Hello 1983

Chapter 519: Not old, not small

  Chapter 519 Young, not small

  Li Xiuju opened her arms and stopped in front of Lin Zhi, her mean face was filled with a smile again:

   "His sister-in-law, who came all the way, how can he leave as soon as he wants to?"

  Although she changed her face quickly, Lin Zhi had already seen through her face, so she shook her head coldly: "Sister-in-law, we rural people are not used to living in the city."

  Liu Qingshan was even more straightforward, carrying his grandfather on his back, Lin Qingqing also packed two small bags, carried them on his arms, and held the radio in his arms, and followed behind happily.

   "Qingshan, don't go, you haven't gone to your uncle's and aunt's house yet."

  Li Xiuju hurried to stop Liu Qingshan again.

  Liu Qingshan smiled at her: "Auntie, we are small, go to your house, don't trip over the threshold."

   After finishing speaking, he went out of the house directly, and Li Xiuju didn't dare to pull her, so she stretched out her hand to grab the fourth child: "Hehe, Sifeng, right, let's go, the eldest aunt will buy you toffee."

  The little old four bared his teeth at her: "Auntie, eating sugar will cause tooth decay."

  Shan Xing added a knife to the side: "We dare not eat it, we are afraid that our conscience will be eaten by bugs!"

  This little girl, don't look at her usually sluggish, but at the critical moment, this little mouth is really like a knife.

  Li Xiuju was so choked that she couldn't speak. She wanted to put on a smiling face, but she couldn't. A face was uglier than crying.

  In the end, she could only pinch her husband severely: "Why did I find you such a useless person?"

  Liu Qingshan and the others were too lazy to watch the show, so they filed out of the house, only Lin Qingfeng saw them off behind.

   After leaving the yard, Lin Qingfeng had an apologetic face: "Little aunt, Qingshan, don't mind, my mother is like this."

  Liu Qingshan patted him on the shoulder: "Aren't we still cousins?"

  When we arrived at the entrance of the alley, there is a special hut here, which is equivalent to a public phone. An old woman guards the phone inside and is responsible for notifying the neighbors in the alley.

  Liu Qingshan called Yang Hongying's hotel. It happened that Yang Hongying came back from inspection in the morning and got through the phone smoothly.

   After explaining the situation to the elder sister, Liu Qingshan handed the microphone to Lin Qingfeng.

  Holding the phone, Lin Qingfeng was so excited that his arms trembled a little, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

  Yang Hongying's hearty laughter came from the receiver: "Qingfeng, right? I'm Yang Hongying, and you have to call me Old Sister from now on!"

   At this moment, Lin Qingfeng felt his nose was a little sour. He knew that the little aunt's family cared about family affection very much.

  It's just what my mother did, which is really chilling.

  So he also called the old lady affectionately, only to hear Yang Hongying say again: "Qingfeng, I will mention this matter to your leaders right away. We should be able to meet in the afternoon, and we will talk about it then."

  Put down the phone, Lin Qingfeng raised his eyes to look at Liu Qingshan, and said gratefully: "Qingshan, thank you for your gift!"

   "If you have time, go to our place to see grandpa. The old man still loves you as a big grandson."

  Liu Qingshan changed the topic with a smile, and left the address to Lin Qingfeng.

  Lin Qingfeng nodded vigorously, then watched Liu Qingshan and the others gradually go away...

   After finally taking two taxis, Liu Qingshan was not in a hurry to go back to the hotel, but went directly to the No. 1 Department Store.

  After entering the door, Xiao Lao Si sucked his little nose and yelled that it smelled so good. It turned out that the first floor mainly sold cosmetics, and it was considered the most high-end cosmetics counter in the country at that time.

  Liu Qingshan decided to buy a wheelchair for his grandfather first, and he can’t carry it all the time.

   Fortunately, unlike a bicycle, a wheelchair does not require a ticket, but the price is a bit expensive. It is not as complicated as a bicycle, and it costs nearly 300 yuan.

   "Qingshan, isn't this too expensive?"

  Lin Qingqing felt that the price was a little unacceptable. She would not be able to earn a wheelchair for a year without eating or drinking.

  Liu Qingshan looked at the trademark, the one produced in Yangcheng is still a joint venture with Hong Kong Island.

  In fact, this thing is not complicated at all. It can be produced by ordinary small machinery factories, and the cost is lower than that of bicycles.

   It is only limited by vision and thinking, and no one does it.

   "If we need it, it's worth it."

  Of course Liu Qingshan doesn't care about this small amount of money. When going out, grandpa still has to bring the original small wooden cart, but Liu Qingshan didn't agree to him.

