Hello 1983

Chapter 124: He turned out to be a model worker?

  Chapter 124 He turned out to be a model worker?

   On January 15th, Bishui County No. 1 Middle School finally kicked off the prelude to the final exam.

  The students who had worked hard for a semester walked into their respective examination rooms with anxiety.

  The exam is a single table for one person. The invigilator took the test paper and walked into the classroom with steady steps. He stood behind the desk and looked around. The classroom was immediately silent.

   Soon, the invigilator's eyes fell on the first table in the first row, and his brows were slightly frowned: this place is still empty.

  The exam is about to start and the exam has not yet arrived. There must be something wrong with the attitude of this examinee.

  Zheng Xiaoxiao, who was sitting at the first table in the second row, had already noticed the empty seat next to her, but she didn't pay attention to it, but worked hard to adjust her mental state.

  As the first grader in the midterm exam, she is confident that she will continue to maintain this momentum in the final exam.

   Dang Dang Dang.

   There was a knock on the door, and the teachers and students in the classroom all cast their gazes to the door involuntarily.

  A young man stood at the door, with a dusty appearance, his chest was still heaving violently.

  Who is this, I don’t seem to have seen it in school?

  The students are a little puzzled.

"It's him!"

  Zheng Xiaoxiao's originally calm mood suddenly became a little turbulent, and he glared at the past with a bit of resentment: Stubborn donkey, does he even know that he is a student?

  Liu Qingshan hurried, and finally caught up with the exam.

  I had plenty of time, but the jeep broke down on the way and was delayed for a long time.

  When he returned to Bishui County, he hurriedly drove the jeep to the transportation company and asked Li Guoxin to help deliver Professor Wang and the others to Jiapigou, and then he ran all the way to the school.

   "Are you also an examinee?"

  The invigilator asked a question, then saw Liu Qingshan nodding, waved his hand and told him to come in.

  Finding the empty seat in the first row, Liu Qingshan took a breath, ran over in one breath just now, and ran upstairs again, running a bit fiercely.

   Then he found an embarrassing problem: he came in a hurry without any stationery.

   Fortunately, the first subject is Chinese, so all you need is a pen.

  Liu Qingshan touched it, and then his eyes lit up: Fortunately, there is an acquaintance.

  So he greeted Zheng Xiaoxiao next to him softly: "Student Zheng, do you have any spare pens, please borrow one."

  Zheng Xiaoxiao originally didn't want to deal with such a bad student with poor character and learning, but out of class friendship, he still handed over a pen expressionlessly.


  Liu Qingshan was overjoyed, took the pen and took a look, it was still pink, it’s fine, let’s use it.

  After the teacher finished handing out the test papers, he concentrated on answering the questions. He wrote smoothly and finished the composition in one breath, and then he felt sleepy.

  Last night, he tossed and tossed all night, before he knew it, he fell asleep lying on the paper.

  In the classroom, the students were all concentrating on answering the questions when they heard a strange sound. Many people looked up and couldn't help snickering: it turned out to be a slight snoring sound.

  Who is this? He still slept through the exam.

  The invigilator also frowned, walked up to Liu Qingshan, and gently pushed his shoulder.

  Liu Qingshan woke up suddenly, and smiled at the teacher embarrassedly, then wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, feeling wet on the back of his hand.

  My glorious image is completely ruined.

  Even though Liu Qingshan's psychological quality is not comparable to that of his peers, he still felt feverish on his face, and quickly lowered his head to check the test paper.

   Zheng Xiaoxiao, who was seated next to him, didn't even look this way, she was completely disappointed in this guy.

  Liu Qingshan, who was sitting, soon began to doze off again. He didn't wake up until the exam bell was over, and found that most of the students had already handed in their papers and left.

  Liu Qingshan also got up to hand in the paper, and after walking out of the classroom, he found a serious problem: the money in his pocket was all repaired, and now there is only a little over one yuan left.

  In the past few days, where can I get food and accommodation?

  I can only check with my second sister first. As for the accommodation, if there is any difficulty, I can ask the principal.

   I had lunch with my second sister Liu Yinfeng, and I also got some stationery such as squares and squares, and continued the exam in the afternoon.

   Just like this, I took the exam for two consecutive days, and at least I finished the final exam.

  After the exam, Liu Qingshan wanted to return the pen to Zheng Xiaoxiao, but he was ignored and turned away.

  Girls are narrow-minded, and the pen is not broken.

  By the way, I almost forgot that I borrowed 12 yuan from this girl for the tuition fees for the first semester and haven't paid it back yet.

  Looking at the pink pen in his hand, Liu Qingshan slapped his forehead: I haven't paid back the money, and I owe another pen. Why do I feel like I have more and more debts?

  After the exam, he can't go home immediately, because tomorrow, the county will hold a meeting to reward model workers and households with ten thousand yuan.

  There is a meeting tomorrow, and today is the time for reporting. Liu Qingshan has nothing to clean up, so he went directly to the county guest house to report.

  He is very familiar with the guest house, even more familiar than the school. The clerk in charge of reception greeted Liu Qingshan affectionately as soon as they met: "Hey, we are the future of Bishui County!"

   Attracted the attention of everyone around, Liu Qingshan has always been a low-key person, hurriedly went up to register, checked the register, and found the name of the eldest sister Liu Jinfeng.

   Instead of going to her own room, she directly found the eldest sister's room number, and then knocked on the door.

   There seemed to be no movement in the room, so Liu Qingshan yelled: "Sister, open the door!"

   After a squeak, the door opened, and a small head poked out. Then, two people inside and outside the door said in unison:

"It's you!"

