"Where is this?"

"You ask me, who should I ask? Did you lead me here underground?"

In the dark cave, two voices were talking, and two pairs of green eyes were looking at each other.


A firelight lit up, illuminating the figures of Zhao Jin and Zhang Qingyuan, but it was the former who had a small flame on his finger.

"Senior, can the fire be bigger? Like the whole palm!"

"Of course I can, I can also click you, that way it will be even bigger." Zhao Jin said unhappily

"That's fine. I'm still young and have good eyesight. I can see this light clearly. This is mainly for the sake of my seniors."

Zhao Jin:"……"

The two found a flat ground to sit down and rest, thinking that the evil Buddha would not chase them, as they had already run so far and they had lost sight of it.

"Boy, can you tell me now? What's wrong with that thing of yours? The Sumeru Ring and the Evil Sword? Tell me the truth, did you go to dig up someone's grave during your trip to the mortal world?" Zhao Jin stared at him and asked.

"Ahem... Look at what you said, there is a saying that money makes the world go round, right? That day when I entered the secret vault, I spent some money.……"Zhang Qingyuan briefly described what happened that day.

Zhao Jin was stunned. He had never expected such an operation. But after he came to his senses, he was so angry that he beat his feet and stamped his chest, saying that he would have to make clear arrangements for Hu Wei even if he had to empty his pockets. After calming down, Zhao Jin said shamelessly,"Well, let me see the ring. I have lived a lifetime, and I have only heard of things like the Sumeru Ring in the ancient books left by my ancestors. I have never seen it before.""

"Lost!"Zhang Qingyuan said angrily.

"What what...what does it mean that something is lost?" Zhao Jin asked with his eyes wide open.

"It means exactly what it says. I lost it when I was running away.……"Halfway through his speech, Zhang Qingyuan pointed at him with an expression of sudden enlightenment and said,"Yes, it must be you, old ghost. Just now, the Golden Light Divine Spell deliberately left a gap, allowing the Yin Qi Black Snake to snatch the Xumi Ring from my hand."

"Fuck you.……"Zhao Jin jumped up, his neck thick with anger."I didn't have time to think about this at that time. It must be you who saw the situation was not right and threw me out.……"

"No... No, no." Zhao Jin seemed to have come to his senses and stared at Zhang Qingyuan suspiciously,"It's definitely not right. You are as cunning as a ghost. Did you guess that I would ask you this question and deliberately hide the ring?"

"Bullshit!" Zhang Qingyuan also jumped up and said loudly:"Senior, if you look at me like this, it really makes me too sad. When I first came to the underworld, I didn't know anything. It was the seniors who guided me and paved the way for me to take back the human soul. Finally, you introduced me to Senior Yu Xuanji, so that I could successfully enter the Evil Suppression Department."

"Such a great favor, let alone a Sumeru Ring, even if a more precious treasure is placed in front of me, if the senior wants it, I will not say a word of no."

But I will say a word of"no"... Zhang Qingyuan silently hid half of the sentence.

The last sentence, Zhang Qingyuan almost shouted it out, decisive, righteous, and awe-inspiring...

Zhao Jin was in a trance, as if he didn't expect him to say such a"disgusting" word, but he still didn't quite believe it.

"Really lost?"

"It's really lost... Look if you don't believe me!" As he said this, Zhang Qingyuan spread out his hands, which were empty. He turned out his trouser pockets, which were cleaner than his face.

Seeing this, Zhao Jin gave up unwillingly and muttered,"It's such a waste of such a good thing. Never mind. At least I escaped. I'll just consider it a loss to avoid disaster."

"What about the Nine Yin Soul-Giving Lotus?"

"I also lost it, and put one piece in the Xumi Ring."

Zhao Jin became even angrier and scolded him from head to toe.

"Then what about your earth escape technique? Even I can't do it?" He continued to ask.

"My ancestors passed it down"

""Ancestor?" Zhao Jin suddenly became excited, grabbed his arms and asked,"Is it Master Ge Xuan?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook him off and said,"What Master Ge Xuan? It's my Zhang family's ancestor, General Tiangong, the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao. The Tiangong jade pendant I took out from the secret library contains his inheritance. This time when I went to the world of the living to deal with the little ghost, I just used it, and then I received the inheritance."

"It is the book"The Taiping Heavenly Book". You should have heard of it."

"hiss……"Zhao Jin took a breath with a bit of toothache, and the envy on his face could not be suppressed:"You guys are really lucky. You have such a shitty luck. The"Taiping Heavenly Book", if I remember correctly, was passed down by the Nanhua Patriarch."

"Although Nanhua Patriarch is not employed in the Heavenly Court, his status in our Taoism is extremely high. The disciple of Laojun's incarnation on earth is equivalent to half of his successor. When he sees Master Xuandu, he can call him"senior brother"."

"Hehe...luck, luck, what's that? Strictly speaking, my Zhang family is not bad. We are at least relatives of the Jade Emperor. After all, you can't write two Zhang characters with one stroke."

Zhang Qingyuan looked like he had gotten something for nothing, which made Zhao Jin even angrier.

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, let's get out first, this place is weird, I feel a little uneasy."

Zhang Qingyuan stood there, his expression was a little bit, hesitant,"Uh... OK, it seems not possible"

"What's the meaning?"

"I don't know what's going on in this place? You can enter but not leave. I just found out that the earth escape technique is ineffective."

""The escaping technique has failed?" Zhao Jin asked stutteringly.

Zhang Qingyuan spread his hands and said helplessly:"Although I don't want to admit it, the escaping technique has indeed failed. I am blocked by a force and cannot get out."

"It's over, it's over, it's over. You've really ruined me. Ever since I met you, I've been unlucky."Zhao Jin started to panic again. He didn't know how many times he had said"It's over" today.

"Senior, how can you say words at zero degrees with your mouth at 37 degrees? I saved your life twice today."

"I am a dead man now, how can I have a 37-degree mouth... No, I have been led astray by you again. It is already a certain time, and you are still saying such useless things. I need to find a way to get out quickly."

"The underworld is full of dangers. You never know where a terrifying thing might appear and take your life. Moreover, there are some forbidden places where there is no chance of survival. According to this situation, we are most likely in a forbidden place."

After a fit of rage, Zhao Jin managed to calm down a little and stood up to check the surroundings.

"No, no, this doesn't look like a natural cave, but rather a place that was deliberately dug out by someone, or opened up by magical powers."

As he said this, he walked to the stone wall in two or three steps and felt the black and cold stone wall with his hands.

Zhang Qingyuan took a closer look and indeed saw some grooves and lines on the stone wall, extending all the way to the depths of the cave.

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