There was a rustling sound...

Zhang Qingyuan's pocket was bulging, and a severed hand came out from it.

Zhao Jin couldn't help laughing and said,"Your hand is quite interesting. Maybe you can raise it as a pet.""

"Want it? It's a filial piety to the elders!" Zhang Qingyuan said speechlessly.

Zhao Jin waved his hands repeatedly, then opened the door of the tomb and went in. The severed hand standing on his shoulder also shook his body unwillingly to express his unwillingness.

Zhang Qingyuan pushed open the door of the tomb. It was as poor as before he left. There was only a bed and a table. Even thieves would cry if they came. He silently left two pieces of steel to support his brothers in distress.

Zhang Qingyuan said nothing and went directly to the broken wooden bed to lie down. He would sleep for a few days and nights first...

However, as soon as he lay down, he heard a murmur in his ear.

"Today's incense, if you are not dead, please reply to this girl immediately"


There was no doubt that it was Zhao Lingshan. After being out of touch for so many days, she had been offering incense and worshipping him every day.

As soon as the words fell, a stream of white smoke floated in from the void, swaying and drifting.���Zhang Qingyuan felt refreshed and refreshed, and his fatigue was swept away.

He silently took out his mobile phone and watched two popular online girls as usual to relieve his loneliness.

A broken hand sneakily stretched out from his shoulder, with the palm facing his mobile phone screen.

Seeing this, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but curse:"What are you looking at? You want to look at the girls with a broken hand?"……"

"No, wait... can you see my phone?"

Zhang Qingyuan was stunned for a moment. Since he came to the underworld, he never avoided people when broadcasting live, and other ghosts never saw his phone. He always thought it was a brain problem, crazy and talking to himself, and gradually got used to it.

But what about this broken hand?

"Could it be because of my soul?"

Zhang Qingyuan tried to hand over the phone and said,"Take it!" The severed hand opened its palm and directly grasped his Chrysanthemum brand phone, very steadily, and just held it and floated in front of Zhang Qingyuan.

"From this point of view, you are not completely useless, at least you can be used as a mobile phone holder."

He laughed, finally unlocking a skill of the broken hand, and in the future he can let the broken hand help him hold the mobile phone for live broadcast.

Moreover, the broken hand can fly around, and the various live broadcast angles are simply perfect, which completely freed his hands.

"Not bad……"

He became more and more satisfied, so he let the broken hand hold his phone for him, and then clicked on Kuaishou's personal homepage to see how much he earned from the last live broadcast in Youdu.

【Nickname: Zhang Dadan

Fans: 12.14 million

Followers: 12

Likes: 380 million

Withdrawable balance: 145 taels of Yin money】

"Last time it was 108 taels, now it's 145 taels. Sure enough, big scenes have an effect, and it has increased by 37 taels at once."

After checking his wallet balance, he opened his personal private messages as usual.

There were countless female fans and female anchors who posted nude photos, black stockings and beautiful legs, and JK short skirt photos. Zhang Qingyuan was dazzled by them. Unfortunately, this broken phone did not have an album function and could not save them.

In addition, there were all kinds of bold and provocative seductive words, which were very explicit.

"These female anchors, really, what can I say... Don't they know that I, Zhang Dabing, can resist anything except temptation?"

While browsing and complaining, a familiar ID came into view: Wang Zhengyang.

Wang Zhengyang: [Mr. Zhang, my son is getting better day by day. I am very grateful for your generosity. I have found Zhao Yuanshan Zhenren as you requested and asked him to help burn the 10 million. I will also give you another 5 million as a token of my appreciation.]

This message was sent on the fifth day after he helped Wang Zhengyang solve the problem. He received it when he was in Youdu, but he didn't have time to read it carefully at that time.

And ten days ago, another new message came.

Wang Zhengyang: [Mr. Zhang, the construction of the temple that I promised you last time has started. The address is chosen Qingsong Mountain near my house is not a famous mountain, but it has a good environment and is definitely worthy of you. The Cultural Department has approved your application to build a temple for you, and construction has begun. Do you have any instructions? 】

Two pictures are attached below. One is a bird's-eye view of Qingsong Mountain. The mountain is not high, but the forest is very dense. There is a hanging stream and a one-meter-wide river at the foot of the mountain. The environment is really good.

The second picture is a finished effect picture made by Wang Zhengyang. It is a small temple with ancient style and fragrance, located in the mountains and forests. A stone-paved road leads directly to the foot of the mountain, and there is a plaque hanging on the temple door:

【Qingyuan Temple】

"This old Wang is capable... He really does it when there is something he wants to do!"Zhang Qingyuan looked at the rendering very satisfied.

Damn, although I am an orphan and no one worships me, I am now a person with a temple, and I will enjoy the incense of thousands of families in the future.

After thinking about it, he replied to the other party.

"This is good. I am very satisfied. I have to trouble Boss Wang again. Don't let Daxia treat this place as an evil temple and destroy it in the future."

"In addition, the world of the living has been uneasy recently. Many ghosts have come from the underworld. They are all people who died in the world of the living. Boss Wang, please pay attention. You can ask Zhao Yuanshan for some life-saving things."

After all, this boss has invested so much money in him, so Zhang Qingyuan naturally has to show some appreciation and remind the other party.

As soon as the message was sent, the other party responded immediately.

Wang Zhengyang: [Sir, don't worry, there is no problem with the Daxia official. I will take care of it.]

Wang Zhengyang: [Sir, you mentioned the haunted thing. Some time ago, an employee of a partner of ours jumped off the building. After that, some strange things happened in the office building. I wonder when you will have time to help.] Zhang

Qingyuan thought about it and replied:"I may have to go to the world of the living to handle a case recently. If I have time, I will contact you. If it doesn't work, you can ask Zhao Yuanshan, he can also solve it."

After chatting for a while, Wang Zhengyang thanked him profusely.

After that, he continued to scroll down and found Brother Northwest Tiger. Last time he was live streaming in Youdu, this guy said he had something to do and couldn't take care of it at that time. Now is a good time to ask him.

After all, he was the one who blew 350,000 to help him burn Yin money, so he had to accept this favor.

However, after sending the message and waiting for a long time, there was no reply, and the interface also showed that Brother Northwest Tiger was not online.

I clicked on his avatar and looked at his homepage. The last video was posted four days ago. It is very unqualified for a live streamer to stop updating for such a long time.

"Did something happen to this guy?"

After thinking for a while, he found the account of Northeast Cute Cat, which showed that it was online.

Zhang Qingyuan: [Did Brother Northwest Tiger look for you these two days?]

Northeast Cute Cat: [Escaped? The message I sent you must have helped a lot!]

This guy asked as if to take credit.

Northeast Cute Cat: [That fat gangster looked for me. He sent me a message three nights ago saying that he wanted to ask for my grandfather's phone number? When I saw the reply, he was silent. I don't know what happened.】

"This guy... is there really something wrong with him?" Zhang Qingyuan was puzzled. Thinking of the ghost story in the world of the living, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

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