  It was Zheng Xiaoxiao who opened the door, she wrinkled her nose: "You call me big sister?"

   After speaking, there was a bang, and the door was closed again.

  What's going on, you went to the wrong room?

  Liu Qingshan looked at the room number, that's right, he didn't know that Liu Jinfeng was the only woman in this 10,000-million household commendation ceremony.

  The rooms in the guest house were very tight, so Liu Jinfeng was arranged in Zheng Xiaoxiao's permanent room.


   Liu Qingshan was wondering, when he saw Liu Jinfeng walking towards the toilet with a big belly.


  Liu Qingshan hasn’t seen his family for more than ten days, but when he sees his elder sister, he feels very kind.

  The two sisters held hands and chatted. Liu Jinfeng asked about the exam first, and she was relieved knowing that there was no delay.

  Professor Wang and his old couple were driven back to Jiapigou by Li Guoxin, so she also knew the situation on his brother's side.

  Liu Qingshan asked about the situation at home, and was relieved when he learned that everything was fine.

   "Sanfenger, why don't you come in?"

  Liu Jinfeng knocked on the door, and then the door was swung open, revealing an angry face inside: "You're not finished... Sister Jinfeng, it's you, come in quickly."

   Zheng Xiaoxiao wanted to reach out to help, but Liu Jinfeng smiled and waved his hand: "It's not that precious, I still work at home."

   After finishing speaking, she pulled Liu Qingshan behind her: "Xiao Xiao, let me introduce you, this is my brother."

younger brother?

   Zheng Xiaoxiao couldn't help but blushed, she understood that she was indeed looking for his elder sister just now.

  Liu Qingshan acted like a normal person: "Sister, I don't need your introduction, we are classmates, we have known each other for a long time."

  While talking, he followed Liu Jinfeng into the room, Liu Jinfeng asked his younger brother to sit on his bed, and then smiled: "So it's such a coincidence, you are still classmates,"

   After finishing speaking, she was about to pour a cup of boiling water for her younger brother. Seeing that Liu Jinfeng was inconvenient, Zheng Xiaoxiao volunteered to pour the water, although she was reluctant in her heart.

  She still couldn't help saying: "Although we are classmates, we haven't attended a single class in the same class. Sister Jinfeng, your younger brother..."

Liu Jinfeng quickly took over the conversation: "Principal Xu specially approved this to teach my younger brother to study at home. My younger brother, if possible, set up a greenhouse in the village, raised pigs, and went to Spring City to receive foreign guests. This is not the day when he came back just after the exam. "

  The elder sister praised her younger brother sincerely, and Liu Jinfeng was indeed proud of this younger brother.

So this is ah.

  Zheng Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of a lot of things. It seems that he was a little bit wrong before.

  She glanced at Liu Qingshan secretly, and saw that he was drinking water from a white porcelain jar, so she quickly looked away and blinked a few times: But self-study at home, can you learn it?

   At this time, there was a waiter outside calling for dinner, and the three of them went out together. Zheng Xiaoxiao was a little puzzled: Does the guest house still entertain family members with ten thousand yuan households?

  Dinner is quite hearty, with eight dishes and one soup, with fish and meat, which can be regarded as an invisible reward for model workers and million-dollar households.

  Liu Qingshan was eating in the cafeteria of No. 1 Middle School these two days, and he was really hungry. Seeing that there was a large pot of sheep bones on the table, he couldn't help but twitch his index finger.

  He first picked up a lamb chop for the eldest sister. The lamb is tender, fat and thin, and looks very appetizing. If it is dipped in leek flowers, it will definitely be enjoyable.

   Then I looked at it, and picked up another one for Zheng Xiaoxiao who was sitting next to the elder sister. I was about to make a whole piece of sheep and scorpion to enjoy myself, when I felt that someone patted my shoulder from behind.

   Looking back, it was a big rosacea, Liu Qingshan was also happy: "Uncle Li, long time no see."

   It was Li, the boss of the winery who came here. Not only him, but another person beside him was also looking at Liu Qingshan cheerfully, and stretched out his hand to straighten the hair below to support the middle ground.

   "Uncle Guo, hello."

  Seeing that it was Guo, the director of the flax factory, Liu Qingshan also greeted him warmly. Because of the Canton Fair, these two have a close relationship with him.

   "Qingshan, go to our table. We haven't seen you for so long, so we have to be on time."

  Big Lao Li is worthy of being a winery owner, and he will drink as soon as they meet.

  Liu Qingshan saw that it was not good, and quickly introduced: "Uncle Li, Uncle Guo, this is my sister Liu Jinfeng, who came to participate in the 10,000-million-dollar household commendation meeting. I will accompany my sister at this table."

   "Your family, if you don't look up and look down, why should you accompany me?"

  Big old Li couldn't help but dragged Liu Qingshan away, and he still wanted to learn from Liu Qingshan.

   On the contrary, Director Guo nodded towards Liu Jinfeng, and even felt a little envious in his heart: the elder sister is a millionaire, and the younger brother is a model worker. Look at this family.

"Drink less!"

   Liu Jinfeng told his younger brother, and then muttered: "When men get together, they like to drink."

  Zheng Xiaoxiao couldn't help it, and asked out the doubts in her heart: "Sister Jinfeng, stubborn... How does your brother know those model workers? He seems to be quite familiar."

  Liu Jinfeng immediately showed a bright smile on his face: "My brother is also a model worker!"

  What, model worker, the stubborn donkey is actually a model worker?

  Zheng Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that there seemed to be a lot of things she didn't know.

  (end of this chapter)

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