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Chapter 543: Drinking good water leads to health! (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 543 Drinking good water leads to health! (seeking a monthly ticket)

   "Hongqi, the fair will start tomorrow, why isn't Qingshan coming?"

  In a hotel room, Secretary Wang of Bishui County was pacing back and forth in the room, a little restless.

  The room is not too spacious, and Zheng Hongqi was a little dizzy by his shaking: "Old Wang, since Qingshan promised, he will definitely come."

   "If our little lucky star doesn't come, don't I have no idea?"

   Secretary Wang murmured that the Canton Fair was very important from top to bottom, so he, the secretary, had to be in charge.

  The former Director Zhou of the Commercial Bureau, now also promoted to deputy county, also comforted him: "Secretary Wang, when did Qingshan disappoint us?"

   This is true, Secretary Wang also nodded, and then heard a knock on the door outside.

   "It doesn't mean that Cao Cao will be there soon."

  Secretary Wang happened to be at the door, and he directly opened the door.

   What I saw was the face of Company Commander Hao. This time, Company Commander Hao also brought many samples of natural soda water to the delegation from Bishui County.

   "Yo, Xiaohao, it's you."

  Secretary Wang suddenly looked disappointed.

  Captain Hao smiled: "Secretary Wang, when I went downstairs just now, I happened to meet an acquaintance, so I brought him up."

   After finishing speaking, he turned around, and a person appeared behind him. Secretary Wang slapped his thigh vigorously: "Haha, Qingshan, those who look forward to the stars and the moon, finally look forward to you!"

  Liu Qingshan blinked: "Secretary Wang, it's still afternoon. If you want to look forward to the stars and the moon, you can only do so at night."

  Secretary Wang couldn't help but pull his sleeves and dragged him into the room. Lao Zhou smiled and joked: "Old Wang, slow down, don't tear Qingshan's suit."

   After speaking, he looked up and down: "Brother Qingshan, you are too energetic!"

   "Just like you, as long as you stand behind our booth, those foreigners will definitely gather around you, and they are more popular than giant pandas."

  He and Liu Qingshan are old friends, and they were happy to meet each other, so of course they joked.

  Liu Qingshan greeted several people. He had a reunion dinner with the senior management of Longteng Company at noon, and rushed here in the afternoon.

  When he comes to the Canton Fair, he either places an order or delivers goods, and he has to work on both ends.

   Seeing Liu Qingshan coming, Secretary Wang felt at ease, and called everyone to sit down: "Qingshan, this year's Canton Fair, the province has set a target, and it must be completed."

   This obviously has an administrative color, and it is also the main reason why Liu Qingshan is unwilling to mix the system. It is too restrictive, so he asked: "Secretary Wang, what is the index for our county?"

  Secretary Wang stretched out a slap: "500,000, or US dollars."

  Old Zhou added: "This is more than the city. Who is our county? The results in the past few years are too impressive."

   Zheng Hongqi also looked worried: "Qingshan, compared with previous years, the economy of the county has declined in recent years, so it is a bit difficult to complete this indicator."

   Now it is in the transition stage from a planned economy to a market economy, and the big waves wash away the sand. This situation is nothing more than normal.

  The pillar industries of Bishui County, besides the carrot juice factory, are the instant noodle factory and the ham sausage factory, but the products of these companies are not allowed to participate in the Canton Fair, and the county has nothing to do.

   Of course, Liu Qingshan cannot stop this general trend, but he is still very confident in the indicators of Bishui County:

   "Several leaders, put your heart in your stomach. Even if those foreign businessmen don't order, in the end, Longteng Company will guarantee the completion of the task."

   "Longteng Company?"

   Neither Secretary Wang nor Lao Zhou knew about Liu Qingshan's company, only Zheng Hongqi's eyes lit up.

  Liu Qingshan simply explained, and Secretary Wang and Lao Zhou were taken aback when they heard it. They looked at Liu Qingshan as if they were looking at a monster.

   After a long time, Lao Zhou sighed: "Brother Qingshan, your business has gone abroad."

   After finishing speaking, he shook his head again: "We people are really watching the sky from a well."

  The huge gap made Lao Zhou, a cadre who has been engaged in economics and trade, feel a lot of emotion.

   "We are just an attempt. Whether we can succeed or not still needs to be tested by practice." Of course, Liu Qingshan also needs to be modest.

   "It's still you young people who are courageous and enterprising. Old Zhou, we are all old."

  Secretary Wang is actually less than fifty, but he was also hit by Liu Qingshan.

  Lao Zhou was still thinking about it, and soon laughed hehehe: "Old Wang, aren't we uncomfortable on our own, well, how can we compare with Qingshan!"

