In the Yintu wilderness, Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin looked at the ghosts who had sent them out and returned to the Yinsha black fog, and they finally let go of their worries.

Now... it should be safe, right?

""Let's go, senior, let's hurry back to Fengdu!" Zhang Qingyuan couldn't wait.

He was scared, really scared. He would never leave Fengdu until he could do whatever he wanted.

The two of them turned into a shadow and ran quickly towards Fengdu City.……

"Boy, when we return to Fengdu City, it’s best not to mention anything about Youdu and the Black Soul Cliff!" Zhao Jin suddenly warned

"What do you mean?" Zhang Qingyuan asked as he hurried on his way.

"What do you think the Blood Blade meant by asking you to choose one to kill? It was to hold you hostage. If you dare to go back and disobey him, he only needs to release the other one, except for that Soul Devouring Ghost Bug. Once the Impermanence Clan knows that you killed one of their people in order to save your life, they will definitely make trouble for you!"

"So this is the purpose?"Zhang Qingyuan suddenly realized. After Zhao Jin said this, he finally understood.

"How about it, do you regret killing Xie Jiang instead of the smarter Fan Jian?" Zhao Jin asked.

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and said,"It's right to kill Xie Jiang. People with poor brains are more likely to be fooled, such as the ghosts in the underworld. If Xue Ren released Fan Jian, he would definitely come to me first to see what happened to the Soul-Eating Ghost Bug on my body. Only when he is sure that there is no hope, will he cooperate with Xue Ren and force me to do things for them."

Zhao Jin asked in confusion,"Are you sure that Xue Ren will feed him the Soul-Eating Ghost Bug? He didn't let me eat it?"

"cough……"Zhang Qingyuan looked at him strangely and said,"Senior, do you think it is possible that you are not only useless in the Blood Blade Eye, but you are also a powder keg. He didn't want any accidents to happen, so he let you go?"

Zhao Jin's face turned green, and he didn't know whether to be thankful or angry... I am a true cultivator of Zaoge Mountain, how could I have ever been insulted like this?

"Bullshit, if that's the case, then why don't you just admit that you are also from Zaoge Mountain, and claim to be the nephew of Master Xuandu, then wouldn't he let you go?" Zhao Jin asked angrily.

"Uh... If I said that, he would probably just kill us. That would be more direct and eliminate all risks."

Zhao Jin's face froze, and he immediately understood, but he couldn't let go of his old face, so he continued with a stern face:"Then how do you plan to deal with this bug?"

"Hehe... the bug was blocked outside by the Nine Yin Soul Lotus and didn't attach to my soul light." Zhang Qingyuan said with a look of relief.

Now the problem is completely solved. He just needs to be on guard against Fan Jian coming back and talking nonsense.

The blood jade eyeball was made up by him, but the ancient book is no problem. He can go back to the world of the living and find someone to make up some content, then make it look old, and turn it into a historical relic and hand it over to them.

He doesn't believe that the counterfeiting methods in the world of the living have failed many treasure appraisal experts, and a few ghosts and gods in the underworld can see the clues.

As long as he gets the ancient book over and stabilizes them, he will wait for one or two years, two or three years. He will be fully prepared. Even if Fan Jian is released and has a brain injury and is determined to go against him, he may not be afraid.

"Corrupt underworld gods, this is more suitable for me... As long as I am willing to spend money to open the way, I don't believe that I can't get a high position in a few years. When I face the Wuchang clan, who knows who is afraid of whom?"

Zhang Qingyuan secretly planned in his heart.

Anyway, the underworld money is all from the rich people in the live broadcast room. If you don't use it, it will be a waste. If you keep it in your pocket, it won't make any children. It's more practical to spend it.

Not long after coming to the underworld, he has deeply realized the universality of the truth that money makes the devil work. It's so fucking insightful.


Fengdu Town Evil Suppression Division.

As soon as Xie Jiang died, the ghost messenger on duty at the Evil Suppression Division immediately reported to Yu Xuanji.

Looking at the broken soul tablet, Yu Xuanji was not surprised. She arranged for the two to go to the Black Soul Cliff to let them die. Recently, someone from the Impermanence Clan came to her and tried to rescue them.

What surprised her was that Xie Jiang was dead, but Fan Jian was still alive!

At this time, another ghost messenger ran in and said,"Master Zuo, Deputy Chief, the soul tablets of Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin, who you asked us to pay attention to, have responded, indicating that they are still alive and there is no problem."

"Hmm? As long as they are alive, if they come back, let them come to see me!" Yu Xuanji ordered.

Last time she realized that the two were in danger, she went there in person, but she only destroyed an evil temple and Buddha statue, and did not find the two. When she came back, she heard that the soul tablets of the two had lost their response, but they were not broken, which was very strange.

She didn't know that the two unlucky guys had been trapped in the underworld at that time. Time and space were independent, cause and effect were isolated, and the soul tablets naturally could not sense it.

Two days later, in front of Fengdu City, two embarrassed figures stumbled to the city gate, and saw a long team from the city gate all the way to the underworld wilderness. The

Ox-Headed Horse-Faced Ghosts and various ghost messengers were escorting ghosts with silly faces, clear and stupid eyes, and wearing the standard white clothes of the underworld, queuing to enter the city

""What happened? Why are there so many new dead souls?"

The two were confused and were about to join the queue to enter the city. At this time, a young man in the team suddenly shouted:

""Zhang Dabing, Zhang Dabing... Are you Zhang Dabing?"

The shout immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding ghosts. The bull head holding a steel fork hit him with the fork and cursed in a muffled voice:"Shut up, who told you to shout?""

Met a fan?

Zhang Qingyuan stopped immediately, walked up and asked:"Are you my fan?"

The young man was hit and was a little���He looked at the bull head next to him in fear, not daring to speak.

The bull head glanced at him and muttered,"The evil suppression department... why are you still caring about the new ghosts?"

Although Zhang Qingyuan didn't have a good impression of the bull head, the bull head clan was also a big clan in the underworld, and he would not treat all the bull heads as enemies just because of a small matter like being cheated when he first came.

He took out a ghost coin and stuffed it in. The honest-looking bull head immediately smiled like a chrysanthemum, and happily let Zhang Qingyuan take the person aside.

"What's your name, brother?" Zhang Qingyuan asked casually.

"I… My name is Liu Chuan. I was brought here not long after I died." Liu Chuan said with a tearful expression:"My death was too sudden. You said before that I would burn money first and then fart. I was killed by the evil ghost that appeared out of nowhere."

"Did you also die from a ghost?" Zhang Qingyuan asked in astonishment. Could there be someone else who was so stubborn as to follow his example and explore the ghost village?

"Most of these were killed by ghosts."Liu Chuan pointed at the ghosts in the queue and said,"I don't know what happened, but ghosts started to appear in the world of the living. Many people on Kuaishou have taken videos of encountering ghosts. At first I didn't believe it and thought it was just to take advantage of your traffic until I encountered one myself.……"

The world of the living... is haunted?

Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin looked at each other and felt a sense of solemnity... Could it be that the Buddha had passed away and the catastrophe of the end of the law had begun to affect the world of the living?

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