  Because when he saw the little wooden cart, he thought of those people in later generations who sat on it and begged, and didn't know whether it was a real disability or a fake disability.

  Pay the ticket and pay, and the wheelchair can be used immediately. He gently put his grandfather on the seat, and the old man was also happy from ear to ear, chanting:

   "This is better, but it's too expensive. You can buy two bicycles."

  Lin Zhi pushed the wheelchair with a smile on the back: "Father, when your legs get better and you can ride a bicycle, I'll give you another bicycle."

  Grandpa nodded vigorously, looking at life, he was full of hope again.

  Lin Qingqing was also happy to see that the family became better and better when the little aunt came, of course she was happy.

  While passing by the watch counter, Lin Zhi stopped and chose a women's Kun watch: "Qingqing, do you like it?"

   "Mine? No, no." Lin Qingqing blushed and waved her hands repeatedly.

  Lin Zhi looked at her lovingly: "A pretty big girl, she doesn't know how to dress herself up."

   While she was talking, the youngest and fourth child had already picked up the watch, helped her cousin put it on her wrist, and said with a smile: "Sister Qingqing, if you don't want it, just give it to me."

  Lin Zhi asked Liu Qingshan and the others to buy sweets and snacks, while she led Lin Qingqing to buy some clothes.

  A girl who looks so good-looking is still wearing an old shirt and blue trousers, so how can it happen?

  In front of the candy counter, Liu Qingshan began to buy toffee, dozens of varieties, and each one came by a catty first.

   "Xiao Shanzi, do you buy so much?" Grandpa was a little confused.

  The little fourth said to him: "Grandpa, this is distributed to each family in the village. There are more than 30 families in total."

  Grandpa was a little bewildered, he was a little confused: it is reasonable to go out and bring something to relatives and friends, how can the whole village send it?

  It is not easy to bring other things, so Liu Qingshan decided to bring back some toffee for everyone, which is also a specialty of Hujiang.

  After they weighed the toffees one by one, Lin Zhi and the others came back.

  Liu Qingshan and the others suddenly had a bright feeling: Lin Qingqing was wearing a blue dress with a scarf wrapped around her neck, which just covered the birthmark.

  I put on leather sandals under my feet, looking slim and radiant, as if I just walked out of a movie.

   I don’t know if it’s because I’m not used to wearing this new dress, or because I’m excited because I’m wearing such a beautiful dress for the first time. In short, my face is red and more beautiful.

  Especially her temperament, which is really special, with a bit of stubbornness in the purity, very attractive.

  Liu Qingshan is considered well-informed, so he couldn't help but secretly nodded in admiration.

   "Wow, Miss Qingqing, hello, you are amazing!"

  The fourth child felt that using words such as beautiful and beautiful was obviously not enough to express her feelings, so in the end she even used the words "mighty".

  Grandpa also watched cheerfully, but as he watched, tears fell down: "This girl is delaying me, an old trash!"

  Lin Zhi hurried forward to comfort her softly: "Abba, Qingqing is fine now, she has a kind heart and a tough temper, which is more important than external beauty."

  Even Liu Qingshan next to him nodded, admitting that what his mother said made sense.

   And he also felt the obvious change in his mother: it seemed that the whole person was no longer lonely all of a sudden.

  The little fourth and the fifth also circled around the cousin for a while, and the two of them got together to study it together, and the little fourth decided: Sister Qingqing still lacked some jewelry.

  For example, everyone has the Hongshan ancient jade, if it is worn on Sister Qingqing's fair skin, it will definitely be more beautiful.

  Shan Xing thinks that it is not enough now, if the dumb grandpa can remove the birthmark on Sister Qingqing's neck, then there will be no problem at all.

  Liu Qingshan looked at them cheerfully: These two little girls now know how to be beautiful.

   After some shopping, I had lunch outside before going back to the hotel.

   As a result, two taxis were stopped, but they refused to take them. The main reason was that the big wheelchair was too in the way and couldn't fit in the taxi.

  Pushing them back, the journey was too far, so there was nothing they could do, so they had to find a nearby hotel to stay overnight, and they planned to go home tomorrow.

   After grandpa and the others settled down, Liu Qingshan went back to the original hotel to check out, and there were still some things that needed to be packed.

  The fourth and fifth children couldn't stay idle, and they insisted on following them. Anyway, they were taking the car, so Liu Qingshan led the two little guys.

   As a result, after walking for a while in the car, the fourth and fifth children sitting in the back suddenly yelled:

   "Uncle driver, stop quickly, stop!"

   The driver was so scared that he pulled over and stopped, thinking that the two little girls were about to go to the bathroom and couldn't hold back.

