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Chapter 525: Let's also build a film and television city

  Chapter 525 Let’s build a film and television city too

  Wang Daniu said quickly: "When my family was young and old, I asked for it from the Taoist priest of Zhenwu Temple. Our village is called Zhenwu Temple Village."

  Master Lu smacked his lips: "It's not of much value, it's just a blessing thing, it's a kind of folk custom, how about giving you ten dollars?"

   This is really not because he deliberately lowered the price. According to the value of Iron Gossip, five yuan is not worth it.

  Master Lu mainly wanted to use this object to show the villagers that they really received things.


   Village Chief Wang beamed happily, took a card of unity from the old hat, and then winked at his wife:

   "Take out what's in the cabinet and ask Mr. to have a look."

   Soon, his wife came back with a small box in her arms. When she opened it, there were several silver dollars in it.

  Village Chief Wang said cheerfully: "Someone came to collect it before, and I was not willing to sell it for five yuan a piece."

   "Okay, then I will give you ten yuan and one yuan. Then I will trouble Village Chief Wang to lead us to each house."

  Old Maoer handed over six more cards of Great Unity.

   Now, Village Chief Wang is even happier, nodding all the time: "Then I'll give you the box to keep it in."

  Master Lu immediately beamed with joy when he heard it. He had been looking at this lacquer box just now, and it was much more valuable than Yuan Datou inside.

   It seems that this trip was not in vain, the lacquer box alone is worth the fare.

  Uncle Lu was about to put away the lacquer box quietly, but he saw a palm on the lacquer box, and then he saw Liu Qingshan looking at him with clear eyes:

   "Uncle Lu, how much is this lacquer box worth?"

  Liu Qingshan observed the words and expressions beside him, and he also got a general idea.

  Nowadays, you can earn money when you receive antiques. There is really no need to buy things from black people.

  The so-called picking up leaks depends on the object.

  Master Lu blushed unconsciously: "Three to five hundred yuan is still worth it."

  This lacquer box, in his opinion, is a top-notch lacquer red. The moiré patterns on it are gorgeous and somewhat ethereal, which is really a rare thing.

  Liu Qingshan nodded towards Lao Maoer: "Uncle Master, give me the money."


  Old Maoer gave his nephew a thumbs up, then hurriedly counted out a wad of banknotes and slapped them on Wang Daniu's hand.

  Wang Daniu also had a silly smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to pat Liu Qingshan's shoulder vigorously: "You young man is honest, you don't play tricks on us, you are a good person!"

  His wife also interjected: "To tell you the truth, a few years ago, a professor from a university was dispatched from our village to fiddle with antiques. After seeing this lacquer box, he said it was worth two hundred yuan."

   It was worth 200 a few years ago, but prices have risen in recent years, so it is reasonable to give more

  After hearing this, Liu Qingshan and the others couldn't help but look at each other: It turns out that they are not stupid, they just tried it out.

  If they really hacked other people's things, they probably wouldn't even think about leaving the village.

  Uncle Lu looked at Wang Daniu rather self-deprecatingly: "Mr. Wang, you are testing us."

   "Hey, this person is becoming more and more dishonest now, and we are also afraid of losing money."

  Cunchang Wang smiled innocently, with a hint of cunning in his smile.

  Liu Qingshan's heart moved: "Cunchang Wang, where did this thing come from? I'm afraid someone else in the village still has it?"

   "In those years of chaos, the young generals in the city demolished the Zhenwu Temple in our village. At least everyone snatched something back and hid it secretly at home."

  Village Chief Wang didn't hide anything anymore, he also knew that Liu Qingshan and his group were serious businessmen, unlike those swindlers.

   Then he said: "I will use the loudspeaker to announce in a while, if anyone is willing to sell it, I will sell it to you."

   "By the way, the loudspeaker was dismantled yesterday, old woman, go to the village and shout it."

  Seeing Village Chief Wang's daughter-in-law go out cheerfully, Master Lu couldn't help but smile: I didn't expect this trip to be really rewarding.

  He looked at Liu Qingshan again, full of admiration in his heart: Qingshan is the one who does things grandly, this is the one who makes great things happen!

   Not long after, many villagers gathered at the village head's house with their things in their arms.

  They also got the news that a box at the village head’s house sold for 500 yuan.

  In addition, the wife of the village head assured that the collectors are real and not deceiving, and everyone's enthusiasm is even higher.

