The Black Soul Cliff is located in the wilderness of the underworld, thousands of miles away from Fengdu City.

A black mountain that reaches the sky, and next to it is the Yintu Valley, which is unknown how deep and unfathomable.

Legend has it that this place leads directly to the Nine Netherworlds of the underworld. Evil creatures that caused terrible ghost disasters once crawled out of this place. The deadly Yin evil that spewed out from the deep valley from time to time shrouded this place, making countless ghosts stay away, and few dared to approach here.

Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin, two unlucky guys, were escorted by a large group of ghosts to the bottom of the Black Soul Cliff. Of course, Fan Jian and Xie Jiang could not escape and also became prisoners.

As for the group of fake Yin soldiers, they have turned back and continued to patrol the Yintu land like normal Yin soldiers, clearing some unstable factors, or finding some more dangerous ghosts that cannot be handled, they will report to the Suppression of Evil Division to send experts.

Zhao Jin was entangled in iron chains all over his body, his face was ashen, he was so unlucky that he didn't want to say anything. He just escaped from the tiger's den and fell into the wolf's den. The experience during this period was more exciting than the decades he had been in the underworld.

"Boy, if I come out with you again, I will call you the Grandmaster." He said fiercely, putting all the blame on Zhang Qingyuan, and made a solemn oath.

Zhang Qingyuan was helpless:"Senior, now you should think about how to get out of this situation. You are a Taoist senior, do you have any connections that can help you?"

"Humph, you're thinking of me now? Don't you have the same last name as the Jade Emperor? And you're the nephew of the Xuandu Master. Isn't your relationship with him stronger than mine?"


Zhang Qingyuan sighed with a sad face. The other party captured them instead of killing them on the spot. There must be some purpose. Maybe there will be a turning point. Now they can only take one step at a time.

Not long after, they finally arrived at the bottom of the Black Soul Cliff. The surroundings were filled with a thick evil aura, covering the sky and the sun. If you don’t enter it, you have no idea what’s going on inside. This is why Jianjiaozi and others chose to be here. It can greatly prevent the investigation of Fengdu City.

The machete ghost was obviously very familiar with this place. He turned around and shuttled around in the black evil fog. After a while, he saw a bone palace appearing in the fog in front of him. It was huge, like a terrible beast lurking in the evil fog. The door of the bone palace was wide open, and it was pitch black inside, like the bloody mouth of a giant beast. Just walking in front of it, you can feel a pressure coming, and your heart can't help but tighten.

""Master Xiongshen, I have already captured the two ghosts of the Wuchang clan, and also their accomplices." The machete ghost said respectfully towards the white bone hall in front.

Zhang Qingyuan denied it flatly:"I am not their accomplice, I just happened to pass by."

"Bring them in!"There was a response from the hall.

The machete ghost did not dare to delay, and quickly pulled up the iron chain and led the four people to the bone hall.

Behind Zhang Qingyuan, the broken hand was still quietly trying to unbuckle the iron chain.

But this thing was obviously not an ordinary thing. The broken hand tried for a long time, but it only helped Zhang Qingyuan to loosen it slightly.

The bone hall was right in front of them, and the machete ghost dragged them in with the chain.

The darkness in the hall surged like a living thing, turning into a big black hand, grabbing them, and then shrinking back into the hall.


The big hand loosened, and several people fell to the ground with a dull sound. There was a sound. It was very dark around and nothing could be seen clearly. He only knew that the ground under his feet was also paved with bones. There was an evil spirit that constantly invaded his soul when he stepped on it.


There was a muffled sound in the darkness, which seemed to come from above his head.

Zhang Qingyuan subconsciously looked up, and the scene in front of him instantly made his whole body tense.

A huge bone coffin was suspended in the air, emitting a glowing ghost light, shining on the roof, and densely packed skulls could be seen embedded in it, with black eye sockets staring straight down.

He didn't feel it before, but when he saw the skull, Zhang Qingyuan felt as if he was being stared at by countless pairs of eyes.

"The Impermanence Clan... Did your two ancestors arrange for you to come here? How dare they provoke me?"

