Hello 1983

Chapter 127: Catch the market

  Chapter 127 Catch up with the big set

   Having a full meal, Liu Qingshan felt that it was still a meal at home, which was comfortable to eat and nourished.

  Because it was a holiday, the fourth and fifth children ran out to play after eating. A large group of children, 20 to 30 people, didn't think it was cold, so they ran wildly outside.

   As soon as Liu Qingshan went out, he saw the Great Liberation pulling a carload of people into the village. Under the people were big and small bags of goods.

  Since the freight came back in the year, Jiapigou has organized a special team to go to the market. There are men and women. The owner of the car and Da Zhang Luo are the leaders.

   Waiting for the people in the car to get off, Liu Qingshan took a look, good guy, everyone was covered tightly, like a cotton bag.

   "Qingshan is back, haha, Qingshan, your idea of ​​going to the market to sell new year's goods is really amazing!"

  The owner of the car wore a big dog fur hat, which completely covered his face, leaving only his big mouth for laughing.

   This is a taste of making money.

  Liu Qingshan followed them into the team headquarters. This group of people had to reconcile accounts first, and then went back to their respective homes.

   Anyway, going to the market is rewarded, so you can take a bite at noon, otherwise, the less food you have in your stomach, the colder you will be.

  After they finished their accounts, they sold a total of more than 500 yuan today, and the profit was nearly half.

   That’s quite a lot. Calculated, in the past 20 days, I can earn thousands of dollars. No wonder everyone is so active.

   "Uncle Boss, what market is it tomorrow, let's go for a walk too."

   It's not that Liu Qingshan likes to join in the fun, the main reason is that he wants to take his family to the market in a jeep, especially the fourth and fifth children, who are looking forward to going to the market.

   "Tomorrow belongs to our own commune, and we will go there on a sledge."

  The boss uncle replied, and then remembered a few things, so he talked to Liu Qingshan:

   "The money for buying fish in the reservoir has been repaid. These fish have repaid a loan of 10,000 yuan, and there is less than 200 yuan in interest. There are still more than 1,500 yuan left."

   This should be the largest income Jiapigou has received since the establishment of the cooperative.

   After repaying the loan, everyone seemed to have gone to Mount Tai, and they went into battle lightly and with more energy.

   While chatting, the old party secretary and captain Zhang also came, and everyone was thinking about the income from going to the market every day.

  Everyone is gathered together, just in time to arrange the main tasks of the previous few years.

  The old branch secretary took out a small notebook and put on reading glasses: "Qingshan, you came back just in time. When will we get the second harvest of vegetables?"

   "The scheduled twenty-fourth of the twelfth lunar month will arrive, and the car will be loaded overnight."

  Liu Qingshan has made an appointment with Section Chief Hao, because he played a key role in the negotiation, and the auto factory will strongly support him both public and private.

  The old branch secretary nodded, and then looked at the little book: "Did you even take the pork back together?"

  Before the Chinese New Year, the fattening pigs on the pig farm can finally be sold, which will also be another big income for the cooperative.

   "That's right, it's the nineteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and it's only a few days away. Where are the two hundred big fat pigs? Can we kill them?"

   Each family has to work for a whole day to kill a New Year pig, let alone kill so many.

  Captain Zhang happily took over the conversation:

   "As for the knife job, others can't do it. You have to be a commander. Everyone can handle the rest. We have a lot of people, so if we divide up a few more groups, we can drive them out no matter what."

  Dashuai Zhang is also here. Hearing this, he laughed loudly: "My job is the easiest. You guys line up all 200 pigs. I'll go through them one by one and take them all away!"

   After speaking, he saw Zhang Ganzi laughing and laughing, and Zhang Dashuai also gestured towards Zhang Ganzi:

   "Gaozi, stay away when the time comes. If I become red-eyed, I will stab you too."

   "Marshal Zhang, you have slaughtered all the big fat pigs that we have worked so hard to serve. I will fight you today to avenge my brothers!

  Zhang Ganzi also rolled up his sleeves, and put on a desperate posture, which made everyone laugh.

  Although Zhang Ganzi’s words were meant as a joke, they also represent a part of his heart:

  I fight with those pigs every day, can I have no feelings at all?

  Captain Zhang patted Zhang Ganzi on the shoulder: "Gaozi really worked hard, so let's do it, when the time comes, I will give you two more suet and a pair of heads and hooves, so that you can have a good year.

  The reason why you have to kill pigs yourself is to save some of these odds and ends.

  Let’s not talk about suet, it’s definitely a hot commodity. Every family has to boil a pot in winter and eat it for a year.

  The pig's head, four pig's trotters, and one pig's tail, all of these add up to nearly twenty catties. At that time, the family will share a set, and adults and children can satisfy their cravings.

   There are also hearts, livers, lungs, intestines and stomachs, which together are called a pair of lanterns, and they are also good things to tidy up.

   Zhang Ganzi smiled happily when he heard it: "There are so many good things, my brother is alone, and I can't eat until February 2, just in time to finish eating the pig's feet."

   "Yes, yours is exactly the same as Zhu Bajie gnawing on pig's claws. They are all self-inflicted flesh and blood."

  The owner of the car started to make fun of the pole again.

   Zhang Ganzi is not easy to provoke: "Believe it or not, I will lead my group of brothers to knock down your house right now."

   After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, as if commanding thousands of troops, and roared:

   "Brothers, go!"

  Laughing and laughing, they decided on a few important things, and those who went to the market went home for dinner, and most of the rest went to Liu Shikui's house, thinking about watching TV.

  The next day, before dawn, Liu Qingshan set off up the mountain, trotting all the way, galloping briskly in the snow.

  After several months of martial arts practice, he can obviously feel that his physical fitness has been greatly enhanced.