  So everyone got busy, Master Lu and Lao Maoer were busy looking at the goods, and Liu Qingshan was left to pay.

  Wang Xiaobing and Cao Xiaofei are in charge of managing these old objects collected.

  The two brothers have opened their eyes: within a short while, two whole bundles of Great Unity are gone, and the third bundle has also been opened, and soon there will be only a small half left.

  There are quite a lot of old objects in this village. Master Lu said that most of them should be decorations from former temples.

   Like the red lacquered box of Village Chief Wang, it is a set, and it is very rare and rare.

  In addition, there are some incense burners, bowls and dishes, which are also objects from the early Qing Dynasty. Although they are not made by the imperial court, they are also fine products.

  The most rare thing is that an old man in the village asked his two sons to carry a statue.

  The figures in the statue look mighty and lifelike, stepping on turtles and snakes. According to Master Lu, this is the statue of Emperor Zhenwu.

  Things are good things, but they are not suitable to be kept at home, unless a new Zhenwu Temple is built for worship.

  Tell the truth to the old man, and the old man nodded again and again: "Our village got its name from the Zhenwu Temple, so I secretly carried the statue away back then."

   "Now the whole village is going to be demolished, and there is really no place to worship it, or I will give it to you."

   It made Liu Qingshan helpless, so he gave the old man 200 yuan, so let’s keep this thing for now, when the time comes to rebuild the Zhenwu Temple, just donate it.

   I have been busy for more than two hours, big and small, and bought more than 20 things. It is indeed a worthwhile trip.

  Uncle Lu still didn't give up, and asked Village Chief Wang to lead them to the ruins of Zhenwu Temple.

  Not far from the village, there is a large piece of ruins, only a few side halls, still standing there, the main hall has long been knocked down by the young generals.

   Many of the bricks, tiles and wood inside were taken away by the villagers, and they were used when they went home to repair the house.

  Although it looks dilapidated, in the eyes of Master Lu, it is still very useful.

  He sighed: "If you really want to rebuild Zhenwu Temple, most of these bricks and tiles can still be used."

  Liu Qingshan also felt that it was a pity that if it was placed here, it would be razed to the ground by bulldozers within a few days.

   But if it needs to be transported away, firstly, there is not such a big place to store it, and secondly, he is not going to practice martial arts.

   "It's a pity, the former Zhenwu Temple is effective, and everyone has a thought in their hearts. If this is completely pushed away, they will never be seen again."

  The old man carrying the statue stood in front of the ruins and sighed, with two lines of dirty tears streaming from his eyes.

  Liu Qingshan felt more in his heart: more than just a Zhenwu Temple, how many historical sites have been replaced by high-rise buildings in the wave of capital construction.

  Old Maoer's eyes suddenly lit up: "Qingshan, if we put all these things back together and find a place, maybe we can really restore Zhenwu Temple."

   After finishing speaking, he turned to Village Chief Wang: "Where has your village been relocated as a whole, can you rebuild the Zhenwu Temple at the new site?"

  Wang Daniu Kaba stared for a long time: "It's not far from here, but we rural people can't support things like building temples."

   There was no other way, and everyone shook their heads regretfully, and then returned to the village.

Liu Qingshan and the others collected a lot of goods this time, especially the statue, which couldn't be pulled by a car at all, so they had to hire another big Jiefang to take it back to the old house in Shijia Hutong, and put it there first. .

   When I finished my busy work and returned home, it was almost dark.

   This trip was not a small harvest, all the treasures were sent to the temporary treasure room, and only Master Lu, Lao Maoer and Liu Qingshan were left in the room.

  Master Lu opened his mouth and said: "Qingshan, when buildings like temples or ancient pagodas are built, they usually have underground palaces, and the treasures placed there are mostly good things."

   "I think that the main hall was directly collapsed. Obviously, the underground palace below has not been excavated yet. I don't know if there are any good things."

  Old Master Uncle Maoer obviously knew this too, and kept nodding his head. During the day, he mentioned rebuilding the Zhenwu Temple, which actually implied this meaning.

   It's just that there was a lot of talk at the time, and he didn't say it clearly.

  Liu Qingshan was also deep in thought, he was not only thinking about the underground palace, but also the illusory treasure for the time being, he was thinking more far-reaching.

  The large-scale demolition of the ancient city has just kicked off. If possible, it would be a very meaningful thing to relocate more historical sites outside the city as a whole.