  Secretary Wang also laughed out loud, even saying this made sense.

  After chatting and laughing for a while, Liu Qingshan asked Zheng Hongqi for the product list of Bishui County.

   After reading it from the beginning to the end, he knew it in his mind: It seems that Longteng Company is not needed to cover the bottom line.

  On this list, there are mountain products such as mushrooms and wild vegetables, as well as a group of artificially raised wild animals. With just these two things, it is estimated that the target can be fulfilled.

   Not to mention, Bishui County's original products such as linen and medicinal wine have already gained a certain reputation.

  Even in the catalogue, he saw a few main products of Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory, probably Zheng Hongqi helped to stuff them in.

  Nowadays, the products of pharmaceutical factories are already in short supply in China.

   Especially the quick-acting cold tablets, which have become popular all over the country since they became famous in Hujiang.

  However, Liu Qingshan and Zheng Hongqi also talked about it. Zheng Hongqi is obviously interested in promoting Chinese medicine to the world.

  Since it has been brought, let’s test the waters. Anyway, I don’t have too much hope at this stage. There is no rush for this matter, and it needs a process of cognition.

   Having made an appointment to meet at the exhibition hall tomorrow, Liu Qingshan is ready to leave, and he has to go to Victor to get some fresh air first.

  At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, and then saw Feng Shouxin from SJ City, pushing the door open and coming in.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan, Feng Shouxin was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed.

  Liu Qingshan also hurriedly stepped forward to shake hands. Feng Shouxin is now the parent officer of SJ City, and the cooperation with Liu Qingshan in the past was also very pleasant.

   "I said, why are you laughing and laughing in this room? It turns out that Qingshan is here. Now your target in Bishui County will definitely be fulfilled."

  Feng Shouxin smiled and patted Liu Qingshan on the shoulder. He also admired this young man very much.

  Just now, I walked around the houses and looked at the situation of the exhibitors in the counties and districts below. They were all gloomy. Only in this room, there were bursts of laughter, so he came to the door.

   "Uncle Feng, you are here too." Liu Qingshan gave Feng Shouxin his seat, and then sat on the edge of the bed opposite.

  Feng Shouxin shook his head: "There is no way, the province has issued a target to the city, and if you don't complete it, you will definitely be criticized."

   Sure enough, this is the case. There are layers of subordinates. If you are in it, you can only be involuntary.

  Ask about Liu Qingshan's situation at school, Feng Shouxin then said:

   "Our SJ city is originally a heavy industrial city, but compared with foreign countries, it is still lagging behind. Therefore, participating in the Canton Fair has no competitive advantage at all. It is quite difficult to complete the provincial indicators."

  Liu Qingshan didn't find it funny either: This is exactly the same as what Secretary Wang did just now.

  After complaining, Feng Shouxin turned his eyes to Liu Qingshan: "Qingshan, you must also contribute to our hometown."

  Liu Qingshan knew he couldn't escape, so he could only keep nodding his head: "I will try my best."

   As a result, the secretary Wang next to him quit, and yelled half-truthfully: "Secretary Feng, we don't bring such business grabbers."

  Finally, Liu Qingshan had to persuade him to fight: "This is not considered a business grab. The more targets Bishui County completes, the more the city will benefit. Secretary Feng, what are the total targets for our SJ city?"

  Feng Shouxin held up three fingers: "Three million is still in US dollars."

   During this period of time, he was also under a lot of pressure.

   Secretary Wang could only sigh: "It's not easy."

  Everyone in the room nodded, only Liu Qingshan thought more deeply.

  He knows that as time goes by, the gap between the north and the south will become wider and wider.

   Seeing everyone chatting in full swing, Company Commander Hao moved in a box of natural soda water, and distributed a bottle to the family.

   "This bottle looks quite delicate, but I don't know if people will spend money to buy water to drink?" Feng Shouxin looked at the mineral water bottle in his hand, and he probably felt that this thing must not be sold.

   Liu Qingshan's eyes lit up: "Yes, Brother Hao, I will send a few more people to help you tomorrow. It will be at the entrance of the venue. Everyone who enters the venue will be given a bottle of mineral water."

   This is a bit like the later XX conference to formulate drinks and the like. There is no such method now. Liu Qingshan is also the first person to eat crabs. I don’t know if it will be effective.

  Of course Company Commander Hao didn’t know the magical effect of it, so he thought about it and said: “Mr. Liu, if you give it away for free, aren’t we losing money?”

  Although there are dozens of boxes of samples brought this time, it is probably not enough for such a big event as the Canton Fair, where there are many merchants.

