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Chapter 546: This is the man who does great things

  Chapter 546 This is the one who does great things

  Looking at the medicine box that Liu Qingshan handed over, the faces of those foreign businessmen gradually showed wry smiles: Sure enough, it is not so easy to take advantage of the cheap price.

  One of the bearded ones asked first: "Mr. Liu, our side has very strict management of drugs, and imported drugs are strictly inspected."

   "I don't know what kind of these medicines you have?"

"Of course it's traditional Chinese medicine, this one is mainly used to treat flu; this one is used for emergency treatment of heart disease, and this one is used by diabetics for conditioning. The effect of lowering blood sugar and lipids is particularly good, and it has been approved by relevant departments. "

  Liu Qingshan is like a treasure, but the faces of those foreign businessmen are getting uglier and uglier.

  The bearded man just now had a straightforward temper: "Liu, to be honest, our country prohibits the import and consumption of traditional Chinese medicine."

   "If it is Western medicine, we may still be able to find a way, but Chinese medicine is really powerless."

  These people are mainly food suppliers, and they don't specialize in pharmaceuticals, so the difficulty is indeed relatively large.

  Others also nodded one after another, expressing that the same is true for their own countries.

   Now, even Victor is more difficult to do, he spread his hands:

   "Liu, my dear friend, we really want to help you, but your request is beyond our tolerance."

  Of course, there are also a few foreign businessmen, thinking about Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, and whispering to each other:

   "If it really doesn't work, buy less medicine and destroy it directly. It's a slight increase in the cost of these wild animals."

   Make up for the losses here, this is their plan.

  Because of practicing martial arts, Liu Qingshan's ears are still very good, so of course he also heard their discussions.

  So he said with a smile: "Friends, we need to check the sales records of these medicines, and we also need to track the efficacy of patients after use."

  The medicine that Master has worked so hard to develop is thrown into the sea by you. Wouldn't that be ruined?

   Liu Qingshan would never do such a thing.

  The foreign businessmen were completely dumbfounded when they heard it, and all the joy and excitement just now were swept away.

  For them, this is an unsolvable deadlock: If there is no matching medicine here, the goods will not be supplied; while over there, medicines are not allowed to be sold. Isn't this embarrassing for them?

  This kind of situation, of course, was expected by Liu Qingshan, so he was not too disappointed:

  But Secretary Wang and Lao Zhou are in a hurry. Seeing that two million dollars are about to grow wings and fly away, what can they do?

  Old Zhou hurried to Liu Qingshan's side: "Brother Qingshan, as far as I know, your quick-acting cold tablets are in short supply in China, so don't export them yet."

  Secretary Wang also sneaked in beside him: "Yes, those foreigners don't know what to do. Let's save such a good cold medicine for our own people."

  Since the quick-acting cold tablets became famous in Hujiang, they were sold out immediately.

   For a local like Bishui County, if you want to buy two boxes, you have to ask someone to get a relationship, so you can buy a few boxes from Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory.

  Of course they don't know Liu Qingshan's plan, which is to promote traditional Chinese medicine to the world in the end.

  Liu Qingshan knows that this road is definitely arduous and long, so he needs to take it step by step slowly, so he said to those foreign businessmen:

   "Gentlemen, as far as I know, according to the regulations of various countries, Chinese patent medicines can be sold in stores that sell health care products."

   "So my request is very simple, as long as it is sold in health care stores."

  The foreign businessmen heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this. If this is the case, it will be much easier.

   Is it just a market?

  I heard that traditional Chinese medicine is very scary. In addition to bark and grass roots, there are terrible big insects.

   Anyway, they dare not buy it back and take it orally. Thinking about other compatriots, they should have the same idea, right?

  Thinking about it again, I was thinking about buying it and destroying it directly. Is there a difference whether it can be sold?

  After figuring it out, the smiles returned to the faces of these foreign businessmen, and they all started to sign letters of intent cheerfully.

  So, Bishui County's booth started to get busy again.

  Looking at the envy of the surrounding stalls, someone came to inquire about it, and they were speechless when they learned that it was another two million dollar project.

  The news spread quickly, and by the time it reached Feng Shouxin's ears, the amount had risen to five million dollars.

   This gave Feng Shouxin a big jump: for their entire Songjiang area, the quota assigned by the higher authorities was also this number.

