Shen Tu was very familiar with Yu Lei's official residence, and led them directly to the secret room in the dark.

However, to their surprise, Yu Lei was already waiting there, waiting for them as if nothing had happened.

"" Thank you for your hard work, sister. That hammer of yours really broke the sky and the earth, and completely overturned an era."

After greeting Shen Tu, he looked at Zhang Qingyuan behind him and said,"Are you okay, little friend Zhang? You are the nephew of the great magician. If anything happens, we can't bear the responsibility."

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head:"It's okay, but I got to see the style of Lord Shen Tu, and the trip was worthwhile!"

Yu Lei nodded and said no more nonsense:"I used the soul clone I sacrificed with the Ten Thousand Ghosts Netherworld Flag to temporarily hold them back, and Tu Bo was also taken away by the Lord of Mount Tai. We should leave here as soon as possible without delay!"

As he said, he took down the jade scepter on the table, wrote a few words on it with his fingers, and then saw the jade scepter turned into a white stream of light and sank into the depths of time and space.

"Let's go! I have informed the great master Xuandu, he will seal Youdu soon, don't stay here for long, leave immediately!"

"Wait, how do we get there?" Zhang Qingyuan asked in confusion.

""My friend, don't move. I have prepared a teleportation formation that can take us directly away from Youdu!"

After that, a vast soul force surged out and sank into the ground of the secret room. Then a mysterious magic formation emerged and occupied the entire ground.

Every line seemed to be naturally generated, with a unique rhythm and beauty.

The scene in the secret room began to blur, and the invisible force of space tide enveloped the four people. Then the light flashed, and then shrank. The engraved formation on the ground collapsed directly, leaving no trace.


In a chaotic space, the chaotic space current was surging. Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin looked at the stream of light rushing by with a silly look on their faces. Each ray contained terrifying energy. If it weren't for the transparent bubble outside that blocked the space turbulence, the two would have farted in an instant.

"Where are Shen Tu and Yu Lei?" Zhao Jin looked around and found that there were only the two of them.

"I don't know. Just now, the light flashed, and when I reacted, it was here. So, there won't be any problems, right?"Zhang Qingyuan was also a little nervous.

Logically speaking, the two of them shouldn't cheat him. After all, the great master Xuandu reluctantly acknowledged his identity as his nephew.

""Huh? What is this... a butterfly?" Zhao Jin pointed behind him and asked in astonishment.

"What butterfly?"Zhang Qingyuan also turned his head and looked behind him. He saw a black and white butterfly standing outside the protective shield. It looked very familiar.

It seemed that he had seen it in the Shentu secret room.

Zhang Qingyuan recalled the scene at that time, but he was not sure if it was the same one. Of course, the most important thing was how did this thing get in?


A circle of ripples appeared on the protective shield. The butterfly flapped its wings and came in directly. It fluttered its not-so-flexible wings and landed on Zhang Qingyuan's shoulder.

The old and the child stared at each other, not knowing what was going on.

"Boy, can you move a little and see?"

"Dare not move, dare not move at all!" Zhang Qingyuan is not a fool. It is obvious that something is wrong. How dare he pretend to stab it easily.

After a long time, the butterfly was still on his shoulder, as if it had fallen asleep. He gradually let down his guard. He glanced at it sideways and asked cautiously:"Which immortal is this? I am Zhang Qingyuan, the nephew of the great master Xuandu, with the same surname as the Great Tianzun. I wonder who you are?"

Gaga gaga...

After waiting for a long time, a group of embarrassed black crows flew by, and the butterfly did not move at all.

""Maybe it's just an ordinary butterfly?" Zhao Jin encouraged.

Zhang Qingyuan's patience was running out, and he carefully stretched out a finger. The butterfly suddenly moved and landed on his finger, which scared him so much that he almost threw it away.

Carefully moving his finger in front of his eyes, Zhang Qingyuan looked at it carefully and said,"Well... it doesn't seem to be anything special? And it's uglier than other butterflies, and it's black? Could it be a special kind of Yin beast that followed us out by chance?"

"I don't know, you can try again." Zhao Jin was too sure.

After hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan hesitated, but still boldly stretched out a finger and poked the butterfly's wings, but there was no response.

After several attempts, he gradually became bolder.

"It seemed like there was really nothing special about it, just an ordinary butterfly."


He blew the butterfly hard on his finger, causing it to lose its balance and fall off. It then quickly flapped its wings and fluttered onto his shoulder.

"Why does this slutty butterfly keep pestering me? The old man next to her can also"

"Humph!" Zhao Jin snorted coldly.

"Go away... Go away, don't let it fall on me." Zhang Qingyuan fanned the butterfly twice, driving it away, and then it landed on his other shoulder.

"Hehe...boy, don't underestimate the things in the underworld. I see that your forehead is black and dark clouds are covering your head. I think you are going to have bad luck.……"


Before he could finish his words, a dull sound came, interrupting Zhao Jin's continuation. The space turbulence in front of him produced violent fluctuations, as if it was disturbed by something.

Before the two could react, countless blood splashed out and hit the protective shield with a crackling sound, scaring the two.

However, the matter was not over yet. The surrounding space suddenly darkened, and a scarlet and ferocious big hand with sharp claws suddenly appeared on their way, rolling towards them, as if it was a severed hand.

"This is……"

"Tu Bo's hand!"

The two men were scared and wanted to escape, but they didn't dare to leave the protective shield, otherwise they would die faster.

But if they just hit it, the result would probably not be much better.

At this moment, the butterfly flew in front of the two men, and its two soft wings flapped twice at Tu Bo's broken hand. Two black and white air currents rushed out of the protective shield, wrapped around Tu Bo's broken hand, and actually slowed down its speed, and then slowly dragged the broken hand that could only beat up a small mountain towards them.

Zhang Qingyuan was stunned with shock... This fucking butterfly is really not simple!

Thinking of his several attempts and gradually unbridled behavior just now, he couldn't help sweating on his back, and his heart was so weak.

Puff puff...

The butterfly swayed in front of his head, and he could clearly see two black eyes the size of rice grains, as if looking at Zhang Qingyuan

"Um, that... that, Senior Butterfly, I admit that I was a little arrogant just now, but please don't get me wrong. Although my last name is Zhang, I am definitely not an arrogant Zhang. My admiration for you, Senior, is like a surging river, endless.……"He didn't hesitate for a second and gave in immediately.

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