   "Try it first, in case it works."

  Liu Qingshan was also amused: Even now, in the future, the organizing committee will definitely have to ask you for sponsorship fees.

  Captain Hao can only nod reluctantly, he is only the executor, and Liu Qingshan is the decision maker.

   After talking for a while, Liu Qingshan left. After having dinner with Victor and the others, he returned to the hotel to rest.

  The next day was the official opening day of the Canton Fair, and the eyes of the entire Yangcheng, and even the entire Huaxia, gathered here.

  No way, the current Canton Fair is the window for the country to earn foreign exchange.

  The staff members and exhibitors at various booths were the first to enter the venue. For them, this was an arduous and important battle.

  The weather in Yangcheng is also good today, the sky is clear, and the sun began to show enthusiasm early in the morning, just like the atmosphere of the entire Canton Fair.

  It was nearly eight o'clock in the morning, and merchants from various countries were transported by taxis. Those foreigners walked to the entrances of various exhibition halls in small groups.

  The scale of the Canton Fair is getting bigger and bigger, so the number of exhibition halls is also increasing.

  However, people soon discovered that at the entrance of each exhibition hall, there were two people, with tall cardboard boxes stacked behind them, handing bottles of mineral water to the foreign businessmen.

  The weather is indeed a bit hot, so most people happily took the water bottle and said three grams of oil in their mouths.

  There are a lot of exhibition halls, so most of the people from Longteng Company are arranged to distribute water at each door.

  According to Liu Qingshan's request yesterday, everyone communicated with those foreign businessmen in English, mainly to introduce the characteristics of natural soda water and so on.

  If you find a foreign businessman who is more interested, you can pass one of the leaflets in your hand.

   This was also what Liu Qingshan asked someone to copy last night. At this time, copiers were still very scarce. It took a lot of effort to get these 200 leaflets.

  On the leaflet, there is also the report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on water quality testing.

  A group of leaders, accompanied by members of the organizing committee, were also preparing to enter the exhibition hall. When they saw someone handing out water bottles, one of the leaders from the ministry nodded in satisfaction:

   "Comrades are very thoughtful, the weather is hot, you must drink water."

  People in the organizing committee were also a little confused: It seems that this is not what we prepared?

  But in front of the leader, of course, it’s hard to explain, so I can only hum and agree, and let’s deal with it.

  Their group entered the main exhibition hall. Company Commander Hao was in charge of distributing water at the door, and Li Tie stood beside him.

  Captain Hao didn’t understand English, and Li Tie was even more taciturn, so the two of them didn’t say a word and were only responsible for sending out water.

  When the leaders passed by, they all had a bottle of water stuffed in their hands, and nothing went wrong.

  When Liu Qingshan strolled over and saw this scene, he didn't find it funny: who arranged these two people together, and how to promote it?

   So he went to the battle in person and asked the two brothers to be in charge of distributing the water, while Liu Qingshan was in charge of explaining.

  He was naturally superior in terms of language and knowledge. As a result, as he talked, more and more foreign businessmen gathered in front of him, and they all happily listened to his vernacular.

  Company Commander Hao was so busy that his forehead was sweating, especially the foreign girls standing at the front of the crowd. The perfume on their bodies was so strong that they all slapped their noses, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

   It made Company Commander Hao convinced: Lao Zhou really hit the spot, and when he went to this stop, foreigners surrounded him in black and white.

   But just being around is useless, and a bottle of water is not sold, they are all given away for free.

   "Our product, certified by an authoritative organization, is absolutely pure natural soda water, collected from deep underground without any pollution."

  Of course, Liu Qingshan will not be stage fright, and the more he speaks, the more he speaks: "Our company has only one purpose, that is, drink good water to make you healthy!"

   After speaking, he unscrewed the cap of the bottle and took a gulp.

  The people around seemed to be infected, and they all unscrewed the bottle caps and took a sip.

   If this is put in the future, maybe I think it is for some kind of sales.

   Not to mention, the refreshing soda water feels really comfortable, especially those foreigners who also have the habit of drinking soda water, and they all think this water is good.

   Suddenly someone shouted from behind the crowd: "I want to order your soda!"

  Afterwards, I saw a young lady come forward, raised the water bottle that was only half left in her hand, touched the water bottle in Liu Qingshan's hand, and said:

  “Since the explosion of the nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union, I was so scared that I didn’t dare to drink water casually, and my skin felt much shriveled.”

   Yes, why didn't I think of that!

  This sentence immediately lifted the spirits of those foreigners from the Europa continent, as if there was a shining golden road to making money, spreading out in front of their eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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