"My friends, wasn't the anchor so handsome just now? With a wave of his hand, thunder struck down and the little ghost was scared to death."

After dealing with the little ghost, Zhang Qingyuan said to the live broadcast room proudly.

【666, today is really a knife stabbing my butt】

【Anchor, you are such a pretentious person, you make me want to die, I want to report to the King of Hell】

【Got it! If you encounter a ghost in the future, it is better to pray to a dog than to pray to a god. 】

A large number of lackeys also appeared in the comments, flattering Zhang Qingyuan one after another, flattering him all over.

Wang Zhengyang and others in the distance saw the thunder and were even more frightened. It was not until they saw Zhang Qingyuan put the little ghost into the gourd that they ran over.

"Sir, was that little devil captured by you?"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded:"Yes, it's just a little devil. I can capture it easily."

"You are awesome sir!"

"What an expert!"

"I'll build a temple and write a biography for you later.……"

The Wang family members also spoke all kinds of flattering words, which gave Zhang Qingyuan goose bumps.

"Ahem... that's enough. If you talk too much, I'll get proud."

He waved his hands repeatedly, asking them to stop talking, and then asked,"Also, I just found out that the little ghost is……"

Next, he spent a few minutes deleting and revising the message sent by Zhao Lingshan, changing it into his own, and told everyone in the Wang family.

Northeast Cute Cat: [Do you have any shame? You just plagiarize my stuff like this.]

Zhang Qingyuan selectively ignored it and continued to ask:"……So, who did your son get pregnant that made her want to destroy your family?"

Wang Zhengyang's face turned green... It was hard for him to expose his son's scandal in front of so many people in the live broadcast room, even if he was thick-skinned.

But Lin Rong didn't think too much, and said bitterly:"It must be that bitch, relying on herself as a celebrity, she seduced my son. With that status, she wants to marry into our Wang family, dreaming!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes lit up... I didn't expect that catching ghosts could also eat a big melon in the entertainment industry.

At the same time, the live broadcast room instantly exploded.

【Oh shit, there’s gossip, which celebrity is it?】

【Worth it, anchor, please ask which celebrity it is? 】

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh...

Several planes flew over one after another, and even the gossipy heart of the owner of the live broadcast room was ignited. He first swiped a few planes, and then asked: [Anchor, stop talking nonsense, ask the name quickly. ]

Zhang Qingyuan was also like a white claw scratching his heart, and asked as reservedly as possible:"Oh? Who is that person? We can't let her get away. It would be best to find out who is the ghost through her."

Lin Rong spoke quickly and said directly:"Who else could it be? It's the movie actor named Li Zhuxuan. She looks decent and pure, and she wants to get pregnant before marriage.……"

"Ahem... stop talking." Wang Zhengyang couldn't hold it in any longer and interrupted Lin Rong.

Zhang Qingyuan was not annoyed... Enough, that's enough, just having a name was enough for him to eat melons.

Li Zhuxuan, he had some impression of her, she seemed to be a new generation of little flower, the campus belle of a certain film and television university, she became famous before she graduated, and starred in a big director's work, playing the second female lead.

Let's not talk about what she is like, but her appearance is indeed good, and she is also a first-class existence in the entertainment industry. She has a pure style, but she didn't expect that she would get pregnant before marriage with a rich second-generation.

There were heartbreaks in the live broadcast room.

【no no……】

Snow flutters, the north wind blows... BGM sounds unconsciously

【My goddess...my youth is over!】

【Just one more question, who is Li Zhuxuan?】

【It's fake, it must be fake, I don't believe it, my goddess won't do such a thing】

【Wake up, the people above you are licking you until you have nothing. The key is that even if you want to lick someone, they may not be willing to do so.】


At the same time, in a rental house, an entertainment editor saved the content of the live broadcast room that had just been recorded with excitement and trembling hands.

"Hahahaha… I’m going to post it. I didn’t expect that I could dig out such explosive information by watching Zhang Dadan’s live broadcast."

He immediately turned on his computer, logged into the editing background of his company, and began to rush to finish the manuscript with his fingers flying.

【Shocking news! The new generation of beautiful girl is pregnant before marriage!】

【The new generation of jade-like beauty failed to rise to the top of the wealthy family, and actually raised a little ghost to harm people?】

【[The beauty's house collapsed, she got pregnant before marriage and raised a ghost]

Almost at the same time, the editors in the entertainment industry typed out titles that were enough to cause a huge traffic explosion on their computers. It can be imagined that the entertainment industry will usher in a major earthquake, and this melon cannot be eaten up in a month.

Of course, this is all later.

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan was also a little confused. He didn't expect it to be this female star. He thought about how he had saved her stills and used them to comfort himself late at night.

"Sir, sir, what should we do now?"Wang Zhengyang asked nervously. Zhang

Qingyuan came back to his senses and said,"Well, it's probably useless to call the police for this kind of thing. Anyway, I have eliminated the little ghost for you, and I can't find out the culprit behind the scenes. I guess you don't need me to teach you what to do next." He stopped talking and Wang Zhengyang immediately understood and said,"I understand. Sir, you really don't need to worry about what happens next. Our Wang family will handle it."

"Well, since everything is fine, I will go back to the underworld first. If there is anything else, just send me a private message on Douyin. Then, for the 10 million, you can contact this person, Northeast Meng Miao, and ask her to burn it. Take out 500,000 of it and give it to this person, Northwest Tiger Brother. You can contact him yourself."

After all, Northwest Tiger Brother gave him 350,000 last time. Zhang Qingyuan is not a person who forgets his roots, so he will naturally pay it back.

In the live broadcast room, Northwest Tiger Brother heard this and was so moved that he almost cried... Finally, he doesn't have to eat instant noodles anymore. Brother Tiger, I'm so miserable!

After explaining these things, Zhang Qingyuan took out a black long incense stick,���This is the thing that summons the ferryman.

Otherwise, if he wants to go back to the underworld, he has to find the local city god, which is more troublesome.

"Wait, I told you about building a temple before, what are your requirements?"Wang Zhengyang asked.

Zhang Qingyuan was stunned for a moment. He thought the other party was joking, but he didn't expect it to be serious.

After all, for such a thing as building a temple, those who are qualified are all famous people in history. Guan Yu, Yue Fei, and Zhong Kui are the evidence. They are all officially canonized and have great reputation among the people. How can he, a small Kuaidou anchor, be eligible?

Hesitant for a while, Zhang Qingyuan expressed his concerns:"This kind of thing, it is probably useless to build it. I am not Yue Fei or Guan Yu. How can anyone come to worship me."

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhengyang waved his hand and said:"Sir, you are too modest. We Daxia people worship gods for efficacy. If it is not effective, no matter what God or Buddha you are, you will be scolded. Sir, you helped me solve such a big crisis. Millions of people are watching in the live broadcast room. I guess the whole Daxia will know it after fermentation. Do you still worry about not having a reputation?"

"By the time it becomes effective and famous, will there be a lack of incense?"

"And I'm pretty familiar with the people in the Cultural Department, so we can build a scenic spot or something.……"


Zhang Qingyuan: Tycoon! Something is wrong with you. If you keep acting like this, it's hard for me not to treat you as a brother. Come on... This is my card number. Just top up your account.

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