In Fengmen Village, Zhao Yuanshan was sweating profusely, and he was obviously in big trouble.

"Grandpa, can you do it?"

"Or we should run quickly, it's getting colder here."

Zhao Lingshan was holding an oil lamp heartlessly, and Liu Fuwei was standing next to her, like a spectator.

At first, Zhao Yuanshan only sent an unknown Taoist soldier to protect Zhao Lingshan, but as the Yin Qi in Fengmen Village increased, the terrifying resentment broke out, which instantly aroused his vigilance and he called Liu Fuwei over.

This also caused the embarrassing reality that his Taoist soldiers were short of combat power.

The altar became the only source of light in Fengmen Village, but it could only cover an area of less than three meters, covering the entire open space, and farther away, there was a thick black gas like ink.

The resentment and Yin Qi intertwined, forming a headache-inducing Yin Sha terrain situation, which Zhao Yuanshan had not expected.

"Grandpa, there is a person over there, don't let him run away……"Zhao Lingshan suddenly pointed to the left front.

Zhao Yuanshan had long been annoyed with this girl who kept"backing off". If it weren't for the fact that she was his own granddaughter, he would have kicked her out long ago.

However, following Zhao Lingshan's guidance, ghosts wearing coarse cloth and with stiff movements and expressions appeared from all directions in the surging black fog.

Zhao Yuanshan took a quick look and roughly estimated that there were no less than a hundred people.

"Trouble, this village is actually a place where evil spirits gather. The souls of those who died at the hands of those evil spirits all became their ghosts. Fortunately, we came early. If that boy's soul also became a ghost, even the gods would be helpless."

Zhao Yuanshan took a deep breath and analyzed the situation calmly. Although the evil spirit that killed Zhang Qingyuan had not appeared yet, the situation in front of him made him understand that there would probably be a hard battle next.

If Liu Fuwei could be used and could protect him, he would naturally have the confidence to fight the ghosts here for three hundred rounds, but he left Zhao Lingshan behind and had to put his safety first and let him protect him.

Of course, his strength was not all tied to Liu Fuwei, but today's goal was to help Zhang Qingyuan find the human soul, not to eradicate the evil spirits, so it was more troublesome.

"Why hasn't that old uncle come up yet?……"He couldn't help but curse in his heart.

At the same time, he picked up a yellow talisman on the table, lit it and burned it. This was the third yellow talisman. Even if he was lazy, he should be able to know that he was in big trouble and urgently needed rescue. After burning the talisman, Zhao Yuanshan said solemnly:"Girl, you will stay with General Fu Wei for a while. Don't go there. Listen to my command. Understand? I'm not kidding you."

Seeing that he was so serious, Zhao Lingshan looked at the dense ghosts around and knew that the situation was unfavorable. She nodded obediently and said nothing. Due to the lack of combat power under his command, Zhao Yuanshan could only summon all his Taoist soldiers and placed them around the altar to guard the altar from being eroded by the Yin Sha. At the same time, he began to perform rituals to suppress the outbreak of the Yin Sha.

"……The mountains act like spirits, the sun and the moon shine again, the stars move in a straight line, the demons gather, the ghosts are annihilated……"

Zhao Yuanshan sat cross-legged on the altar, chanting Taoist scriptures. In an instant, three oil lamps shone brightly, as if divine light was shining in all directions. The evil spirits and ghosts that were gradually approaching were forced to retreat.

On the altar, a faint canopy covered the top, dropping colorful lights. At the same time, lightning flashed, and the yang energy rose, and it actually began to expand in the opposite direction. Small thunderbolts struck down, constantly defeating the evil spirits, allowing the altar's divine light to shine farther.

"Woo woo woo……"

The ghost was pressed so hard that it couldn't get close to him. It let out a terrifying ghost howl. The black fog surged wildly and soon formed a huge ghost shadow. It roared with a ferocious look and rushed towards Zhao Yuanshan.

"Humph, you little ghost dare to challenge me"

"Jade Purity turns blue, the true talisman announces the alliance, the two qi are moved, the unity becomes true, the five thunders expel evil……"

Zhao Yuanshan raised the sword and performed a ritual. Thunder and wind roared in the sky. A green thunderbolt crashed down. The might of heaven was overwhelming, and the Yang Qi was rolling. In an instant, the entire huge ghost was defeated. A shrill wail came from the black fog. Some ghosts who were close were directly struck to death.

The Yin Sha retreated again. However, at this critical moment, a red figure flashed in the black fog. In an instant, the Yin Sha soaring into the sky was actually blood-red. The remaining ghosts' eyes turned red, and they rushed up again with crazy roars.


The divine light of the altar was like an eternal candlelight, illuminating the small area. The ghosts who had just stepped into the realm of light suddenly had black smoke coming out of their bodies, and they retreated screaming again.

Zhao Yuanshan sneered,"You are just a ghost, you dare to act violently in front of me, you are looking for death!"

He just finished pretending to be powerful, and a roar came from the side:"How dare you!"

The armored General Fu Wei suddenly grew in size, and was shrouded in Dharma, turning into a three-meter-tall giant god general. He drew the long sword from his waist and slashed at the Yin Sha.


The ground under his feet trembled, and a crack was torn in the Yin Sha, and a gully was cut out on the ground. Zhao Yuanshan turned his head and saw that the bloody ghost disappeared quickly when the sword fell, but a corner of his clothes was still cut by the long sword.


General Fu Wei's attack failed, and he snorted angrily, stabbing his knife into the ground. Invisible pressure spread in all directions, and the ghosts who had wanted to surround him retreated tactfully.

"Thank you, General Fu Wei!" Zhao Yuanshan thanked

"No problem, it's my duty." General Fu Wei replied, and then asked:"Does Master Zhao need someone to help?"

Zhao Yuanshan shook his head and said:"I naturally have no doubt about General Fu Wei's ability, but this ghost doesn't look that simple. He was in a place where yin gathers, died unjustly, and killed hundreds of people. His resentment and evil spirit are so strong that even if the general takes action, he can only kill it. But my goal today is to subdue it, and then find Zhang Qingyuan's soul, but I can't kill her yet.""

"General, you just need to protect Lingshan. I have sent three yellow talismans to the underworld. I believe that my uncle should have received the news and is on his way."

""Hmm!" General Fu Wei nodded upon hearing this, and said nothing more. He stood quietly behind Zhao Lingshan to do his duty of protection.

As a Taoist guardian general, he had been passed down from hundreds of years ago to Zhao Yuanshan. If nothing unexpected happened, when Zhao Yuanshan passed away, it would most likely be passed to Zhao Lingshan, who would take orders from him.

Although Zhao Lingshan is still a layman now, Zhao Yuanshan's idea of inheriting his mantle is already very obvious. It won't take a few years to introduce him into the Tao, enough to control the Taoist soldiers and generals.

So facing the possible Jurchens in the future, he was still quite concerned. He was beaten back several times in a row. The evil spirits in the dark seemed to know that Zhao Yuanshan was not easy to deal with, or they were brewing the next offensive. The next period of time would be relatively calm, and there would be no more accidents.

Zhao Yuanshan was also happy to see it happen, and waited for Zhao Jin to come.

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