
A burst of fire erupted, shocking everyone and making them step back.

In the center of the elegant courtyard stood an altar, with yellow talismans pasted all over the walls and pillars. On the altar, an old Taoist priest was chanting something, giving off a sense of déjà vu from an old Hong Kong movie.

"Is this the master from Mount Longhu?" Wang Zhengyang stood in the corridor, looking at the Taoist on the altar, still a little skeptical.

Why does it feel like the kind of shaman on the street?

The Taoist on the altar was burning talismans and sprinkling water with cypress branches. He looked very serious, almost the same as what was shown on TV.

The secretary next to him said embarrassedly:"This... is indeed invited from Mount Longhu. It is said that he is the nephew of the Heavenly Master and has a very high seniority. It should be okay."

Wang Zhengyang gave him a death stare.

The secretary's scalp numbed slightly, and he felt that he was going to be unlucky, but at this time he could only put his hope on the old Taoist.

"Don't worry, brother. With the real person from Mount Longhu here, Xiao Chao should be fine." Wang Qi Yang comforted him.

Wang Zhengyang glanced at him with an inexplicable look, and said,"I'm glad you think so."

Wang Qi Yang's face suddenly looked bad, but he didn't say anything. Instead, the young man standing behind him, who looked somewhat similar to him, said,"Uncle, I have also contacted some famous Buddhist and Taoist sects recently. If it doesn't work, let them come and take a look at Brother Chao."

"Xiaohui is thoughtful."

"As it should be."

As the few people were talking, the old Taoist priest on the altar gradually finished his ritual. As the Wang family brought a pile of clothes worn by Wang Chao, they threw them all into the big brazier. The flames burned people's faces, and the air around them flowed madly to the yard, and the leaves around them made a rustling sound.

The old Taoist priest came over, with a long whisk on his arm, and said in an immortal manner:"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. I have completed my ritual. From now on, I will bathe your son with cypress water every day for seven days, and you will be fine."

Whether he believed it or not, Wang Zhengyang still thanked the Taoist priest very politely.

Then they went to the bedroom to see how Wang Chao was doing.

However, before entering the bedroom, they saw several nannies who took care of Wang Chao running out in panic.

"What happened?" Wang Zhengyang grabbed one of them and asked

""Inside...inside!" The nanny pointed to the room in fear, hesitating for a long time.

Wang Zhengyang was anxious and immediately left the nanny and rushed in. He saw that the bedroom was scattered everywhere, as if it had been robbed.

"Chaoer, what happened to you? Woo woo woo……"

Wang Zhengyang rushed into the bedroom and saw four bodyguards pinning Wang Chao to the bed, restraining his limbs. However, Wang Chao was like a wild beast, relying on his own strength to make the four tall and strong bodyguards sweat profusely, and he could break free at any time.

Lin Rong stood aside, crying and crying, wanting to step forward but not daring to

"You guys come up too." Wang Zhengyang said to the bodyguards who followed him with a gloomy face.

The three of them hurried over to help, and finally pinned Wang Chao down, and then spent a few more minutes tying him to the bed.

Even at this point, Wang Chao was still struggling frantically, his eyes bulging, his cheeks congested, blood oozing from his upper and lower jaws that were tightly bitten, and a roar like a beast came out of his throat, looking very hideous.

Wang Zhengyang sat on the sofa, his face visibly ugly, and glanced at the old Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain who had just performed the ritual, and said,"Master, didn't you just say that everything is fine?"

Even in this situation, the old Taoist priest was still very calm, and said,"Of course it's okay. It's just a ghost's death struggle now, so it's naturally a little fierce. Just follow the old Taoist's method, and it will be fine after a while"

"Brother, don't be anxious, wait and see"

"Yes, uncle, let's wait and see. If it doesn't work, we'll contact you later.……"

"Humph, you mean you don't believe me?" The old Taoist suddenly snorted coldly and said angrily:"I was born in Longhu Mountain and am one of the leaders of Taoism. I have killed countless demons and eliminated evil in my life. No one has ever dared to question me. If you don't believe me, then find someone else."

After that, the old Taoist flicked his sleeves and was about to leave with the two Taoist boys.


The light bulbs in the room flickered without warning. The sound of electricity was extremely harsh. The flickering lights in the room made everyone's heart suddenly tense.

"What's going on here?" Although Wang Zhengyang felt uneasy, he remained calm.

"Ha ha……"The old Taoist suddenly laughed, and said with some gloating:"You questioned me, my magic failed, the evil spirits were reborn, you are finished."

This was like throwing a bomb on the already restless lake... The scene in front of him was too weird.

Wang Zhengyang said nothing, staring at the window, as if he had seen something terrible.

"Brother, you……"Wang Qiyang noticed his abnormality and followed his gaze. It was pitch black outside the window. At first glance, there was nothing unusual

, but upon closer inspection, he found that the darkness outside seemed to have life, constantly moving. The light coming through the window was strangely blocked on the window, unable to shine out even one meter. A burst of fire came out, and then all the lights went out instantly.


I don't know who made a terrified cry.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

One after another, questions came from the darkness.

"I... I'm fine, it just got dark all of a sudden and I was a little scared." Someone replied weakly.

""Master, Master, what's going on now? Is it really a ghost?" Wang Qiyang asked nervously.

"Ahem... Don't worry, I'm here, no demon or monster dares to act rashly.……"


The horrible ghost cry seemed to come from far away, but also seemed to ring in the ear, and everyone was startled and got goose bumps.

At this moment, a white light came on. Wang Hui turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone, bringing a ray of light to everyone. Then, one after another, the lights came on. Everyone looked at each other, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Humph, the evil ghost is born, do you believe it now?"The old Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain stood aside and said calmly. Seeing this, everyone subconsciously moved closer to the old Taoist priest, looking for a rare sense of security.


There was a sound of heavy objects falling outside the bedroom, followed by curses.

"Damn it, this damn ferryman just threw me down like that"

"Shit... I must have forgotten to give him money. This bastard, can't he just say he wants money? His service attitude is so bad. After all, I am a civil servant."

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