  I saw two little girls get out of the car directly, and both reached out and pointed to a building by the road.

  Liu Qingshan understood at a glance, it turned out that there was an art film studio, no wonder the two girls were so excited.

   "Comrade, are you still going?" The driver was also a little anxious.

  Looking at the longing in the eyes of the two little girls, Liu Qingshan calculated the fare first, to see if he could go in for a visit.

   As a result, when I reached the gate, I was immediately stopped by the staff. Of course, idlers are not allowed to enter here.

  Liu Qingshan has no choice but to show his hands to the fourth and fifth. Even if his title of chairman of the unified food company is revealed here, it is not easy to use.

  The youngest and fourth did not give up, and gritted their teeth with the guard: "Uncle, just let us in, we don't want to make trouble, just want to see how cartoons are made?"

  The doorman was also very helpless: "Children, no, we also have regulations. If every child wants to come and have a look, we don't have to work, right?"

   "But, we..." Xiao Laosi blinked his big eyes, suddenly had an idea, and immediately became confident:

   "Uncle, we are here by invitation!"

  The doorman was also happy: "Then show me your invitation letter?"

Of course there is no invitation letter, but the fourth child is like reciting a text, and the little mouth starts to mutter: "Thank you, Caifeng and Shanxing, for your valuable advice. Our production team has adopted it, and you are welcome to come to the art department if you have the opportunity. factory."

   "Hee hee, this is Hulu Brothers animation director Hu, who wrote us a reply, we came in a hurry, and forgot to bring that letter."

  The doorman listened to what she said. After all, the animation of Calabash Baby has not been finished yet, and most people don't know about it.

  And if the little guy can say Director Hu, it is probably true.

  Shan Xing also added: "Uncle, we made suggestions to the director. There are seven marks on the foreheads of the seven gourd babies, and they were adopted."

  The guard slapped his head: "Oh, I've heard about this. It turns out that those two children are you, please come in quickly."

oh! The old four and five cheered in unison.

  Liu Qingshan didn't feel it was funny either: Today I've got the favor of two little girls.

  The guard also called Director Hu to inform him of the matter.

   Not long after, a middle-aged man in his early forties came out, and the guard quickly reminded: "This is Director Hu from the paper-cutting department."

   "Hello, Uncle Hu!"

  The fourth and fifth saluted quickly.

  Director Hu also had a cheerful face: "You are two children, Caifeng and Shanxing, right? Welcome!"

  Liu Qingshan also stepped forward to say hello: "Director Hu, I have caused you trouble."

   "No trouble no trouble."

   Director Hu waved his hand: "Thanks to these two children, I have to thank you."

  After speaking, he shook hands with the fourth and fifth children very seriously, which was quite formal.

  Watching Director Hu walking towards the factory holding one in each hand, the corners of Liu Qingshan's mouth also slightly raised: As expected of a cartoon director, he has a childlike innocence.

   When I came to the office of the paper-cutting department, the room was in a mess, and many people were busy there.

   This animation has been completed and is in post-production.

  Director Hu clapped his hands and said loudly: "Comrades, welcome to our two little designers, students Caifeng and Shanxing. The logo of Calabash Baby is a good idea they came up with!"

  Everyone in the office stopped what they were doing and really clapped their hands, everyone had a sincere smile on their faces.

   It made the fourth and fifth members feel a little embarrassed, and kept saluting the team.

   "Little guy, you guys have made me miserable." A man wearing reading glasses came over and even stretched out his hand to pull the braid of the antenna of the fourth child.


  Xiao Laosi blinked his big eyes in surprise.

  Then I heard the old man say: "It turns out that in order to save money, the seven calabash dolls are exactly the same, except for the different colors."

   "As a result, if you do this, we have to draw seven, which increases the workload and costs. What do you think should be done?"

   Only then did the fourth and fifth children know that the old man was joking with them.

  The little fourth child smiled and said, "Grandpa, why don't we give you more money."

   "Oh, how much do you add, give it to me now, I'll buy popsicles."

  This old man is also an old child, looking at the four and five cute children, he is here to tease the children.

   There was a lot of laughter in the office. They thought, how much money the little girl can give, isn't it just to buy a popsicle.

  The fourth little one grinned again, and said generously: "Shan Xing and I combined, we can get hundreds of thousands, if not enough, there is my elder brother."

  The office was instantly quiet, and everyone stared blankly at the two little girls.

   "You are young and your tone is not small. You know how much hundreds of thousands are. We only spent a total of more than a hundred thousand yuan for this cartoon." The old man pretended to be the fourth child to brag.

   But Liu Qingshan was moved when he heard it: Maybe, we can really seek cooperation.

  (end of this chapter)

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