdom looked at each other in bewilderment. They did not expect to get this answer.

Considering the strange phenomena reported in the temples of various places before, it seemed that everything could be explained.

Li Chaogang nodded, and then looked at the Yin River.

The leader was someone Zhang Qingyuan had never seen before. He wore a black nine-tassel crown, an imperial robe, and was entangled with a Yin dragon. His aura overwhelmed all the Yin gods.

""I am the Lord of Mount Tai, in charge of all the gods in the underworld. I am already aware of the ghost disasters in the world. After this, I will clean up the responsible gods." The Lord of Mount Tai said majestically.

Li Chaogang was unmoved and continued to ask:"May I ask Your Excellency, who will be cleaned up? How to convict? What will be the result?"

This was not to give the other party a chance to smooth things over.

The Lord of Mount Tai hesitated for a moment and said:"Some of the ghost emperors and Yama should be held accountable for their mistakes."

"Hehe……"Li Chaogang sneered twice, then said to the direction of the Heavenly Palace:"Report to the Great Heavenly Venerable, the ghost disaster in the world has caused countless deaths and injuries, especially in Jiangnan University, where thousands of teachers and students have died. We must not tolerate it."

Zhang Tianshi appeared again and replied on behalf of the Jade Emperor:"That makes sense! The affairs of the underworld will be handled by the Lord of Mount Tai, so you can rest assured, sir."

"I am naturally relieved, but some underworld gods are worried that the truth will be revealed, so they are using all means to threaten the gods of humanity in this dynasty, hoping that they will force us to not point out the underworld problem today."

"On the one hand, bribery was committed, officials protected each other and covered up the crime.……"

"As a ghost god, with a name in the heavenly book, he should do good deeds and promote the law and virtue, but he is obsessed with desires, and his politics are abandoned, which leads to chaos in the underworld and the disorder of yin and yang. This is the root cause of the ghost disaster in the world of the living. It is necessary to eradicate the roots, so that the underworld can be clean and the influence of the ghost disaster in the world of the living can be alleviated or eliminated."

"Li Xiang, are you exaggerating?" Taishan Mansion Lord asked solemnly.

"I, Your Excellency, report to you that Zhang Qingyuan, the evil suppressor under the command of Yu Xuanji, the left deputy chief of the evil suppression department, is also a god canonized by the Xia Dynasty. Previously, the Wheel King, the Ghost Emperor Zhao Wenhe, had forced me to mediate and ease the situation with the Xia Dynasty to cover up his mismanagement, but I refused, so I ordered the Five Senses King to send Yama's guards into the world of the living to hunt me down.……"

"Zhang Qingyuan! Stop talking nonsense. I sent the Royal Guards to investigate you for entering the mortal world without permission.……"The King of Five Senses jumped out impatiently, wanting to explain.

Zhang Qingyu interrupted him and said,"You are so good, Lu Dai.

As a god appointed by the Xia Dynasty, I am worshipped by believers in the world and come here to respond.

This is in accordance with the laws of heaven.

Do you want to interfere? According to what you said, after the heaven and earth are connected, if a great god from heaven comes to the world to respond to the wishes of believers, will you also send the imperial guards to capture him? Moreover, as the Yama of the Ten Courts, you also have a shrine in the world.

Do you dare to say that you have never been to the world?"

He took the initiative to jump out and fire, but it was only aimed at the Buddhist side, and did not involve the power of the Heavenly Court in the underworld. If you want to drag the underworld gods of heaven into the water, you have to rely on Daxia.

Li Chaogang and others thought they had grasped Zhang Qingyuan's little thoughts, but the existence of the information cocoon made it impossible for them to understand who the real chess player behind this inquiry into the sky was.

As expected, as he fired, Li Chaogang took out the booklet sent by Zhang Qingyuan, raised it and said,"Your Highness, I have obtained evidence that the various underworld gods in the underworld have privately passed on public tools to each other, causing chaos in the underworld and triggering evil spirits to invade the world of the living. I implore the Heavenly Court to settle the crimes of the underworld, sort out the yin and yang, and quell the calamity in the world of the living!"

"I beg the Heavenly Court to uphold justice!"

A group of Daxia officials behind him also shouted in unison.

"Tianshi Mansion……"A voice came from the sky, shaking the starry sky.

The four great celestial masters appeared together, and Zhang Tianshi waved his hand, and the book in Li Chaogang's hand fell into his hand.

"At the Black Soul Cliff, the Ten Yin Generals colluded with the Six Heavenly Ghosts, causing the evil ghosts under Jian Jiaozi to infiltrate the Yin soldiers and cover up Jian Jiaozi's search for the traces of Youdu.……"Zhang Tianshi recited a line indifferently.


On the Yin River, all the Yin gods were instantly furious, especially the Lord of Mount Tai. He knew very well what the Nether City was. He had personally dealt with Tu Bo at the beginning. He didn't expect that someone would dare to collude with the six heavenly ghosts and plot against the Nether City.

"The Yin River in the territory of Yama Palace was lost, causing the robbery-level ghost Black Monk to pass through the Yin River and sneak into the world of the living……"

"Black Monk……"A monk on the Jade Emperor Peak heard this name, his face was gloomy, and he chanted the Buddha's name:"Amitabha, this Buddha enemy is destroying our Buddhist temples. It turns out that he came from the underworld?"

The book was compiled by Zhang Qingyuan, so of course he included private work, half true and half false, and took the opportunity to get rid of the trouble he had caused.

Before he finished, he heard Zhang Tianshi continue:"The chief steward of the city king's palace instructed the underworld to privately add ten years to his grandson's life in the book of life and death.……"

"King of Chujiang……"

"The seventh-generation grandson of Ghost Emperor Zhang Heng, in order to increase his soul power, secretly swallowed up 3,000 ghosts from the underworld and used them to refine the Soul Devouring Banner.……"

Zhang Tianshi did not shy away from reading out the evidence in the booklet one by one. All the Yin gods present, whether they belonged to Buddhism or the Heavenly Court, were exposed for their old secrets.

These things were of course true. Zhang Qingyuan got the information from the madam of Qunfang Baiguilou.

As the largest brothel in Fengdu City, where all kinds of ghosts seek pleasure, its ability to collect information is unquestionable. Moreover, it is backed by the six heavenly ghosts. It can be said to be the largest underground force in the underworld. I don’t know how many spies have been planted in the underworld, and they can also find out the unknown secrets of the major Yin gods.

The things recorded in the booklet have little to do with the ghost disasters in the Yang world, but Zhang Qingyuan threw out a rhetoric of"people are decadent and politics are abolished" and forced it to be related.

On the Yin River, the most shocked were the Yin gods belonging to the Heavenly Court, such as Qin Guangwang and Yanluowang. How could they not expect that these things of theirs would be dug out in front of the Heavenly Court in the Yang world? Their faces were extremely exciting.

"Nonsense, are you going to convict us based on this mere word? Emperor, we are in the underworld, working diligently and have never done anything improper, please make the decision for us."Ghost Emperor Zhang Heng shouted in anger.

"Please, Emperor, make the decision for us."

The Five Ghost Emperors and the Ten Yama Kings all shouted in unison. They would never admit to such a crime, otherwise they would be the first to lose their heads.

Taishan Mansion Lord's face was not very good. He naturally knew something about the character of the underworld gods, but at this time he could only bite the bullet and say,"Prime Minister Li, this matter has to wait for me to examine it carefully before we can say anything. Otherwise, it will be difficult to convince the public with just this piece of paper, and it may also bring chaos to the underworld and aggravate the chaos of ghost disasters in the world of the living."

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