A voice came from the coffin, slow and dull, as if it had its own reverberation, usually reserved for big guys.

Xie Jiang and Fan Jian were so scared that they trembled all over and knelt on the ground.

"Lord Xiong... Lord Xiongshen, yes, the Suppression Department sent us here. We don't want to offend you, but the newly appointed Deputy Chief Zuo didn't like us, so he forced us to come here." Fan Jian didn't dare to tell a lie, and explained his origins in a crying voice.

"Sir, although these two are from the Wuchang tribe, they should be minor characters. You can ask the other two who were waiting outside. They seem to be the superiors of these two Wuchang tribes. When they were running away just now, these two guys called them"Sir".’"

"Is he also from the Suppression of Evil Division, a subordinate of Zhong Kui?" Jian Jiaozi's question came from the coffin again.

"They are from the Suppression of Evil Division, but they are not here to pick them up, they are just passing by by chance."Zhang Qingyuan replied calmly

"Just passing by by chance?" Jianjiaozi seemed unconvinced:"I have been here for nearly a hundred years, and the Evil Suppression Division has known about it for a long time, but has not taken any action. Ordinary Yinchai dare not even approach the Black Soul Cliff. This time, two Wuchang people came to investigate, and two evil suppressors just happened to pass by?"

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan's heart sank instantly...According to this, even Fengdu City doesn't want to provoke this big guy in front of him. Now that he is in his hands, can he still save his life?

He forced himself to calm down and said:"I have heard of the title of Jianjiaozi, the Eastern Evil God. If Fengdu City has any plans against you, they will surely not send us a few small Yinchai to come and alert the enemy. The reason why this happened is because these two guys, relying on their status as Wuchang people, contradicted the head of the Yusi, and were arranged to come here to die. The two of us were just dragged into the water by them."

"It is not convenient for you to do it yourself, but you leave it to me. The underworld is really getting more and more corrupt now. They destroyed Youdu in the past and claimed to be the righteous way of heaven and earth, but they are not even as good as Youdu." Jianjiaozi said sarcastically.


Zhang Qingyuan's heart shuddered... Zhao Jin and I landed near the Black Soul Cliff when we came out of Youdu, and Jianjiaozi, a ghost famous in the underworld, has been entrenched in this broken place for a hundred years. Is there any connection between the two?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan tried to ask:"Sir Xiongshen, are you here to investigate Youdu as well?"

"Also?" Jian Jiaozi grasped the key point in his words, and said in a slightly urgent tone:"So you two came here for Youdu? Do you know the news of Youdu?"

Zhang Qingyuan was delighted, but his face was extremely entangled. He stammered:"I... We are also following orders from our superiors, and we don't know too much."


The bone coffin made a loud noise, and the coffin lid slowly slid out halfway, and suddenly an evil and powerful aura emerged, like a trapped beast out of a cage, suppressing everyone so much that they dared not raise their heads.

"If you tell the truth, I can consider letting you go."

I don't believe you!

Zhang Qingyuan cursed in his heart and stammered:"Senior... Is what you said true?"

"You don't believe me?" Jian Jiaozi asked back.

"Of course not." Zhang Qingyuan quickly denied, saying:"It's just that this matter involves my immediate superior. She seems to have got something. That day, I accidentally saw an eyeball made of blood jade in her grave. It was lifelike. Just when I wanted to take a closer look, I was discovered by Yu Sishou. Then she asked me to come here to investigate the situation and only told me to report to her if I found anything strange.……"

"Blood-colored eyes?" Jian Jiaozi was a little confused, as if he didn't know what this meant.

Zhang Qingyuan saw this and whispered,"I accidentally saw this in an ancient book.……‘The description of"Tubo's eyes, seeing it will lead to rebirth" seems to be related to the ancient Youdu and Tubo."

Zhao Jin was stunned as he watched him tell the story... He was really too boastful, wasn't he? He really traveled all over the world with his mouth, and it was like this in Youdu, and it was the same here. It seemed that he was going to be fooled by him again.

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