   It's just the expenses incurred here, not a small sum.

  As for asking the superiors for instructions, forget it. Liang Sicheng, the great architect back then, was not easy to use, let alone a small person who was soft-spoken.

  If one is not done well, it is a thankless task and a waste of energy and money.

  Liu Qingshan also fell into deep thought: How can we achieve the best of both worlds?

   It is possible to preserve such monuments without losing money, and even continue to create value.

  This difficulty is a bit high, and Liu Qingshan can't figure it out for the time being. After dinner, everyone gathered in front of the TV to watch the news.

  About eight o’clock, a feature film began to play, and Aunt Lu became happy when she saw it:

   "Wow, Dream of the Red Chamber has also started filming TV dramas. Look at this girl, how handsome she is, she is just like Lin Daiyu!"

  Liu Qingshan has been thinking about something, and he didn't pay attention to it just now. After being yelled at by Aunt Lu, he started to pay attention to the TV, which is the introduction of the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions".

  Since Journey to the West became popular, audiences are looking forward to the other classics when they will be shown on the screen, and Dream of the Red Chamber has received a lot of attention because this book is so special.

   Seeing the actor who played Lin Daiyu on TV, in ancient costume, being interviewed, Liu Qingshan was also a little stunned for a while.

   This version of The Red Chamber is absolutely classic, but it's a pity that the actors in it are too involved in the play.

   Once you enter the Red Mansion, it is a lifelong dream.

  Then the screen began to introduce again. In order to film the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions", several Grand View Gardens were built, including one in the capital.

  Seeing this, I only heard a crackling sound in the room.

  Everyone looked at Liu Qingshan, who was the one who slapped his thigh vigorously just now.

   "Haha, yes, let's build a film and television city!" Liu Qingshan waved his fist excitedly. The TV content just now gave him a lot of inspiration.

  If a decent film and television city is really built, wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds: it can not only preserve the original appearance of the relics, but also create economic benefits.

  The famous film and television cities like Hengdian later, which one is not a dazzling local business card, attracting countless crews and tourists.

  Just by selling tickets, you will get your money back.

  He briefly talked about this idea with Uncle Lu and the others, and they all shook their heads together. Lao Maoer has the closest relationship with Liu Qingshan, so he said it directly if he had something to say:

   "Xiao Shanzi, how can there be so many film and TV series? This business must be losing money."

  Based on the current production capacity of TV dramas, there are not many TV dramas a year, but who would have expected that in a few decades, all kinds of costume dramas would fail.

  Liu Qingshan made up his mind, and said: "Master, in the future, there will be more places to be demolished in the city. Old alleys, old houses, and even some places of interest will not be preserved. Do you feel distressed seeing it?"

Needless to say, for an old Beijinger like Lao Maoer, when Liu Qingshan said this, he grinned and kept muttering: "How can these hundreds of years old things be demolished as soon as they are said? "

  Uncle Lu also felt the same way. Those who play antiques, of course, care about these most.

  He thought for a while, then nodded to Liu Qingshan: "Qingshan, if you really accomplish this, it will be really a great thing to benefit and accumulate virtue."

   "But such a big project, the few of us will never be able to do it."

  Thinking about it, too, there are too many things involved: first of all, you have to choose a piece of land, and it must be large enough. If you have less funds, it will definitely not be enough.

   Then, from design to relocation, a special transportation team is required, and there must be a master who knows ancient architecture and a large number of construction workers.

  Without a few hundred people, this project will not be able to work, and it needs huge funds to back it up.

  After listening to Uncle Lu's analysis, Liu Qingshan calmed down.

   It is indeed difficult to do this, and it involves a lot of manpower and material resources. However, if you don’t do it, if he doesn’t do it, everyone will sigh a few words, so what problem can be solved?

  Things still have to be done by someone.

  Liu Qingshan is willing to try.

   In terms of financial resources, there should be no need to worry too much, he can fully support it.

   After all, such a huge complex of buildings may not necessarily be completed in ten or eight years, and it is enough to invest money one after another.

  In terms of manpower, he plans to pull up a team of antique buildings. With the rise of antique buildings in the future, there is absolutely no need to worry about running out of work.

   There is no shortage of old masters. The group who built the old house for them is completely competent. After all, they have even repaired the Forbidden City, so their craftsmanship is absolutely unquestionable.

  (end of this chapter)

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