   Originally an hour’s journey, now it’s only a little over half an hour, and we’ve arrived at Master’s wooden house.

  Liu Qingshan handed the box in his hand to the mute grandpa. This is a radio, which he dedicated to honor Master.

  Open the box, take out the radio inside, plug in the battery, the teacher and father learn to tune the station.

  Hearing the voice of the announcer broadcasting the news from the electric box, the smile on the face of the dumb grandpa became more loving.

   After practicing boxing with his master on the mountain, Liu Qingshan went down the mountain to go home. Today, he will take his family to the market.

   It was a big deal when we were having breakfast. Except for the eldest sister and brother-in-law, the rest of the people were all eager to go.

  Even grandparents and Professor Wang and Grandma Wang enthusiastically said that they would go for a stroll.

   Well, with so many people, the jeep will definitely not be able to fit, so let’s just drive a big carriage.

  Go to the uncle’s house, put on his big carriage, Liu Shikui holds the whip, and the cart is full of people, going straight to Qingshan Commune.

  A small sledge was tied to the back of the carriage, a few meters away from the sledge, Sifenger and Wufenger, two little guys, sat on the small sledge happily.

  He was still humming the song Yang Hongying taught them: "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells..."

  The cheerful children's voice cut through the ice and snow, which is really suitable for the occasion.

  The scenery along the way today is also exceptionally beautiful. Last night, a tree fell and hung, and the whole world turned into a silvery white, like a world of ice and snow.

  Tree hanging is a very peculiar natural phenomenon in the local area, and its scientific name is rime.

  This is because the temperature suddenly warms up in winter, the air humidity is high, and the water vapor in the air condenses on the surface of the object.

  Especially on the branches of trees, there is a thick layer hanging on them, one centimeter thick, just like the jade tree and viburnum, so it is called tree hanging by the common people.

   "Fourth and fifth, look, there are planes in the sky!"

  Liu Qingshan yelled fiercely, and the two little ones behind looked up.

  I saw Liu Qingshan smirked, grabbed Grandpa's big whip, and slammed it on the top of his head.

   Right above, there was a big branch of a big tree stretched out. It was twitched by the whip, and with a bang, the tree was full of trees, like a waterfall, pouring down.


  The two little guys were almost turned into snowmen.

   They were so angry that they refused to let go, and they had to drag the eldest brother and punish him to stand under a small tree. Then, the fourth brother flew up and kicked on the tree trunk.

  Huh, huh, another waterfall came down, turning Liu Qingshan into a snowman.

  It's a pity that the two little girls were too stupid to run out of the coverage of the tree hanging, so they were showered again.

  The people in the carriage looked at it and laughed.

  Professor Wang's eyes are full of envy: "Shi Kui, I'm a little jealous of you. My children are all out of town. They've been calling during Chinese New Year this year, so I can't say they will come back."

   "Old Wang, then celebrate the New Year with us."

  Liu Shikui invited to speak,

  Professor Wang laughed loudly: "Then it's settled, the New Year is still lively in rural areas."

Joyful all the way, soon came to the commune, tied the carriage to the veterinary hospital, threw a straw bag to the big horse pulling the cart, told it to chew the grain and grass in it slowly, and the rest of the people went straight to the commune. Go to the supply and marketing cooperative.

   After all, the old and the young, after riding for a long time in the carriage, Liu Qingshan first asked everyone to go to the supply and marketing cooperative house to warm up.

  The supply and marketing cooperative is almost full, as if people from ten miles and eight villages have gathered here.

  Whether it is the cloth group, the shoes and hats group, or the culture group, there are always people crowded everywhere.

   Seeing this scene, Professor Wang was also quite touched: "Everyone has spare money in their hands, and their purchasing power will naturally increase. It is better to use the household contract responsibility system."

  Liu Qingshan also nodded: It is true that at this stage, the big contract did reflect his superiority, and it also greatly encouraged the enthusiasm of the majority of farmers.

   "Brother, buy New Year pictures!"

  Little Lao Si raised his face and pointed to the rows of New Year pictures hanging on the counter.

  The New Year pictures for sample display are all pinned on the wire, colorful, and numbered on them. After you have selected them, you will directly report the number at the counter, and then the salesperson will issue an invoice for you.

   "We sell the New Year pictures ourselves, we don't need to buy them here."

  Liu Qingshan also took a look, the New Year pictures of the supply and marketing cooperatives were not as rich as they bought.

   "Sanfeng, why don't you buy some colorful paper and red paper, and write couplets and tie lanterns."

  Second sister Liu Yinfeng is skillful, and every year the work of pasting the lanterns belongs to her.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand again: "We also have these, even the newspapers pasted on the wall, so you don't need to buy them at the supply and marketing cooperative."

   "Tear cloth for Er Niang and make new clothes."

  Shan Xing took out a few dollars from her pocket, little girl, she didn't put all the money in the piggy bank, she still kept her own money.

  The child's heart moved Lin Zhi next to her,

  She patted Shan Xing's little head lightly: "Wu Feng'er, Er Niang is at the market team in our village. They bought several feet of fabric, and everyone makes a new set of clothes."

  The little fourth understood it this time, and tilted his head to look at Liu Qingshan: "Brother, we have everything there, what are you still doing in the supply and marketing cooperative?"

  The grown-ups smiled when they heard this.

  Liu Qingshan pointed towards the non-staple food group: "We still have to buy candy."

   "Buy sugar, buy sugar."

   The two little guys cheered and squeezed over there first.

  The Spring Festival has not yet arrived, but the atmosphere of the New Year is felt first in the cheers of the little dolls.

  Liu Qingshan could not help but raise the corners of his mouth, muttering softly:

   "We were poor then, but we were happy then..."

  (end of this chapter)

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