  So I rushed over to check it out, and when I got here, I saw dozens of foreign businessmen surrounded, and they couldn't get in at all.

  Originally, there were only a dozen of Victor and the others, but foreigners also have a herd mentality, and when they saw the excitement here, they gathered together a lot.

  Especially when they heard that the wild animals for sale were artificially bred, many people became interested and wanted to get involved.

   As a result, I only found out after inquiring about it, and it has been sold out.

   This is not good, how can you just watch the banknotes fly away from your eyes.

  So someone used their brains, quietly approached Liu Qingshan, and directly raised the price by 10%.

  No one is a fool, everyone is staring at it, seeing someone fighting a price war, who is afraid of others, so they start to increase prices.

  In the blink of an eye, the price of those wild boars doubled.

   Secretary Wang and Lao Zhou were dumbfounded, and the price was rising as if they were on a rocket.

  The businessmen who followed Victor and the others all became angry and shouted loudly: "We all signed the letter of intent!"

  Latecomers don’t want it either: “The letter of intent is not a formal procurement contract, we will sign it too!”

  Where there are interests, there are disputes. This sentence is really true.

  Looking at these two groups of foreigners, they are about to fight, and they have the potential to turn the exhibition hall into a boxing ring.

  Liu Qingshan was also angry and laughed, and quickly shouted in English: "Everyone, everyone, please be quiet, can you listen to my master first!"

  The scene immediately fell silent, but the crowd quickly divided into two groups, each glaring at each other.

  When Feng Shouxin came here, he saw this kind of weird scene.

   There are also a few official staff, lying in the middle, all of them sweating profusely, looking battered.

  These staff have also participated in several sessions of the Canton Fair, and they have never experienced such a scene.

  Seeing that the situation is temporarily under control, Liu Qingshan said: "The first thing we do business is to respect the spirit of the contract. We have signed a letter of intent, so this business will not be changed."

  The previous group of people immediately showed triumphant smiles on their faces, and they all gave Liu Qingshan a thumbs up.

  They are really worried that this young man is only looking for profit, so they can only increase the price along with it.

  The people who followed were all disappointed, but they didn't give up, so no one left.

  Liu Qingshan continued: "The scale of our wild animal breeding is still expanding. When the Canton Fair next year, the number of products will definitely increase. At that time, I hope to cooperate with you again. Thank you for your support!"

  Hearing what he said, Secretary Wang, Lao Zhou and others couldn't help but feel a little lost.

  On the contrary, those foreigners admired Liu Qingshan's spirit of contract very much. They didn't know who took the lead, so they started to applaud, and soon, the applause rang out.

  Liu Qingshan did not increase the price, mainly because he hoped to have a long-term cooperation.

   After all, the impact of the power station incident will gradually weaken over time.

  If it is really a one-shot deal, it is not in line with the long-term development strategy of the breeding industry.

   After being disturbed by the group of foreign businessmen later, the favorability of the former ones for Liu Qingshan increased sharply. After all, if they were replaced by themselves, they don't know if they can withstand this temptation and test.

  As for the matching of medicines, it is even less of a problem.

  After witnessing all this, Feng Shou also felt a lot of emotion in his heart: Qingshan is really good, this is the one who does great things.

   Just at this time, another group of foreign businessmen came here in a hurry.

A young man headed by    pointed at Liu Qingshan and shouted loudly: "This is here, this is here, hello, Mountain, we meet again!"

  The bearded foreigner said angrily just now: "You are late, the goods are sold out, let's wait until next year."

  They haven't grabbed the slot yet, they just came now, to use a sentence here: the day lily is cold.

  The young man who ran over first gave Liu Qingshan a warm hug, and then he couldn't help feeling annoyed when he heard the bearded man's nagging:

   "Liu, I called you and told you to leave some of those medicines to us. This time, I specially invited some medicine distributors from our country."

   "Liu, you're not good enough for a buddy!"

  The person who came here was exactly Mr. Wilson from the American Consulate that Liu Qingshan met when he was in Hujiang.

  Because of the quick-acting cold tablets, the consulate also sent a pennant to Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory.

  Maybe it’s because I’ve lived here for a long time, and when I finally complained about Liu Qingshan, I even spoke Chinese directly.

  Liu Qingshan patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Wilson, they are buying food, this is all a misunderstanding."

