Why are you here again?" Yu Xuanji asked

"Senior." Zhang Qingyuan saluted and stepped forward and said,"I just received news that there seems to be evil ghosts causing trouble in Chunjiang Community of XN City in the Yang world, and many people have disappeared. Do you think this can be made into a mission for me to go there?"

Although the evil-suppressing envoy has the right to travel between the Yin and Yang, he still needs the approval of the underworld to go there, otherwise he will not have a good result if he is caught.

"Haunted?" Yu Xuanji frowned slightly, flipped a booklet from the table, and looked up after a while and said,"There haven't been a lot of dead ghosts reporting from that place recently. Where did you get the news? Is it accurate?"

"A friend of mine in the mortal world has been missing for three days. More than a dozen people from their community have also gone missing, and the law enforcement bureau in the mortal world can’t find any clues."

"No one is seen alive, no body is seen dead?"

Yu Xuanji seemed to have thought of something and said,"If what you said is true, there is really a ghost causing trouble, but the ghosts of the people who died in its hands did not report to the underworld, which means that it is very likely a powerful ghost of disaster level, and it has created a ghost den that can intercept ghosts. With your current level, you are not able to deal with such an existence."

"Disaster-level ghost?" Zhang Qingyuan's heart sank.

He knew his own situation well. He was probably only at the level of a fierce ghost, similar to the red-clothed fierce ghost from Fengmen Village who had killed him.

From a fierce ghost to a disaster-level ghost, it was a huge leap. In the Yintu wilderness, a ghost of this level was enough to rule an area. It was definitely not something he could fight against now.

"But if you really want to go, then call Zhao Jin. Although he is old and his cultivation is low, he still has a chance of winning against disaster-level ghosts."

Old and low?

I wonder if Zhao Jin will find a piece of tofu to hit himself to death after hearing such an evaluation?


Fifteen minutes later, Zhang Qingyuan arrived at Zhao Jin's grave and knocked on the door.

"That blind grandson, can't he let the old man have a rest?"Zhao Jin naturally knew who was knocking on the door, and deliberately cursed.

The door opened, and the Taoist clothes had been taken off. Zhao Jin was wearing an old-fashioned casual training clothes, just like the old man doing morning exercises in the park in the world of the living.

"Humph! I knew it was you, this unlucky and wicked boy!"

Zhao Jin let Zhang Qingyuan in with a stinky face.

"I haven't even had time to sleep when you come here. Tell me what's the matter?"

"hey-hey……"Zhang Qingyuan smiled and flattered him,"Senior, you are as vigorous as a dragon and a tiger. As a Taoist senior, you are a true master.……"

"Okay, okay.……"Zhao Jin interrupted him with a dark face:"What's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

Zhang Qingyuan didn't waste any words and simply described what happened in Chunjiang Community.

"I knew it was no good. I just came back from all this trouble and now I have to rush to the world of the living again?" Zhao Jin felt a little overwhelmed.

"Senior Yu is right. The ghost that can capture the ghost must be a disaster-level ghost. But this is just the best guess. It may be a calamity-level or even stronger ghost. Are you worried that I will live too long? You are looking for trouble like this."

"How can you say that? Senior, you are a Taoist master. Since ancient times, you have always taken it as your duty to slay demons and help the world. If you know that evil spirits are causing chaos in the world, you will naturally not sit idly by. Senior Yu must know that you have such a temper, which is why I came to you."

"Besides, this is also a task assigned by Senior Yu, who designated you to lead me to complete it. I can also get credit at that time, which is killing two birds with one stone."

Zhang Qingyuan brought up Yu Xuanji to block the old man's retreat.

Zhao Jin said with a dark face,"Damn it, now that you said so, can I still refuse?"

"When will you go to the world of the living?"


Zhao Jin asked in confusion:"Tonight? Why are you in such a hurry? At least collect some information first to see what the ghost's origins are and what its strength is. If you go there rashly, you will end up getting rid of the ghost instead of getting rid of it."

Zhang Qingyuan said helplessly:"I can't do anything about it. Tonight the Yangjian Law Enforcement Bureau will send a large number of people to search for clues about the missing persons. If we don't rush over, I'm afraid many people will die!"

"These idiots!" Zhao Jin cursed angrily:"Daxia is at least a peak dynasty. Doesn't the little emperor have an institution to deal with such things? Why is he so impulsive?"

"Daxia is different from before. You are a feudal superstitious person and should be criticized."Zhang Qingyuan said with a strange expression.

As an elite who came from a nine-year compulsory education, he was very clear about the current concept of Daxia. The feudal language of gods and ghosts had long been criticized as worthless, so naturally he would not believe in any ghosts.

Even if he had been doing live broadcasts of the underworld on Kuaishou recently, he could not shake the mainstream thinking in a short time.


As night fell, XN City was obviously not peaceful, especially near Chunjiang Community. Traffic had been controlled and long cordons had been set up.

A large number of law enforcement officers gathered here, led by the director himself, to investigate the disappearance of people in the community.

Outside, a row of media live broadcast vehicles were lined up, and some self-media anchors heard the news and came early to start the live broadcast. Many people were holding their phones to shoot at the gate. The haunted Chunjiang Community had long been a hot topic in XN City, causing panic among the people, who had long been waiting for the results of the official investigation.

In the crowd, two little yellow-haired boys squeezed in and discussed in a low voice.

"Xiao Huang, has Zhang Dabao agreed to come and rescue the boss?"

"He said he would definitely take care of it, so that should be considered an agreement, right?"Although he had just graduated from elementary school, the little yellow-haired boy felt that his ability to understand was still no problem.

Next to the two of them, a female anchor with good looks held up her phone and said

"Hey babies, I won't dance today. Xixi is here to broadcast to you a live broadcast of the haunted incident in the Chunyu Community in XN City. Today, the law enforcement bureau is going to investigate and has arranged a large number of people. They say they want to turn over every inch of the land."

"And, more importantly, Northwest Tiger also lives in this community and is currently missing. Yesterday, when Bold Brother was live streaming, Tiger's younger brother called for help, and Bold Brother also agreed to come back to save Tiger, so let us look forward to it. If Bold Brother comes tonight, Xixi will definitely find a good angle to take pictures of Bold Brother's grace for everyone."

【Xixi, what's wrong with you? You keep calling me"brother bold" left and right. Are you planning anything bad to the dog?】

【So sour... My wife calls other men brother every day】

【Xixi, wake up, the bold dog is dead, I am the most suitable for you. 】

The lsp in the live broadcast room did not forget to make a joke.

The anchor named Xixi said shyly:"Brother Bold is also very handsome, especially when he is wearing the Yincha uniform, he has a kind of cold temperament."

Zhang Qingyuan: Finally someone thinks that I am handsome, it's worth it!

The little yellow-haired boy:"Hiss... This girl is not bad!"

The gangster next to him cursed:"You son of a bitch, you don't know whether the boss is dead or alive, and you are still thinking about this woman, you have no loyalty at all... Hey, it's Xixi, it's Xixi, I finally saw my wife"


The sound of licking saliva.

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