  Wilson let out a long breath: "Oh, I was scared to death just now!"

   "Hehe, it's okay, Wilson, I have Musk Jiuxin Pills here."

  Liu Qingshan winked at him and joked.

  Wilson was also very happy, and he flexed his arms and showed his muscles: "I really don't need it now, but I think there must be someone who needs it."

  So he introduced the few people behind him to Liu Qingshan one by one.

  These people are all from North America. At first, after they heard Wilson's call, they all took it as a joke.

  But after hearing that even many people in the consulate had been cured of flu, they rushed here with the intention of giving it a try.

   After getting off the plane in Hujiang, I went to the consulate to confirm the matter.

   Then I became more convinced, because not only the consulates of these countries, but also the consulates of more than a dozen countries, large and small, can prove this.

  Businessmen have a very keen sense of smell, and this group of people immediately realized that this might be a major business opportunity.

  For businessmen like them, no matter what kind of Western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine you have, the medicine that can make money is the good medicine.

  So he invited Wilson to rush to Yangcheng to attend the Canton Fair.

  Liu Qingshan was shaking hands with these drug dealers, when he heard a commotion from the crowd behind him, and then there was an exclamation: "Someone has fainted!"

  The crowd dispersed with a whimper, and saw that the bearded man just now was already lying on the ground. He was pale and very scary.

   "Hurry to the hospital!" Two staff members ran over and were about to carry them.

   "No, no, it looks like he's having a heart attack. Check his pocket for emergency medicine."

  An experienced drug dealer hurried up to stop the staff, and quickly took out a small bottle from the bearded man's pocket.

   Check the instructions, and immediately pour out two small white tablets and stuff them under the bearded man's tongue.

   This is a first-aid medicine such as nitroglycerin, and it is indeed for the treatment of sudden myocardial ischemia.

  In the past few minutes, the symptoms of the bearded man have not been relieved in the slightest, and he seems to be on the verge of dying.

  The staff were all in a hurry. If there was an incident of death of a foreign businessman at the venue, it would have a negative impact on the reputation of the entire Canton Fair.

   "Why don't you try our first aid medicine?"

  Liu Qingshan took down a bottle of Musk Baoxin Pill from the booth.

  However, he didn't dare to subdue the bearded man directly, but sought the opinions of those foreigners.

  Those people were not family members with beards, so naturally no one dared to argue with them. Most of them drew the cross on their chests, praying for blessings.

  A dead horse should be treated as a living horse doctor, you can't just sit and wait for death.

  Liu Qingshan didn't care about them, poured out a few small pills, asked someone to pinch the bearded man's mouth, stuffed it into his mouth, then took two small sips of water, and swallowed it.

  This Musk Baoxin Dan can be taken sublingually or swallowed.

  At this moment, the bearded man's mouth was dry, so he simply took it directly.

   "Qingshan, maybe you will be held responsible for this?"

  After Liu Qingshan finished his busy work, Zheng Hongqi pulled him aside, complaining softly, of course, the main thing was concern.

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "It's okay, anyway, I'm a student now."

  Looking at his calm appearance, Zheng Hongqi couldn't say anything more, those of them who were in the mixed system didn't dare to reach out just now.

  From this point of view, he is really inferior to Liu Qingshan, he is selfless and generous.

   "Wake up, wake up!" A pleasantly surprised voice came from the side.

   I saw that the bearded man had opened his eyes and was looking around blankly. Although he looked a little weak, his life was definitely safe.

   All around, there was a burst of cheers, human life is precious, and no one wants to lose a fresh life right in front of their own eyes.

   It took a few more minutes before the bearded man was supported to sit up, took the small medicine bottle handed over by someone, and the bearded man gently kissed it on his mouth:

   "Old man, thank you for saving my life!"

  The pharmacist coughed: "Dude, I stuffed two tablets of this emergency medicine into your mouth just now, but unfortunately it didn't work."

   "Then I..." The bearded man couldn't help being puzzled.

  The pharmacist took another small bottle and waved it in front of his eyes: "It was this Mr. Liu who gave you this medicine and you became sober."

  The bearded man froze for a moment, then grabbed the small medicine bottle and held it tightly in his palm. Seeing that, he couldn't bear to let go anymore.

   "You haven't paid yet."

  Li Tieniu grumbled in dissatisfaction.

  (end of this chapter)

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